Stop routing traffic down quiet residential streets
Your app has a very narrow focus. It doesn't take the actual street or the people that live on it into consideration. I have lived on a very quiet residential street until your app has increased in popularity. Thanks to your app, our street is now like a mini-highway and two neighbor pets have recently been killed. Additionally, your ignorant app doesn't take into consideration that it is directing traffic to take a very dangerous left turn onto Briarcliff Road. The results have been numerous accidents. Please take Stephens Drive, 30329 off your cut throughs at once.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Vali commented
we are suffering from road traffic which has increased significantly at a place called Les Ménéques in Locoal Mendon, your application recommends passing through the village; it has become far too dangerous to leave our homes, to cross on foot, to go out with our grandchildren and our pets; this goes beyond any acceptance in terms of noise pollution linked to heavy traffic. With all my respect, I therefore invite you to imagine what we are experiencing
We thank you for helping us to no longer offer this second route to get to Erdeven so that we can return to our village life.
Sean Pit commented
Hi Ella, do you have any plans about the issue? We should have possibilities to take off residential streets of our district.
9w2xne din kaftac commented
I also voice out to introduce one road type for this kind of road which prevents normal routing through suggested in apps.
Most of issue arises as some bridges or electrical cable or the road itself was damaged due to user being route through. Even tho it can be accessible it discouraged to do so
As this local street also as guidelines by national roadworks institution as not to be route through -
Sean Pit commented
DANGER, kids, pets and animals crossing the road frequently: many thanks for the issue. In the same situation here, definitely destructive for the life of our district. I’m agree with Patsy: Stop trafic down residential street. This way shouldn’t be suggested at all by Waze. We need absolutely a solution and right now!
tim commented
Who do I send the bill to @ Waze for the damage caused to cars in our street as a direct result of the way the app forces traffic down an unsuitable route? There are countless examples in thsi thread, we have daily jams all caused by the app and Car mirrors broken and cars scratched on a weekly basis ( at £500-£2500 ) a time in repairs. Why should an anonymous waze user have a higher degree of importance in the algorithm or a roadmap feature fot than 000's ( its a long road ) of impacted residents. Please answer this. Today!
Patsy commented
I agree with Mila - STOP ROUTING TRAFFIC DOWN RESIDENTIAL STREETS - thanks to your app my street has now become a "rat run" to save 5 minutes or so off the travel time, for the traffic from one major road to another, which also includes a dangerous right hand turn from our street onto a major road. I know this is the case as a friend was very surprised when her Waze App took her down our street when there was a better way to have travelled. Take Clannville Road 2069 off your app as a shorter travel time. and give the residents back the Street they had. "NOT HAPPY JAN"
juno judo99 commented
I live in a historic residential district that was once home to the poet Walt Whitman. It is a beautiful place with historic placards, horse stables and trails. The roads are narrow and winding, and historically preserved. Now it is unsafe for kids to walk to the local high school, and there is so much traffic that driving them to school is basically sitting in a 1/2 mile long traffic jam. Never mind all the noise and litter from drivers who seem not to realize that this is a neighborhood. I wish GPS did not route traffic through residential areas, especially with such narrow roads.
Julie Rayburn commented
Routing cars AND trucks through a neighborhood with 100 year old homes, has destroyed a once beautiful, vintage neighborhood. Endless noise, vibrations, filth and honking, is all thanks to the stupidity of people using apps such as yours. Keep vehicles on MAJOR corridors and not residential streets.
Cliff Snider commented
Your app routes traffic through our local neighbourhood and onto my residential street of Westover Hill Rd in Toronto, On. as opposed to major corridors that were designed to handle the high volume of traffic that is now occurring. We experience non- stop, bumper to bumper traffic through out each day on the street due to Waze. As a result it has diminished our quality of life, lowered resale values of our homes, impedes people who live on the street from getting our of their driveways to work & slows or stops emergency vehicles from reaching there destination in a timely matter. Waze needs to take into account the effect it has on the actual street or the people that live on it into consideration. My neighbours & I have lived on a very quiet residential street for many years until your app, Waze has turned into a parking lot without any remorse or consideration. Please. before you start routing traffic through residential neighbourhoods consider the impact as if you yourself lived on that street. I ask that you please remove Westover Hill Rd. Toronto, Ontario from your bypass route to Allen Rd and Eglinton Avenue.
