Waze Suggestion Box
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872 results found
Suzuki myspin.
Suzuki myspin. hola, alguien funcionar o sepa hacerlo para utilizar waze con SUZUKI MYSPIN ???
No consigo poner Waze en Suzuki myspin. Se supone que es codigo abierto y debería poder utilizarse. Alguien sabe hacer uso o aquí un reto para programadores :)Suzuki my spin. hello, someone works or knows how to use waze with SUZUKI MYSPIN ???
I can't get Waze on Suzuki myspin. It is supposed to be open source and should be usable. Does anyone know how to use it or here's a challenge for programmers :)3 votes -
App freezes the entire phone when I try to switch to others. For a brief time none of the phone’s buttons work. This only happens with Waze
App freezes the entire phone when I try to switch to others. For a brief time none of the phone’s buttons work. This only happens with Waze (iPhone)
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Flitskast waarschuwing afstand
100 meter is voldoende om de flitser aan te melden op een weg waar ik 50 mag
1 vote -
Ok Google... What's my location...!!!...???
If you are involved in... or... reporting an accident to 911, the second question you are asked is "What is your location?".
If you're a "local" you may very well know the answer to that question... but a high percentage of the folks do not have an accurate answer to that question.
The best type of answer would be in the format of "Northbound land of US-999 just South of cross-street "Bankum Road".
That is certainly better than giving the operator GPS coordinates... if give the location in "real world terms".
Does Waze (or 'can' Waze) give the person need…
3 votes -
Actualizar precio de combustible GLP Perú
Una falla en la App no permite reportar el precio actual de GLP en las gasolineras. Dado que en Perú han cambiado la unidad de medida para despachar dicho combustible (se vendía en LITROS y ahora se vende en GALONES). Por este motivo, al querer actualizar, por ejemplo, de 2.69 el LITRO a 9.89 el GALÓN la App dice que " el precio ingresado no parece válido" y no permite la actualización de precios. Por tal motivo los precios de combustibles están desactualizados. Espero que se solucione pronto, ya que afecta a todos los usuarios del Perú.
6 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
בדג'ט פ"ת. בעיית ניווט
אני עובד בחברת בדג'ט בסניף פ"ת ויד ללקוחות שלנו בעיה להגיע עם הוויז לסניפנו.
כתובת סניפנו היא ענבר 1 פ"ת
כאשר רושמים את הכתובת הזו לא מגיעים לסניף אלא לכביש ללא מוצא שמסתיים בחלקו האחורי של הסניף.
יש 2 דרכים להגיע נכונה לסניף.
הסניף נמצא בעצם בפינת רחוב גזית עם רחוב נחשון.
דרך אחת להגיע היא להכנס לרחוב גזית דרך רחוב בן ציון גליס ואז בקצה רחוב גזית מגיעים לסניף
דרך שנייה היא כאשר מגיעים ממחלף ירקונים ונוסעים לכיוון דרומה יש כניסה ימינה לרחוב נחשון ומשם מגיעים מייד לסניף.
אנא עזרתכם בתיקון הבעיה בניווט לסניפנו1 vote -
Pouvoir envoyer des messages d’urgence aux Wasers alentours
En cas de problème mineur mais besoin d’aide pouvoir envoyer un message aux wasers à proximité serait une bonne chose
1 vote -
vocal communication between drivers and nearby vehicles
add an option to communicate with nearby vehicles and drivers for warnings and exchanging infos
4 votes -
Picnic place
allow Wazers to indicate nice picnic places
Who never experienced looking hours to find a nice place , finally stop in à not ideal place, and then after eating, drive 500 m and find the perfect stop 😉 ?2 votes -
A real travel together option
Maybe this doesn’t happen often, but if two or more people are traveling separately but headed in the same direction, it would be nice to see each other on the map. Either traveler could add detours to the travel plans, i.e. food stops, rest areas, gas stations, so that everyone can stop together if need be. Driving in the same car isn’t always an option over long distances and giving directions over a phone while someone is driving is messy at best, especially when driving in unfamiliar areas. Hopefully this makes sense. I’m going to be moving to a different…
1 vote -
Please read under «Something else/other:
Waze keeps reminding me that I should not type & drive! I am not!!! I am the passenger. Can this be fixet? Thank you.
1 vote -
כריזה על מטרת הנסיעה
Aim/ Purpose or Occacion of Trip or Travel,
It is important to remind elderly drivers or distructed ones the aim of travel:
I go to Jerusalem for my niece's Bat Miztva!!!1 vote -
Sugestie pentru mașini de (poliție) când se deplasează
E o sugestie bună zic eu atunci când mașina de poliție se deplasează se poate face un emoticon sau pictogramă cu ea pentru ai atenționa pe ceilalți ca este în mișcare înainte sau înapoi.
1 vote -
I live in iraq and i want to join waze i have many idea
1. Putting some voice advertisement during navigation.
2. Set customer location as any easy code
Let say bashar@1978 for example
3. Implant some pictutes
4. Marketing the program to increase the usersThanks
1 vote -
מציעה שתוסיפו אוטו זבל ומשאית אספקה שחוסמות טת הדרך
מציעה שתוסיפו סמל משאית זבל חוסמת את הרחוב
1 vote -
4 votes
Ofrecer viajes
Anteriormente podías compartir tu auto con hasta 4 pasajeros, hoy solo te deja viajar con 1, podrían regresar esa opción
1 voteThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
1 vote
Stop using term "speed trap"
For automated camera enforcement of highway speed, the app warns of a "speed trap" ahead. That term implies there is some sort of trick or sneaky way the speed is being enforced, but that is not the case. There is plenty of signage and warning about the camera enforcement. I think you should change it to just "speed camera". That would also be consistent with when the app warns of a red light camera, not a "red light trap". Thanks!
3 votes -
I received an update for Waze.
I received a Waze update. Now Waze cuts out my music every time an alert occurs which requires me to reach over to my console to turn it back on. This happens every time an alert occurs. Please fix
4 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
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