choose my custom route!
Have you ever thought that the driver does every day the same way to go to work or home, so he already has his favorite ways? Have you ever thought about leaving the driver predefine these paths and when to consult the routes have a new area for "Custom Routes" and showing the conditions of transit and time for those 3 chosen paths? I would feel more comfortable in knowing how long it would take if I had chosen that MY way specifically. Thanks!

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Davi Frossard commented
The idea is to make possible the edition of the route by dragging it to where you want it (as seen on the desktop web version of google maps), which could, by addition, work as a multi-stop feature.
Annie commented
I would greatly like to see the option to "creat a route". I have a few destinations that every time I drive there waze takes me on a horrible route and still wont auto learn my routes. When going home waze takes me to the correct address but I cannot park on the street in front of my house. I have to turn on the street before and go around to the back where my driveway is. It should also get the option for when you arrive at a certain destination, you can save and title it as well a save the route driven both while using navigation and not.
Hans M commented
Currently when you hold down your finger on the map, a bunch of options come up (add as destination, add as starting point, etc.) Add an "Add as waypoint" button.
Phil Baxter commented
As I've been unable to teach Waze the best route for my commute, I'd love to see this added.
Brett commented
I'm pasting the text from my forum post here, since it describes in detail how this feature could work and also adds the route naming capability:
I'd like the developers to consider allowing users to manually record (either by driving or using an online map interface) my preferred routes between common end points (i.e. my commute). Let me name the preferred routes myself. Then when evaluating routes for a commute, choose between the preferred routes if available.
Why? Because the dynamic thing isn't working for me. I'll drive a new route many times and it still won't be considered for subsequent drives, even after asking for alternative routes. I've toiled in the map editor for too long making changes to receive no benefit--it consistently sends me on crazy routes instead of choosing the direct path.
And, even if all of that worked, the auto-generated names for the routes that Waze comes up with are hard to interpret and I'd want the ability to name them too, if they were consistent. Like let me tell Waze at the end of a route what to name the route we just drove.
If this change were done, then it would override all of the error prone reliance on pristine maps, intelligent detection of repeated driving patterns, etc and just let me use Waze for what I want: the fastest commute every day.
Brett commented
I just found this idea here. I recently wrote up a detailed post about this same concept and a thread began at the forum here:
There I learned that Waze doesn't actually learn routes and never has, despite advertising this feature (still) on the "Routes" screen in the app (i.e. when you click on "Routes" to see alternatives to the current route). That makes this feature that much more valuable.
Also note there is another similar idea here:
Anonymous commented
It would be great if on Favorites I could designate my default route. Every once in a while I have to go a different way (toll road) and then Waze "forgets" my preferred route and it isn't even an option in routes any more. It makes it hard to check the traffic in the morning!
Teresa commented
YES!! And/or the ability to save a route as a favorite route (not favorite location). Ideally, you could plan the route ahead. somehow.
davidfryuk commented
Just as you can with other SatNav software I like to use the Travel Via option to avoid certain areas or I prefer a certain route.
Stephanie commented
I take the same route from work to home everyday because it's the fastest way to beat the rush hour traffic flow. I always route to "home".
Often, I am in the same general area as my workplace and trying to get home and waze puts me on the same roads that I would take take on my work -> home commute. But just as often, this isn't actually the faster way. It does this because it has learned my route preference for going from home to work.
If, when heading home, I could choose a route (ie, "work to home") rather than just a destination (ie, "home"), then Waze would know to send me home on my work -> home route when leaving from work, and it would know that when I just choose "home" for my destination that I want the most efficient route it can find, regardless of my past driving preferences.
som1else commented
It would be nice if you could tell waze that a certain route is preferred. This feature would be helpful to those of us who work at one location for a few days to a couple weeks at a time and then move to a new location which doesn't give Waze enough time to learn the route. This could be done on client but would also be effective on the online dashboard. It already records the routes we take and it would be nice if we could have a checkbox to indicate a "preferred" route.
Jaime Visser commented
Waze is always in learn mode, that's the beauty of it. Just drive the route a few times and waze will figure it out. If any of the routes is obstructed or impossible you should edit the map to reflect that.
Carlos Vazquez commented
"Learn mode" , where you can teach Waze the best route to follow ; sometimes the fast or short route is not possible, or you know a better route for your favorite location.