Waze Suggestion Box
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570 results found
English Canadian Voice
Can you make an English Canadian voice available for navigation eh?
1 vote -
A cyberpunk update
A cyberpunk update with Rebecca and David voice packs or a Delamin voice pack
1 vote -
postoji li mogućnost da se selektivno biraju obavjesti, npr samo da se glasovni dio upozori na policiju i nezgode na ruti
1 vote -
"Celebrity Voice" - Mika Brzezinski
On Morning Joe, November 29, 2022, on MSNBC, she indicated she would love to be a navigation voice.
1 vote -
Rapper Voices
We need a Takeoff Or Pop Smoke voice to be added for the culture. Thank you for your time.
- Management
1 vote -
Improved UI for navigation & alerts sound opptions
A suggestion for an easier user operation and experience -
Currently, selecting the sound options - All, Alerts Only or None, requirs 3 clicks -
* Click the sound icon on the main display to open a pop-up window.
* Select one of the 3 sound options.
* Approve the change.Instead, the sound icon on the main display could be implemented and function as a toggle button, changing between the 3 sound options upon each click on it, and reflecting its status by a different icon display - All, Alerts Only or None
This will save the user 2…
1 vote -
1 vote
Waze.... down👎
Hello, not only is the waze app not working properly but it is also freezing my new system - redmi note 11. We are going to have to uninstall your app.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
להוסיף את רחלי באירופה
כרגע רק יעלי( לשון נקבה) זמינה בנהיגה באירופה. מן הראוי שגם יעלי( לשון זכר) תהיה זמינה.
1 vote -
Yakko Warner from Animaniacs for Waze Voice
With the recent success of Animaniacs on Hulu, I think it could be a good idea to get Yakko Warner, the most talkative of the Warner Siblings, as a voice option on the Waze app.
1 vote -
Yoʻldagi yangi oʻrnatilgan radar haqida maʼlumot kiritish funksiyasini qoʻshish kerak ilovaga.
1 vote -
Signalement vocal en français des évènements
Ne pas utiliser de mot clef vocaux phonétiquement identique. Exemple Signalé versus signaler.
Ce qui rend l'usage des commande vocale inutilisable.1 vote -
Overwatch GPS voices! Mei!
It would cool to have characters from the Overwatch series to guide you to you're destination. Mei, Cassidy, Tracer, Lucio, Widowmaker, and the rest.
1 vote -
music fade/off support for black player
As above.
I can thear what Waze is saying through my radio at the moment if I have music playing via android auto & black player1 vote -
Avoir les voix de GMK ou akramjunior . Merci à vous
Avoir la voix de GMK ou akramjunior . Merci
1 vote -
Voice/audio command instances & timing
The timing of the audible commands should be perfectly consistent. I drive a semi thru all 48 states and sometimes it seems like the audible voice command forgets or seems to pick and choose when to tell me the next instruction, and I would like to not have to mess with my phone while driving to pull the wave app back on screen if it isn't already, read the instruction, and navigate the onscreen map to see where to turn while in heavy traffic on urban roads/hwys I'm unfamiliar with trying not to miss my turn. Sometimes, it'll announce 300…
1 vote -
EA Sports Fifa french voice in Belgium
Please add EA Sports Fifa french voice in Belgium
1 vote -
השתקה אוטומטית
אפשרות להגדיר שבטווח של 5 ק"מ מהבית או מהעבודה ווייז יפסיק לתת הוראות.
נגיד נסעת בדרך שאתה לא מכיר ורציתי הנחיות קוליות, כשאתה מגיע לקרבת מקום שאתה כבר מכיר היטב זה סתם נהיה מציק, אז שמטווח מסוים זה ישתיק את עצמו1 vote -
Add SmartReading to available for choosing as audio app
Add SmartReading app to available for choosing as audio app
1 vote -
Add AccuRadio to supported music apps
Please add AccuRadio to your supported Music Apps
1 vote
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