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  1. How about annoucing police or traffic jams by voice instead of pop ups.


  3. Pop ups in android auto

  4. Please turn off the "You parked here" pop-up or at least give the option to disable it.

  5. Move pop-up alerts to the bottom of the screen

  6. Remove the add a picture pop up while navagatiting to a destination. It blocks the screen and is distracting.

  7. feature suggestion, pop up reports when there are traffic issues to any of the destinations on your favorites list

  8. Ability to EXIT from Alert Pop Up

  9. Safety feature to remind people not to leave kids in the car  ·  Now available

  10. Can we make inputs from the radio screen? It is distracting to have to reach for the phone to clear the pop up windows.  ·  Currently not planned

  11. How to disable trafficlight pop-ups?  ·  Now available

  12. When using Android auto to navigate to a destination, the last pop-up screen should have a time-out.

  13. On an iPhone - If I starting entering a destination to search, the message will pop up asking me to resume navigation.

  14. Id like an option to remove the direction pop ups when waze is running in the background on car play please.

  15. navigation list

  16. Déclenchement automatique de l'application lorsque la vitesse atteint au moins 30 kms avec une pop-up qui demande confirmation.

  17. Have pop ups for alerts when Waze is running in the background. Be able to customize each one.

  18. Remove pop-up "surveys" that requst interaction. Many of us live places where police will take it us for touching our phones.

  19. Android Auto notification display issue

  20. Accident alert  ·  Under consideration

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