Pat Hughes commented
I totally agree. This app has created a very dangerous situation on our Residential Road as well. I live in the Municipality of Saanich in Victoria British Columbia, Canada. The street I live on is called Wilkinson Road and specifically the section of the street which is between Burnside and Helmcken. We have 2 large Subdivisions called Knockan Hill and Piers Creek which are entering and exiting onto our section of Wilkinson Road. The Knockan Hill Subdivision can exist onto Helmcken which is there Entranxe but they seem to prefer to exist out the back down Helen Road and barely stop at the stop sign and speed up or down Wilkinson Road to get to Helmcken or Burnside Roads. The Piers Creek Subdivision has no other way to exit except onto Wilkinson Road. The Residents of Piers Creek have been cutting them the Knockan Hill Subdivision entering off Helmcken and speeding down Helen Road and crossing Wilkinson Road to go thru the Entrance of Piers Creek. Other drivers have been cutting thru the Knockan Hill Entrance on Helmcken and then speeding down Helen Road and then not stopping at the Stop sign and making a right turn and speeding down south on Wilkinson Road to Burnside. Then we have dozens of drivers turning off Burnside and speeding up Wilkinson to avoid the traffic jams on Burnside at Helmcken and on McKenzie to either Turn right at the top of the road to go to Royal Oak or to turn Left to go down Helmcken to get down to the highway to avoid the bottle neck at the intersection of Burnside/Helmcken that has been created by. View Royal when they lowered the speed limit on the View Royal section of Burnside to 30 km. and did not add an advance left turn at the light at Burnside and Helmcken. We also have speeding drivers turning left off Helmcken speeding down Wilkinson over the speed limit to Burnside and they also turn Right off Helmecken to speed down Wilkinson to get to Burnside and we have drivers coming from Santa Rosa and driving straight down Wilkinson get to Burnside and drivers turning off Burnside snd speeding up Wilkinson Road and going thru the light to go on Santa.Rosa to get to the Strwberry Vale area. This goes on all day and night. The residents of Wiki son Road can barely get out of our driveways. Children cannot ride their bikes safely on the street they have to ride on the sidewalk where the pedestrians yell at them to get off and go onto the road but they cannot because they will be hit by the speeding cars Deer are being hit and killed and family pets have been killed as well. These speeding drivers are displaying Road Rage and have no respect for the Residents of Wilkinson Road as they careen up and down this twisting winding narrow road at break neck speeds far above the 50km/hr. Please remove this Section of Wilkinson Road from up your app before there is a serious accident and someone is killed..
Margi commented
Residential quality of life is being horribly diminished by massive increases in cut through traffic routing. Not only are personal vehicles using residential neighborhoods for cut through - so are commercial - and this is in large part due to apps such as Waze. The word "Route" has a traffic control definition. I.E. throughout the country NUMBERED ROUTES were created with the intent that those numbered routes be used for traffic movement/flow. Apps such as Waze take people off Routes for the sake of sometimes seconds saved - yet with GREAT negative affect on the side areas that are not intended to be used for routing. Recently a friend was routed off a Route - and onto a residential street - only to be back on the route minutes later. We are so deeply enmeshed in a loss of/lack of common courtesy. It would be nice if apps, such as Waze, were supportive contributors to courtesy. Apps could be tweaked to help people get from point A to point Z, but without harmful effects on the abutters to roadways not intended to be Routes. Google/Waze - any desire to be the "Considerate App"????
Margi commented
Residential quality of life is being horribly diminished by massive increases in cut through traffic routing. Not only are personal vehicles using residential neighborhoods for cut through - so are commercial - and this is in large part due to apps such as Waze. The word "Route" has a traffic control definition. I.E. throughout the country NUMBERED ROUTES were created with the intent that those numbered routes be used for traffic movement/flow. Apps such as Waze take people off Routes for the sake of sometimes seconds saved - yet with GREAT negative affect on the side areas that are not intended to be used for routing. Recently a friend was routed off a Route - and onto a residential street - only to be back on the route minutes later. We are so deeply enmeshed in a loss of/lack of common courtesy. It would be nice if apps, such as Waze, were supportive contributors to courtesy. Apps could be tweaked to help people get from point A to point Z, but without harmful effects on the abutters to roadways not intended to be Routes. Google/Waze - any desire to be the "Considerate App"????
Erica Angelakos commented
Please try not to use sidestreets as major arterials because they are not. There are commuters speeding through residential streets in my neighborhood and creating dangerous conditions for the community that lives there. Was shocked to find a little known road being used as a major waze route when people have to stop and wait for one car to go before another one can go because essentially the street is only one lane. Think about the impact on the community before you just decide one road is as good as another. Thank you, Erica Angelakos
N R commented
Can be really helpful! Also doesn't good for a car suspension
nincs zsolt commented
I use it often in Hungary, in Budapest. Unfortunately, it often doesn’t show a good route. He puts a lot of cars on a small street at once. There will be more travel time than going the big way. Bad algorithm! The small street has a lot of feedback that traffic has stopped. Still, Vazze is directing me there. Bad algorithm! I turned around and went a big way and the journey time became shorter.
Bruno Landou commented
Shortest geographical route is not always best. Give priority to major avenues.
Anonymous commented
Update feature to allow for direct interstate instructions instead of roundabout directions. This reduce long drive times and surrounding neighborhood concerns.
Anonymous commented
Update feature to allow for direct interstate instructions instead of roundabout directions. This minimizes unnecessary driving time and neighborhood complaints.
Anonymous commented
Increasing traffic flows past schools increases acccidents and associated injuries and also harms the air quality in the area. Both of these are very bad for our childern. WAZE knows where the shcools are so could easily choose note to route cars via schools. You are now owned by Alphabet whose motto is "do the right thing" - clearly not routing your riders past schools is the right thing to do.....
Roy Hellinga commented
Waze is not the problem. The fact that your residential streets are a quicker path from A to B is not Waze's fault.
Lobby your politicians to fix the main roads to eliminate the bottlenecks, then Waze and other products will not route their users through your neighborhood.