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3965 results found

  1. Añadir en España la opción de seleccionar GLP las gasolineras

    Sería muy util poder seleccionar en españa que puedas elegir como combustible GLP, puesto que hay una gran cantidad de vehículos, tanto que salen de fábrica como los que se transforman, para poder planificar las rutas usando este maravilloso combustible alternativo

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  2. serais t'il possible de pouvoir tracer un itinéraire avec plusieurs étapes minimum 6 ou 7 pour faire un circuit

    serais t'il possible de pouvoir tracer un itinéraire avec plusieurs étapes minimum 6 ou 7 pour créer un parcours

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  3. Stacked Lane Guidance

    Ability to map "stacked" lane guidance.

    A stacked lane is one where you have one lane turning into two. An example I have is here in Calgary AB Canada, we have a rail underpass that you make a right turn onto, but there is a median between the two lanes (its a one-way) and you need to be is the farthest lane access the left turn at the other side of the rail underpass.

    And right now, we don't have the ability to show that the first right lane is "stacked lanes"


    Also suggested in Waze Discuss…

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  4. Please add setting for driving large vehicles!

    It would be fantastic if you could set your vehicle type to "van", "coach" or "HGV", along with any maximum speed restriction, for Waze to choose more appropriate routes and journey times. Avoiding unsuitable roads and low bridges is the main one!

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  5. I suggest making the app works with offline maps.

    It’s very useful to make the app working without internet by adding the ability to load offline maps.

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  6. Have Waze take me to the correct address

    Constantly takes me to an address that I did not request

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  7. Convoy option

    Be able to join a convoy with friends/family set a destination and everyone that is in the convoy can see the navigations and see what everyone’s ETA and where they are on the map

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  8. Save a route with stop(s)

    If you are carpooling (or for another reason) with pick-up/drop-off points between the start and end points, it would be great to save this route with the stops as a preset or favorite. This also implies the suggestion already proposed to add the ability for more than one stop.

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  9. Traveling thru tunnels

    When I'm traveling thru a looong tunnel, often I lose the GPS reception. The waze application, with less/no GPS connection can believe I'm "somewhere else", in "surface" (often very small roads).
    The pre-determination tools should expect when I enter 100 km/h in a tunnel, there is 99.99 % chance I would travel thru the tunnel until the other end. It should not "recalculate" the position based on bad/wrong GPS signal ...

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  10. EV filter for fast charging (DC) and filter for slow charging (AC)

    Choose to search for fast OR slow chargers exclusively (instead of mixed list currently showing).

    Add a restrictive filter that on selection ónly displays Fast chargers (DC) when traveling long distances.

    Add a separate restrictive filter showing only slow chargers (AC) for destination charging.

    Please make the filter option available for Android auto as well.

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  11. The "Preferred fuel" should contain EV charging standards too (ChaDeMo, CCS, etc) and list EV chargers if set :) Thank you!

    The car menu already provide relevant info if you set your preferred fuel, but it's only for ICE vehicles. Please add option for EV's, and if set, provide chargers as relevant information.
    Thank you!

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  12. Do not reroute me if the time saving is less than 5 minutes

    I appreciate the great service Waze provides, but I’d like to request an option to prevent rerouting unless the time savings is at least five minutes.

    Currently, Waze sometimes redirects me through unsuitable local roads to save just a minute or two. These roads are often too narrow for through traffic, unsuitable for certain vehicles, or pass through residential areas where children play. This not only creates unnecessary risks but also disrupts local communities.

    I’d love the ability to set a threshold for rerouting, ensuring that minor time savings don’t come at the expense of safety and road suitability.

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  13. Future turns display

    It could be beneficial to have future turns displayed on the screen. Sometimes there would be a right turn shortly after a left turn and it causes me to miss my turn just because I wasn’t aware of the follow-up turn. Having a few future turns displayed would be useful for drivers navigating in smaller roads where there could be many turns.

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  14. Lexus

    It would be nice if the next turn instruction can be synced to work with the Lexus heads up display. The OE navigation has the next turn displayed in the cluster and the heads up display but Waze only has it in the cluster. I wonder if Waze can also be synced with the HUD like the OE navigation.

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  15. Which Side of the Road

    It would be nice if on our drive at with .5 miles or .2 miles you would notify us which side of the road the business (address) is on. We have many 2/3 and 4 lane roads and we can't get in the proper lane for the turn if we don't know which side of the road the address is on.

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  16. Descargar mapas.

    Decía en un comentario, que Waze podría ser la mejor App gps si implementara algo simple: La descarga de mapas. No estoy hablando de poder descargar el recorrido previamente calculado, sino mapas por zonas.Que permita aún sin internet, seguir navegando y pueda ofrecerte una ruta alternativa en caso de necesidad, ya que si nos desviamos por cualquier motivo, no hay posibilidad de ayuda por camino alternativo. Creo, es lo único que le falta. Gracias por ofrecerme la posibilidad de expresarme.

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  17. Map download

    Maps downloader is needed for zones without mobile data or data economization. Offline maps are basic.

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  18. Click into hazards on route during planned rides

    Currently, if you click into a planned route from the main page, it shows you where possible hazards along the journey are.

    However, it does not allow you to click into them to see what they are or when they were reported / any associated comments.

    It would be useful to be able to do this to know what is upcoming on the journey before I set out.

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  19. Destination confirmation

    . Destination always shown on map, may be on top of or in estimated time of arrival box, as a confirmation that correct destination has been entered? (Reason - sometimes Waze gives directions when driving that I personally would not have selected).

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  20. Ajouter la possibilité de mettre plusieurs étapes durant un trajets

    Il est vraiment urgent de pouvoir ajouter plusieurs étapes à un itinéraire et je vois que je ne suis pas la seule à attendre ceci !!

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