Waze Suggestion Box
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924 results found
Adding current location as a waypoint
Is there a way to add ones current location (ie via long/lat) to be saved as a favorite? For example, the parking lot we use at the Citrus bowl doesn't have a "street address", however, it does have a "long/lat" address.
32 votes -
purple route line hides traffic
When in navigation mode the purple route line hides the yellow and red lines showing traffic congestion. This discourages me from using the navigation. There could be an option to turn the purple line on/off just like there is an option to turn voice commands on/off
69 votes -
Share ETA with other wazers
Allow wazers to update friends on ETA. When starting a new journey, I shall be able to select wazers that can get real time update on my ETA, so they know when to expect me.
3 votes -
Navigating voice in Norwegian
We need more languages in waze for use with navigating. Norwegian is one of my wishes.
6 votesThank you for your suggestion! Waze now supports many local languages. Please check under Settings > General > Language.
11 votes
Option to "drive through" when using navigation
When Using navigation, sometimes I need to drive through particular point on map, I mean drive to destination VIA some point on map. When taping and holding on map, a popup menu shows up. It would be great to add there an option for the "Drive Through this location" or something like that. It would also give a chance to plan a more specific route if such custom "VIA points" could be added as much as needed.
25 votes -
A button for reporting irrelevant in a popup when selecting something directly on map
When there is reported something like Police for example, that is not there anymore, there are only two things that can be done. Searching for the particular report in the list or adding a comment. Any of these are dangerous while driving.
When selecting a report icon on map, there is a popup where is a button for comment and a button for Thanks. It would be great to pur there a thumbs down button or something like that for reporting irrelevant easily.67 votesGreat news! Responding with thumbs up or down to a report is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Please, up grade Waze for WP7, I and other people must use WP7 on Business net system
Please, up grade Waze for WP7, I and other people must use WP7 on Business net system
2,101 votes -
Routing overview
I would like a routing overview option to easily access when driving for two reason:
1: For longer routes to see were I am in the country.
2: For shorter routes to have an overview of the traffic situations.This option could be a button directly on the map, maybe as an option to turn on/off from Settings or as an option in the pop up window where the mute, stop navigation, navigation list and recalculate route are.
48 votesPossibilities:
- check next turns list by clicking on the directions panel on the top, select ‘next turns’ tab
- check reports on the route by clicking on the directions panel on the top, select ‘reports ahead’ tab
- check map view of your route by clicking on ETA bar at the bottom, select ‘Routes’ and then ‘map view’ -
Add option to stop scanning of reports when not moving.
Please add a possibility to stop scanning of reports when not moving. It can be annoying sometimes. I just want to observe surround streets while standing. And it also consumes additional traffic. Thank you.
59 votesGreat thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
display only live-info and events relevant to the current route
Add option, that would:
- enforce event pop-ups (such as accidents, etc.) to show only if they happen on the current route to destination (no need to se events in radius when not on the route)
- display only number of events (under the icon with the red excl. mark) relevant to the current route to destination (this would help user open the live info only when there is a number indicating something going on on the route799 votes -
be able to log with the mail adress because I lost my ident and could not create another one with th
be able to log with mail address because I lost my ident and it is not possible to create another one with the same mail adress !!
1 vote -
Implement a next/previous button in the notifications
When I stop a traffic light I read some notifications, but sometimes I haven't finished to read an important one and it changes to the next. So it will be usefull if I can navigate through this messages.
2 votesTapping on directions bar would show you a list of upcoming turns and alerts ahead.
current position
Some cases when the road not even exits, its impossible to add a position, so using the GPS, you can add current position like home or Job.
5 votes -
8 votes
Create alternative routes
Currently the routes proposed in my area only offer a default navigation choice, which is far from optimal. What about the possibility to record alternative routes, which may or not be shared with other users?
12 votesGreat news! The feature for getting alternate routes is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Ability to order favorites locations
Every time I add a location to my favorites, it pushes my old ones down. I want the ability to choose to mostly used favorites to show on the top.
372 votesGreat news! The option to reorder the saved locations in Favorites is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
volume control for iphone
The voice navigation is extremely loud... definitely need the ability to balance it with my music.
38 votes -
Add ability to route via a gas station
Of all the POIs out there, gas stations are the most important. Waze should be able to incorporate a gas station stop into its directions. It should also be possible for users to report the location of gas stations from the app.
4 votes -
Get railroads back!
I'd like to have railroads shown on the client with white-black dashed line.
484 votesGreat thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
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