Lane closure reports made easy
I'd like a report button that would indicate lane closures.
Could press to report the beginning of the lane closure, then press again to report the end.
Then you indicate whether it's the left, right, or center lane.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Anonymous commented
לפני כשבוע נתקלתי במחסום בדרך, והמפה לא הייתה מעודכנת. לא יכלתי לעדכן אותה באותו רגע. בסוף הנסיעה ניסיתי לעדכן במפה שהכביש חסום, אך לא הצלחתי. צריך לאפשר לעדכן שכביש חסום, גם אם לא נמצאים ממש לידו, למצבים כאלו ואחרים.
About a week ago I tried to report a road block, but coudln't since I had to continue driving and the app lets you report just if it's near you. I think it's should be possible to report a road is blocked, even when you are far away -
Anonymous commented
Sometimes I am redirected because of a road closure, but after I have left that roadway. We should be able to select any road in a 1-2 mile radius for closure and the users behind us will be informed before they get trapped in a long line of people unaware of the closure.
Mardeen commented
Yes! With landslides and flooding happening in my area, I am gathering information from all over. If I could enter it into Waze before selecting my route, it would help me as well as all the other Wazers in my area.
We should be able to post a road closure along any route that we have driven and if it is verified by more than one other Wazer, it should become part of the routing information.
This should be possible to do with a mobile device, not just from the editor on a desktop. -
Anonymous commented
היי, עקב חוסר בקליטת gps, לא יכולתי לדווח בלייב.
רחוב הפלמח בראשון לציון חסום. נא עדכנו במפה שלכם דחוף, אין יציאות אחרות מהכיוון. וזה גורר עיכובים של רבע שעה ביציאה לכיוון נס ציונה!!
בתודה -
Anonymous commented
Lane 1 should always be the far left lane (or closest to center to account for my anglo friends), and then increase from left to right (or out from center) - this will allow for varying number of lanes. Lane 1 is always closest to center.
So when you post an accident, you can tag ig: "Lane 2". If there are four or five lanes, I know I need to get over to the right to minimize the impact to me. -
Anonymous commented
Lane 1 should always be the far left lane (or closest to center to account for my anglo friends), and then increase from left to right (or out from center) - this will allow for varying number of lanes. Lane 1 is always closest to center.
So when you post an accident, you can tag ig: "Lane 2". If there are four or five lanes, I know I need to get over to the right to minimize the impact to me. -
Matt Briel commented
and/or indicate which lanes were blocked
Jociento commented
In 2D view one-way streets have arrows showing their direction, however in 3D mode this arrow is not displayed. I would like to see these arrows in 3D mode as well, because when I navigate, the Waze App is set to 3D view, and arrows are not visible. Knowing if a street is one-way can be useful during navigation. Please make arrows to be visible in 3D viee as well.
AlObaili commented
Lane closures are not currently available in some countries, please make it available in more countries! It's a great feature
TrafficSpartan commented
Be able to let people know that there is a lane closure ( left or right) this will help drivers to get ready and pick the most convenient lame ahead of time
Chris Compo commented
Lane closure. Stupid phone
Chris Compo commented
Last night on the M6 UK there was a kane closure. No easy way to report it. Very frustrating.
Need to be able to report Lane closures start and finish.
Also exit and entry ramp closures to Motorway or Highway or other major and minor roads
Steve Fiore-Rosenfeld commented
Object in Road or Accident in Road or Lane closure or Construction, Road narrows, Police visible should allow and show which lane Left Center or Right lane... Easy to see on map and easy to report!
Oded Shalom commented
In many cases there is a need to close a certain direction/turn in a junction right now.
But the only possibility today is a TBR which is valid only after a map build.
The RT closure option is only for segments.
So, I suggest to add RTR (Real Time Restriction) to directions/turns in junctions.Example: Consider a T or + junction that only the middle of the junction is closed or blocked, so that you can keep on straight ahead or turn right, but cannot turn left. In this case we cannot use RT closure because there is no segment to close, only the left turns need to be restricred.
Anonymous commented
Specific lane closures, traffic light outages and being able to clear alerts that are no longer valid like construction zones.
Alex commented
Able to click on a road or a bridge to indicate that it is closed. In fact, I lost 15 minutes on a recent trip because a bridge was closed.
TC commented
Need ability to show lane closures for construction and accidents. include the ability to indicate which lanes are closed, i.e., left 2 lanes are closed.
Eric Ziegler commented
As it is now, I have to be routed to USE a certain segment to request its closure. Why can't I close ANY road I see closed, even if I'm not routing onto it? I've taken detours JUST to make the app route me on it, JUST to enter a closure.
BastoanJunior commented
At the moment not all blocked roads are visible marked on the maps.
Only if you open the Waze editor you'll see if it's blocked.
Please make all closed and blocked roads visible.---
If there's already a suggestion about that, i'm sorry, i didn't found it... -
Anonymous commented
The closest thing you have is "Construction" "On Road"
I searched for "Lane Closure" but it's missing. Traffic can get backed up quickly when there's a lane closure, so it's important to let drivers know that it's coming up.