Voice for everything, including thumbs up or not there needs to be a lot better. It's a driving app and needs to be totally hands free
Voice commands are bad and they give up trying after a couple attempts. You cannot thumbs up or say not there with voice. It takes 5 taps to report some things which is ridiculous. Voice needs to be reliable, it's a driving app ffs

Jason commented
Yep - totally agree with this, the length of time to select "There" or "Not There" needs to be increased substantially for all of the reports.
I find the current length of time available too short and has me choosing between watching the road or quickly looking for the reported item (car, police etc) and then having to quickly try and select either There or Not there as appropriate as I know the time that Waze gives me to respond is very short. I feel that this is influencing dangerous driving.
The alternative that I have decided on, is simply not to try and select either, as I dont want to have a crash trying to quickly update Waze.
Nuc Guy commented
O.K. google should accept response to WAZE question about something still there. I cannot take eyes off road to tap the response WAZE wants.
Stone Fish commented
Quite often, for police reports etc we cannot say whether the incident is still there until we reach the report point and by then the incident confirmation has disappeared. How about allowing the answer past the report point - perhaps for a further half minute or so.
Buster65 commented
Frequently there are messages from "Vehicle on side of road", "Police ahead", "road hazard" which require looking at the screen and can only be acknowledged by touching the screen which is a distraction, especially in high traffic.
Is there a way to be able to acknowledge the "Thanks" or "not there" by voice so as to be less of a distraction? -
wazzee2eazy commented
I would like to suggest some changes which will help to improve the accuracy of reports of police activity/presence, adding the option of notifying users which lane/side of the road is being affected when submitting reports and lastly reports should be able to be edited and submitted hands free. I feel that the implementation of these few changes would help to increase driver safety while also reducing the amount of false/inaccurate reports being submitted to Waze users.
Implementing the option to notify users as to which lane/side of the road or even if both sides are affected when editing or submitting a report regardless of which side of the road you are travelling on. Being able to edit or report information on the opposite side of the road would be very beneficial in making sure that the information is still relevant or if it needs to be updated, which would be a significant advantage to users in rural areas that don’t have as many active users as metro areas.
When reporting police there needs more detailed options available to choose from when submitting the report such as:
- Driving (which side of the road or travelling in which direction)
- Radar
- Mobile Speed Camera/Speed Traps
- Unmarked Car (hidden/visible/driving)
- RBT (random breath test only)
- RBT/MDT (random breath test and mobile drug test)Adding more options would help to accurately report police activity while reduce any confusion around if they are actually still there or if the report was just because they were seen driving past. Although if having more detailed reporting options isn’t possible then another alternative that would help to improve the accuracy would be to allow users to add a comment, which would help to inform users of the type of police movement.
Mobile Phone Detection Cameras are now active in NSW so it would be great to have the option of being able to submit reports verbally instead.
For Example:
Waze > Report > Police > Driving > Opposite Side of the RoadEnabling verbal commands would help to keep Wazers safe while still being to use the apps features which unless you are a passenger you wouldn’t be able to report, like or clear any reports without putting yourself, passengers and other road users at risk along with the risk of getting a fine
Anonymous commented
Yes please, and can we have std list of voice commands - maybe prefixed by "WAZE" - to not confuse other devices, e,g, " WAZE CAMERA", WAZE ROADWORKS", WAZE TRAFFIC" etc etc
Anonymous commented
Why have only 2 of the 3 options available hands-free?
Big G commented
It's against the law to use the app in the UK while moving; and often road issues require additional concentration.
But it's also important to log issues accurately, so it would be great to pull up and direct the reports function verbally. -
Jenn Whitson commented
yes please
Chris Compo commented
We need to be able to say OK Waze report, or whatever.
Anonymous commented
Once you have passed an user report, you can press on the thanks or negative (not there anymore) button however, the button is small and I don't like the idea of pressing on the screen.
Since you have hand gestures using the camera, would you be able to just see if I do a thumbs up or thumbs down? Would be much easier!
Ka T commented
Some times, I have gloves on and I can't report things. Other times, it takes a long time to navigate through the reporting steps. If we could have voice recognition to report thing would be easier, faster and SAFER.
gg commented
I totally agree. When driving past a hazard the "thumbs up" and "not there" buttons are available on my phone screen. Rather than trying to hit a small touchscreen button while concentrating on the road at the same time, the ability to activate voice commands and simply say "not there" would be SO much better!!! The voice reporting ability is excellent but it really bugs me that I can't report a hazard has gone with just my voice as well.
Matt commented
I like being able to confirm or decline that a report that someone else put up is still there, but trying to hit that little button is difficult while driving. If Waze could allow you to respond verbally when the hazard arrives, it would make it much easier. Simply being able to say 'YES' or 'NO' instead of trying to hit that little button would be safer for drivers and allow you to keep the users behind you properly updated.
Aaron commented
This exact thing.
Mathews commented
Notifications by Fellow Wazers are really helpful. Waze should, accept THANK YOU voice Command and "Not there" Voice Command.
"Pothole Ahead", Vehicle on Shoulder" are great notifications, however taking your eyes of the road to touch input the small ThumbsUP, is very unsafe. -
Parnikkapore commented
Mentioned once on https://youtu.be/wXHsRdtBqho but NOW MISSING ON IOS
Jeff Richardson commented
That's already added in waze
SusanZ commented
Make it easier to report police, vehicle stopped, construction, etc. Can I help you comes on when I put phone in holder but I can NEVER give help while driving. Maybe some sort of voice activated command would work.