Waze Suggestion Box
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327 results found
Nova categoria de veículos - Autocaravanas e Camiões
Era muito importante colocarem novas categorias tais como Autocaravanas e camiões, onde fosse possível colocar as suas dimensões e a navegação fazia a gestão desta informação impedindo enviar o veiculo para zonas muito apertadas, curvas impossíveis, pontes demasiado baixas etc. iriam beneficiar todos os utilizadores deste veículos e potenciar a segurança ao circular nas vias.
6 votes -
Serait il possible de mettre un gabarit pour les utilitaires, c'est à dire que tout véhicules qui dépassent les 1?m90 ne passent pas sur certains ponts et tunnels
6 votes -
More robust vehicle icon selections
Customizable vehicle icons, use drop downs - vehicle make, vehicle model, vehicle color...example - Ford, F250, Black - then icon resembles a black Ford F250
6 votes -
Perché non inserire tra i mezzi di trasporto il camper?
Per verificare se durante il percorso ci saranno ostacoli o barriere per i mezzi più pesanti e alti di una macchina prima di trovarsi in difficoltà.
6 votes -
6 votes
black car icon
I have a black chrysler 300 and would love just any black car icon but there isn't one. There is a car in all colors except black.
6 votes -
Iconic Movie Vehicles
I like the vehicles you can use but would love it if you could add some iconic movie vehicles. We have had the batmobile and ecto1 but how about the Dukes of Hazzard or the Delorean from back to the future. The last V8 from mad Max of the truck Convoy or a james bond Aston. I think people will love these
6 votes -
Possibilité incrémenter gabarit du véhicule : longueur, largeur, hauteur, PTAC, PTRA par exemple pour camping-car VL
Possibilité incrémenter gabarit du véhicule : longueur, largeur, hauteur, PTAC, PTRA par exemple pour camping-car
5 votes -
Driving vehicles with speed max
When i am driving with a trailer my Max allowed speed is reduced, i would like to be able to add this option, so i have a better idea of my arrival time.
5 votes -
Support vans
Please please support speed limits for vans and give the option to drive to commercial vehicles speeds (VANS)
It really will help A LOT OF VAN DRIVERS in keeping to the different speed limits. It’s a great app but make it better by adding this feature.5 votes -
A professional Waze for trucks
Lots of truck drivers would pay for a professional Waze for trucks which could be used on their phones instead of the need to buy satnavs!
5 votes -
Option caravane tractée
Ajouter l’option caravane tractée
5 votes -
Trucker Version
Develop a trucker setting, or perhaps an entirely separate 'Trucker Waze' app for those of us running larger vehicles. We need to know about low clearance overpasses/bridges, narrow lanes and one lane bridges, weight restrictions, etc. For example, I pull oversized trailers up and down the East Coast (USA). I am 14'6" high, and 10'6" wide. You could even buy Trucker Path and add all the Waze functionality...
5 votes -
Please make the Batmobile a standard option
Please bring back the Batmobile (Tim Burton's) and set as a year round option.
5 votes -
Add SP-98 fuel / Ajouter le carburant SP-98
🇺🇸 /
Hello, could you please add SP-98 to the fuel selection.
Many people have been asking for it for a long time and still no news @waze and @Waze_France we were notified on Twitter too.
Thank you very much!
🇫🇷 /
Bonjour pourriez-vous ajouter dans la sélection de carburants le SP-98 s’il vous plaît.
Beaucoup le réclame depuis énormément de temps et toujours sans nouvelle @waze et @Waze_France on étais notifié sur Twitter aussi.
Merci bien à vous !
5 votes -
Más automotores en la elección de vehículo
Buenas noches!
Su apk es la mejor del mundo mundial, pero por favor, serían tan amables de ingresar más automotores en la elección del vehículo para el usuario.
Por que por lo menos aquí en Costa Rica hay calles y puentes muy angostos por donde no pasan autobuses y cabezales.
Muchas gracias y muchas bendiciones.
Sigan adelante.5 votes -
Add bicycle to vehicle types
I just started using Waze for cycling. It appears that Waze then interprates my slower velocity as traffic "congestionn." That, I would assume, distorts reporting and, potentially, inconveniences the driving community. I'll switch to Google, for now, and see how that works.
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Two cars
It would be quite useful to be able to configure two (or more) different car profiles. In my case I have a diesel car and an electric car, and I may use one or the other depending what where I want to go (for instance, city center is forbidden for non electric cars). So a feature where I could just simply choose my car when opening the app up or even better, auto detection of what car I am in using CarPlay or Android Auto, would be really nice to have.
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Colocar novas categorias além de carro e moto, uma boa seria bicicleta, pois existem muitos entregadores assim como eu que usam o waze.
Colocar novas categorias além de carro e moto, uma boa seria bicicleta, pois existem muitos entregadores assim como eu que usam o waze. Muitos usam o maps por ter essa configuração e não migram para o Waze justamente porque as rotas não funcionam muito bem para quem está de bicicleta.
5 votes -
Para cuando la opcion de camion solo teneis coche taxi o moto
Para cuando la opcion de camion solo teneis coche taxi o moto
5 votes
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