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3987 results found

  1. Sugerencias para Waze

    Sugerencias para Waze

    1.  Guardar rutas personalizadas: Me gustaría que Waze tuviera la opción de guardar rutas específicas por donde he pasado en viajes anteriores. Por ejemplo, en un trayecto que realicé a la universidad de mi hermana, tomé varios atajos que redujeron el tiempo del viaje significativamente. Me gustaría poder guardar esta ruta para que, al volver a ese destino, Waze me sugiera esa misma ruta personalizada como primera opción. Además, sería útil que se mantuvieran las rutas alternas habituales como opciones, pero permitiendo que el sistema memorice rutas que resultaron ser más efectivas o rápidas en el pasado.
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  2. Junction mark arrow improvements

    I've been using Waze so far. And it helps a lot rather than the native map. The features already improved much better lately.

    But i would like to request another important improvements as follows:

    • At any junction we need to define how many junction are there. And put in clear distinctive color like green and red. NOT "grey" color which is vague enough to the black header background.

    Example there are 4 junction, if we take the third junction. Then the arrow color is Red Red Green Red with arrow direction pointing respectively ↰↑↗↷.

    This is the only problem most…

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  3. Itinéraire adapté pour vélos et trottinettes dans Waze


    Je propose d’ajouter une option de navigation dédiée aux vélos et trottinettes dans Waze. En effet, il existe des panneaux "sens interdit sauf vélo" qui permettent aux cyclistes et utilisateurs de trottinettes d'emprunter certains chemins interdits aux voitures. Cela pourrait grandement améliorer la précision des itinéraires pour ces usagers et augmenter la sécurité en tenant compte des particularités des déplacements à deux roues.

    Merci pour votre attention à cette suggestion !

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. Cantidad de coches en retenciones

    Poder ver el tiempo de retención en atascos, calculando la cantidad de coches que hay y la velocidad a la que circulan, estos datos de feedback los deberías de poder adquirir sin problema, ya que la app ya marca velocidad y cada coche que la use se podría registrar por vuestro sistema, gracias a esto podríamos tener más información sobre atascos en tiempo real, esto ayudaría a calcular mejor una ruta alternativa para todos y reduciría los atascos, también conseguiría tiempos de cálculo de ruta más realistas, es muy incómodo ver cómo el tiempo de ruta aumenta una vez estás…

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  6. Boa tarde!

    Essa é apenas uma sugestão para viagem em grupo. Sugiro que wazers que estejam viajando para um mesmo destino possam conseguir se visualizar no mapa.

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  7. How come there isnt a feature to "avoid crashes".

    Several times I've been notified less then 1km from a collision, this does not leave me any time to change route. If the route knows there's a reported accident on your route, it could tell you to change routes to avoid, or ask of you want to. I would also like to see notifications way sooner then 1km, like 5 or even 10km.

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. Bonjour, est ce que l'historique d'un parcours peut servir de preuve?

    Bonjour, est ce que l'historique d'un parcours peut servir de preuve?
    Merci, cordialement

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  10. Drive with others

    My idea would make it so you can add friends to your profile, and with those friends you could “drive with them” and it would link you guys on the same trip. Then it could find switch out points for you based on your drive. Also while I’m driving, the other person could close out the app and when it’s their turn, i pass the drive to them and it picks up on their phone right where I left off.

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  11. Pouvez vous activer le mode picture in picture sur android

    Pouvez vous activer le mode picture in picture sur android?

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  12. Hazard “animals beside the road”

    Please bring back under Hazard, “animals beside the road” that report was EXTREMELY helpful and a good heads up

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  13. Manually adjust car starting direction on the map

    It would be great to have a feature to manually adjust the car's direction on the map. Often, the app assumes a starting direction and plans the route accordingly, but it doesn’t update until you start driving in the opposite direction. It would also be helpful to define the side of the street when arriving at the destination, making navigation even more accurate!

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  14. Créer des listes de lieux enregistrés

    Pourrais-t-on créer des listes de destinations et les enregistrer comme dans google map. C'est très pratique pour voyager et mémoriser des lieux qui nous sont importants. Merci

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  15. Me gustaría que tenga una opción para confirmar el camino por el que transitas cuando hay un doble piso.

    Me gustaría que waze te d runa opción para confirmar el camino transitado en caso de un segundo piso. Por ejemplo en CDMX en periférico es complicado identificar las salidas porque Waze no sabe si vas en 1er o 2do piso.

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  16. dans selection carburant merci d'ajouter électricité. Et dans proposition itinéraire intégré bornes de recharge.

    dans selection carburant merci d'ajouter électricité. Et dans proposition itinéraire intégré bornes de recharge.

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  17. Lane based time estimates / estimated times based on destinations, exit ramp backups

    This one's a tricky one to explain. Sometimes, I'm on a highway, and Waze's suggested route goes out onto a very backed-up exit ramp that backs up a half-mile before the actual exit ramp begins, occuping the right lane of the road, even while the other travel lanes are moving at full speed.

    I'm trying to figure out if this skews the traffic routing and travel time estimations. Yes, the highway is backed up and traveling at 2 MPH, but only in the right lane where that exit is backed up half a mile. If you're in the center or…

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  18. Waze often tells drivers to turn too far from the actual turn, possibly causing wrong way drivers

    I have noticed that when approaching a turn, Waze often tells me to turn several hundred feet before a turn, without indicating that the turn is still several hundred feet away.
    I believe that this may be contributing to wrong way crashes on highways. When approaching a highway entrance ramp that will be coming up on the left, many highway intersections will have the off ramp for the opposite direction first. Being told to turn when the wrong road/driveway is next to me has caused me confusion For someone who is tired or impaired, being told to turn at the…

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  19. Easy Address Saving to Favorites

    I've been having a Lot of trouble saving addresses to my favorites. In fact I'm unable to save addresses at all now. I'm unsure if I have run out of space for adding addresses to my favorites, but in my line of work I travel All over the state of Illinois, and return to those locations commonly. I have over 300 locations that need saved, but am unable to anymore for over 3 years now.
    I would Love it if Waze created an easy way to save the address to my favorites once it has been selected to begin the…

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  20. Ability to reduce number of times a roundabout warning is given

    Can we have a setting in Waze that limits the number of times a traffic warning is issued? (I'm thinking primarily of roundabouts.) It's annoying to get warnings multiple times when approaching a roundabout - one warning would be sufficient.

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