choose my custom route!
Have you ever thought that the driver does every day the same way to go to work or home, so he already has his favorite ways? Have you ever thought about leaving the driver predefine these paths and when to consult the routes have a new area for "Custom Routes" and showing the conditions of transit and time for those 3 chosen paths? I would feel more comfortable in knowing how long it would take if I had chosen that MY way specifically. Thanks!
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
waze always offers routes that are subject to getting totally jammed, plus some minimally better routes during rush hour. I have a much more reliable and usually faster but longer route but can not compare it to the freeway route waze gives. if I could designate my preferred route as one to give me traffic and time to destination then the app would be immensely more valuable.
Shermane commented
I would like to put parts of my own route in the system... Not necessarily the fastest route. I just moved to Cape Cod commuting to my mother's house in northern NH.. Only routes that WAZE gave me was through Boston... I instead tricked the system to get me around 495... Trip was maybe 15 minutes longer and a lot less stressful.... 495 was NOT an alternative route on your system.
Rarebit commented
On the whole would make it less intuitive for most people, what to do e.g. if the highway is really blocked... only use your way or then reroute? what if it's not blocked, but severely slowed down, ...
The interface to be able to select exactly your road would also be pretty "clunky" compared to the current interface: select roads for a route, remove roads, add missing parts?... . So I'm not that pro the suggestion.What I and most people using waze do is put waze on, drive the same road to work, in the beginning waze will try to guide you to another route, but after a while you will see your route appear with the ETA.
Matheus Guindani commented
Have you ever thought that the driver does every day the same way to go to work or home, so he already has his favorite ways? Have you ever thought about leaving the driver predefine these paths and when to consult the routes have a new area for "Custom Routes" and showing the conditions of transit and time for those 3 chosen paths? I would feel more comfortable in knowing how long it would take if I had chosen that MY way specifically. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
It would be awesome if waze would allow someone to save a route as one drives it through, in real time through GPS!
batchen regev commented
sometimes you dont know a specific addres and a friend suggesting you how to drive - add a feature that can make us choose our own way by someone else direction - like that we can mark with our finger the way so people could guide us while driving when there is a way that blocked and stuff and it will be saved and we can drive by they direction
לפעמים אומנם אנחנו יודעים כתובת מסויימת אבל זו לא הדרך הכי טובה
להגיע למקום מסויים למשל אם יש דרכים חסומות וכדומה
ומישהו מציע לי מאיפה לסוע
היום אנחנו פשוט נסתכל בגוגל מפס והוא יראה לי מאיפה להיכנס ולצאתהיה נחמד אם יכלתם להכין פיצר שאשכרה מסמנים עם היד את הנתיב בין הרחובות ממש אחד לאחד ושומרים את המסלול ובכך אפשר לסוע כמו שהחבר אמר
Liad cohen commented
לאפשר לנהג לבחור את מסלולו בעזרת בניית מסלול על ידי הנהג ..בעקבות כך שהמערכת לא יכולה להתאים את הדרך המיטבית לנהג עצמו בנוסף להתחשבות בפקקים ובעיות תנועה ..אם תקבלו אשמח שתצרו איתי קשר ואני יסביר את עצמי קצת יותר טוב.
aharon shalom commented
כאשר לוחצים על נקודה בכביש יפתח מסך עם אפשרויות אחת מהן תהיה סע דרך פה. כך יהיה אפשר לתכנן מסלול שלם. כדאי להוסיף אפשרות שמור מסלול כדי שהתכנון לא ילך לאיבוד
Anonymous commented
במסלול יש אפשרות ללחוץ על החצים כדי לראות את הפירוט של המסלול - אפשר להוסיף שם אפשרות להחלפת מסלול לפי מה שאני מכיר/ה ולראות אם כדאי או לא, אם אפשרי או לא ואם המסלול אכן יותר קצר. -
Troy Frericks commented
And, if I drive the route differently than displayed, remember that deviation as a sub-route for others going through the same area, especially if multiple people drive it differently the same way.
Rodrigo Furtado commented
Boa noite,
Gostaria de sugerir uma nova função no modo de navegação do waze, função esta na qual seria possível que o usuário salvasse rotas escolhidas por ele mesmo ou ensinadas por outra pessoas.
Exemplo: um amigo me ensina um novo trajeto até a casa dele ,no qual alem de gastar menos tempo passamos por locais e comércios interessantes, só que esse caminho tem muitas curvas e temos que entrar em varias ruas desconhecidas por mim então eu ativaria a opção salvar rota do waze que ao invés de me guiar passaria a gravar a nova rota para que eu possa retornar a casa desse amigo pelo mesmo caminho.
Penso que também seria interessante que fosse possível nomear as rotas e as compartilhar com amigos e conhecidos. -
Emerson Manfrin commented
Customize New Rote waze Sugestion on actual rote.
Sometimes we take other rote so for 2 minute mor fast.
add Custon NEW ROTE waze sugest for minimal time .
2min 10min XX Custom minutes mor fast.¬if_t=photo_comment -
Anonymous commented
Abastecimento com KM do veiculo inicial, para saber média de consumo do veiculo e sua média de consumo.
Opção para digita hodometro do veiculo -
Anonymous commented
כאשר מחפשים את התוואי המהיר ביותר לנקודה מסויימת ותוואי זה מראה על עיקוביים לא שגרתיים (תאונה חו"ח וכו'..) אזי לאפשר לבחור תוואי שונה ע"י הקלדת מספרי כבישים או שמות רחובות אחרים מאלו שבחרה התוכנה, למשתמשים במחשב, לאפשר בחירת התוואי ע"ג המפה באמצעות עכבר. בהצלחה.
Chauvineau Jean-Paul commented
Ce serait bien de pouvoir "mémoriser" un itinéraire différent de celui proposé par Waze
Il faudrait deux "options" à la fin d'un trajet
1 ) mémoriser
2 ) utiliser ce trajet pour le retour
Merci -
Jo commented
i'd like to be able to set my own itinerary by following roads on the map. very often yr proposal is not the shortest
Morais commented
Shannon Stewart commented
Couldn't agree more!
Shannon Stewart commented
Shannon Stewart commented
Couldn't agree more!