Waze Suggestion Box
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- This forum is intended for user feedback and ideas. If you have an issue which needs support, please visit our help center.
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681 results found
Cierre de vias
Me encontré con una carretera cerrada por orden público, no era temporal ya que se habían tomado un pueblo en camino a la ruta, no encontré la opción de avisar que estaba cerrado y que había disturbios peligrosos, Waze ni siquiera me dio una ruta alterna
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New Speed Cameras - Kuwait
There are new Cameras in Kuwait City placed at many places. Those camera locations are not updated.
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Most recent time on Reports
Time of report should be updated on confirmations that it's still there rather than how many minutes ago it was first reported. Many reports appear stale because most recent report is not the time shown
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Stergere locatie
Buna ziua , Locatia Zahana de Someseni din Cluj napoca este a mea . Am inchis aceasta locatie si as vrea sa o stergeti de pe waze .Multumesc Frumos ! Iuliu Zahan 0722339945 pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma contactati .
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I want you to be able to set the period during construction on the computer
In the case of alternating one-way traffic, if you are doing construction here from the app, the display will appear temporarily, but it will disappear immediately.
If you know the construction period, you can set it on your PC and let everyone know that the construction is underway.1 vote -
Report/remove a comment. Nowadays i noted that there is people spamming casino online advertisement in every hazard been posted .
Report/remove a comment. Nowadays i noted that there is people spamming casino online advertisement in every hazard been posted . It is very irritating. I had it twice already and i may send u the prove.
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Partner discounts and rewards for reporting on Waze
Dear Waze Team,
I am writing to suggest a new feature for your popular navigation app: the ability to earn points for reporting traffic updates and redeem those points for discounts with partner companies.
As a frequent user of Waze, I have always appreciated the ability to report on traffic updates and accidents in real-time. This feature not only helps me navigate more efficiently, but it also helps other users on the road avoid delays and make informed decisions about their route.
I believe that adding a rewards system for users who contribute to the app's traffic updates would encourage…
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1 vote
How would you report a hazard in the road later when it is safe to do so. There was a chain on my exit lane and not a convenient time to pos
Be able to touch your route and post a hazard (chain in the road) after you have stopped at a later time and it is safe to post.
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We need a button to press when a police in traffic too not just for on the side
We need a button to press when a police in traffic too not just for on the side
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Bus fare
I'd like to make a suggestion to improve your user experience for public transport passengers.
I'd appreciate an option to get an arrival time update on any given bus line using your location and traffic data. The motivation is not to replace Google maps but, rather, to improve arrival time accuracy for passengers that need to make an onward connection.
Thank you!
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Bus line camera
Hello! I would like to suggest a warning for the bus lines or mark them in another colour.
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Mehrere Straßen eingeben die gesperrt sind bei Veranstaltungen wie Weihnachtsmarkt oder Stadtfeste. Bei mir sind mehrer Straßen betroffen
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En mi ciudad están publicando falsas alertas de objetos en el camino y colocan comentarios en la misma alerta con contenido político, necesitamos un botón para denunciar falsas alertas como esta
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Active report notification
I would really love the option to be immediately notified of reports being added/removed ahead of me, along my planned route, within a certain distance.
For instance, let's say that, when I began my current trip, the road ahead was completely clear. However, once I'm underway, another Wazer 20 miles ahead of me submits a report of police/hazard/etc. Even tho it's not visible on the map I'm using to navigate, I'd still like to get a pop up notification letting me know what to expect ahead.
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I was reporting driving probs about traffic being far2 heavy due to the heavy rain, I was told on waze that I'd be blocked cos 2 many times
No restrictions on a driver trying to be helpful.
helping other drivers, and reporting useful incidents.1 vote -
Reports Overlapping
Reports overlap because it may be two stalled cars within a certain distance. I feel that report availability/functionality should be disabled until a certain distance has passed.
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stop penalising so-called over reporting
Stop penalising Wazers for so called over reporting!!!! Nobody gives a shiny **** about the points (unless there very sad!!)….
1 vote -
Journey Log
As I drive with work and claim back mileage and driving time it would be useful if waze stored my previous journeys. Told me total distance travelled (this could change with detours/reroutes) and total journey time for same reason.
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"trip purpose" identifiers that can be tagged to any trip
ability to create a small group of "trip purpose" identifiers that can be tagged to any trip - i.e. "commuting" or "kids sports" or "company travel" so that a user could track, over time, their miles dedicated to specific activities. I would love to know how many miles I've driven to support my kids' hockey careers.
1 vote
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