A button for reporting irrelevant in a popup when selecting something directly on map
When there is reported something like Police for example, that is not there anymore, there are only two things that can be done. Searching for the particular report in the list or adding a comment. Any of these are dangerous while driving.
When selecting a report icon on map, there is a popup where is a button for comment and a button for Thanks. It would be great to pur there a thumbs down button or something like that for reporting irrelevant easily.

Great news! Responding with thumbs up or down to a report is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
I agree there should be a thumbs down option for no police
Anonymous commented
I agree. We need to remove reports tat are no longer there!
Fabio commented
This. I had a 4'' device and now a 4.7'' device (both iPhones) and the way UI is designed is prone to "fat fingers".
Since driver must be focused on the road, having to do an additional effort to try to hit the right button due to UI shortcomings seems unnecessary and eventually dangerous.Also, considering a 4.7'' screen "small" makes me wonder what is considered "normal" these days... tablets as phones?
Anonymous commented
No thumbs down- no cop either. How can this app be accurate if we cannot adjust to make accurate?
Anonymous commented
Thumbs DOWN is still needed. It’s May 2019 and there’s no reason why it should be gone. I agree with all comments to keep or add it back
Anonymous commented
In my experience, the thumbs down option availability is randomly displayed. Here one time; missing another time. Waze algorithm is a mystery. How can accurate crowdsourcing occur if we cannot report that events are no longer a factor -- i.e. road hazard, police on side of the road, stalled vehicle, etc ?
Karen commented
Agree - need a thumbs down. And what good is this forum if Waze app owners don’t respond?
Why was it taken away? -
CJ commented
I'm new to Waze. The thumbs down was there in April. Now, it's gone. So easy to indicate a cop is no longer there. Now, if I'm driving I can thumbs up or drive and comment ? Dumb decision to remove it.
Kelly commented
Surprised to see these comments from way back in 2016 and still dealing with it today (2018)! I swear the thumbs down option was there "recently" (i.e. past year or so), but now do not see it. Had the same issue as Anonymous below, 5-6 reported police and NONE were there. A response, WAZE??????
Mike commented
Separate thumbs down(left) and thumbs up (right) icons on road alerts. Difficult to press correct answer at just a glance. Better to show thumbs down (left side), alert icon (moddle) then thumbs up (right side).
Jamie Longo commented
Remove the current crossed out red map pin Icon and replace with a Red Thumbs Down Icon to indicate notification is no longer active. There is tremendous confusion for users as to what the symbols/icons mean. Having “thumbs up” for active and “thumbs down” for inactive is intuitive. I’m not sure who came up with the current use but it is not user friendly and confusing.
Anonymous commented
Just adding to the pile on. Makes no sense to remove this. I just saw 5 police notifications in one area because of aged out notifications. This app is fast on it's waze to becoming useless.
Jim commented
absolutely need this back. Need this much more than a comment as who wants to try and read while driving.
Karen commented
The thumbs down should be reinstated. It doesn't make since to leave reports active that are no longer applicable.
Anonymous commented
I too was looking for that, and can't find it. New user here. Surprised to see no response on this. I thought Waze had a fairly large following.
Tami Netzband commented
What happened to the thumbs down option? I only have 2 buttons- leave a comment or thumbs up. If the hazard is not there I want to be able to let other drivers know and did so by using the thumbs down.
bpitas commented
Totally agree - was just going to ask for this too. Add the ability to vote down a report rather than leave it on the map for extended periods of time. For example, if you go past a location with a reported speed trap, but there is definitely no speed trap there, you should be able to relay that to other users behind you. For example, someone in the Boston area was reporting a road sign with a K-band transmitter as a "speed trap" every morning even though there was no actual speed trap there.
One way to implement this enhancement would be to have "negative" votes reduce the expiration time of notifications. For example, let's say a speed trap report starts with a 1 hour expiration, and when the next user drives by, a dialog comes up and says "Speed trap reported - is there still a speed trap here - yes or no?"
If the user clicks "Yes", then add 15 minutes to the expiration. If the user clicks "No", then reduce the expiration by half an hour (or remove it). If the user doesn't click anything, then maybe reduce it by 15 minutes, although not sure on that last one - if you're on a motorcycle like me you won't be clicking anything! :-)
I think this kind of feedback will greatly increase the accuracy of reports, and will also make Waze more interactive!