Low emission zones avoiding
The same principle as avoiding toll roads.
It is enjoying when Waze plans the way through the London (or any other city with low emission zone) and then you find out you have to drive back and find your way around the zone without any assistance as Waze still thinks you can go through the zone.

Dr Julian P Keogh commented
Normally you drive past Antwerp on one of the two ring roads to avoid their LEZ . Today Waze took me through the darned place. Expecting a 90 euro fine because of that...why the hell it did that I don't know...
Jurgen Audenaert commented
Intussen zal Gent dit ook invoeren. Absoluut een belangrijke add-on naar mijn idee!
Anonymous commented
This is much needed specially for the UK new recent changes in April 2019
Anonymous commented
Hi, do you plan to implement option in your app;
„plan route without streets/cities forbiden for diesel cars”?
Stuttgart f.e. is blocked. Parts of the highway in the area also. Few streets in Berlin and Hamburg. Also Paris e.t.c. We have places closed for circulation for the cars without certain colours of stickers. It would be good to exlude such places, when traveling and search for better way. -
Anonymous commented
Not only Brussels and Antwerp but everywhere i go travelling i m afraad to get fined... this is the Reason I bought my forst smartphone today. Thought iT would exist?
sco commented
LEZ zone ontwijken mag over het ganse land. Brussel, Antwerpen, enz...
Rijden nog veel diesels rond die er net niet binnen mogen.
Zou echt een fantastische update zijn in Waze ! -
[Deleted User] commented
Yes please! Can this be done soon. I travel between France and the *************** pretty often and I have already been sent with **** through the LEZ. Just got a warning from Antwerpen and the next time it will cost me 150€! Help
Anonymous commented
Yes, I second this idea ! It is become increasingly popular for urban areas throughout Europe to have LEZ, and fines for entering such zones are rather hefty. This should not pose a big problem for Waze, as indeed it adheres to the same principles as toll roads or other restricted areas.
Serge commented
Is it possible to mark or install the low imission zone (for example in Antwerp)?
Tiny Schack commented
Really need this!
Andres Gutierrez commented
Some kind of way to zone/highlight the map with forbidden areas of the city... Like low emission zones or historical zones. So the app will ask us if we're allowed to drive through, or, in that type of zone. Just like it ask about higway toll. And then adapt the route...
Katrien Steurs commented
Since 1 February 2017, for example, the entire city centre of Antwerp and part of Linkeroever are a Low Emission Zone (LEZ). The most polluting cars are no longer welcome in the city.
In 2017, the fine will always be 125 euros for every violation. Is there a possibility to make a low emission free route to avoid a fine?
Anonymous commented
I live in close to antwerp and I don't use waze anymore because it always send me through the low emission zone. And I don't want to pay 350€. So it would be really nice if there is an option to avoid it.
Anonymous commented
Antwerp as well
onryou commented
Dear Waze Team,
Several city of France and maybe in the world rolls out restriction measures when the air quality is poor.
For example in France, we have 6 tags (http://bit.ly/2gSV8NM) : Green tag : electric vehicle until grey tag very polluting vehicle.
Throughout pollution peak, Grenoble and soon Paris will limit access on the city.
With the green tag we can drive everywhere and not with the orange or brown and grey tag for example. There are areas.So if we use Waze, it couldn't propose us the best way.
On WME we could mark which vehicles were permitted or forbidden.