Multi-stop route feature
When you want to stop at several points along your route you should have the ability to set multiple destinations
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Anonymous commented
please add functionality to solve the traveling salesman problem.
GeekinTexas commented
We already have the ability to have TWO stops. I'd like to have the ability add the second stop either BEFORE OR AFTER the first one. Currently, you can only add it before.
Ideally, you could set up multiple stops and arrange them manually or have the app optimize them for you automatically. But as a simpler first stop, the above would be very helpful.
Morais commented
When "STOP" on each point we need also a button to PAUSE route, stopping updates of ZERO as speedy what painting road as RED... :-O
Anonymous commented
I'd used Waze for years long and I truly miss it terrible. I deliver food everyday and it could helps a loooot, if available such a service.
Anonymous commented
Frequentemente preciso ir a diversos lugares para entregar materiais, sem uma ordem predefinida. Gostaria que ao inserir 3 ou 4 endereços diferentes o waze fizesse a rota que fosse consumir menos tempo para fazer as entregas.
Dudescu2001 commented
+1 to route with multiple stops in waze
Shinsen_1378 commented
My "old fashioned" GPS would allow one to enter a destination and multiple waypoints. You could force it to route them in a certain order OR it would automatically determine the best way to get to your endpoint while still hitting each waypoint along the way. Loved it!! If had to visit several places in a day but didn't care in what order it was perfect.
Anonymous commented
This would be a huge benefit to commercial drivers who use Waze and might even turn other drivers onto the app for navigation. Commercial drivers are an invaluable resource to Waze and should be better accomdated. They spend more time on the road, travel great distances and transverse many different routes while both actively and passively reporting to Waze.
Brian Murphy commented
I use waze every day and would love to be able to enter multi stops have a beginning and end point and have waze optimize the route . Then i could just go stop to stop. Waze could change on the fly to accomidate traffic issues.
ifaesfu commented
This is neeeded when you try to avoid some toll roads, but you need to drive through some of them. Currently, you only can set one stop point and it is insufficient to get a good route when you need to mix toll and no toll roads in a journey
Anonymous commented
There was an old program called Microsoft Streets and Maps (or Maps and Streets). One great feature was for me to plug in multiple locations and have it suggest the best route. One could reorder them. Letting Waze save me time and gas would be great. I could set it up once instead of stopping each time.
Rebecca commented
and it'd be great to be able to delete an added stop
Anonymous commented
I agree
Jesper commented
Routes would be great. Even better if waze could be started using the route from other app. See for example Sygic which supports this (multiple waypoints is included in the start URL).
Anonymous commented
Please add this.
Anonymous commented
I am planning a motorcycle trip. Being able to plan a route by picking waypoints and having software connect the points is essential. Also, from a motorcycling perspective, there are known great motorcycling roads. If there were software that preferred these roads in designing a trip, that would be the best!!!! So far I have seen no such software. All touring motorcyclists would be forever in your debt!!!!
Martyn commented
Its a shame that such a great app doesn't have the multi drop feature. I use the app almost everyday however when trying to enter different addresses on the go it becomes very problematic. It would be fantastic if you could add 20 or more addresses to a route and save it. Also for me I would like a skip button so it would go on to the next address, that would then make it a perfect app.
Brian Tilburgs commented
The ability to open a kml file with a touristic Tour would-be be very nice too, in holland we have lots of routes described in various formats but not one is usable with Waze my favorite navigation app
Sb commented
Agree this is really an added bonus for this app!
ALlison commented
As a Realtor this feature is really a must so I am not fumbling with entering a new address each time. I tried to do this by saving address as favorites and labeling them #1, 2 3, but now cannot delete them from the Favorites section. Very annoying. Would LOVE to be able to make a multi-stop map and give it a label/name. Then it should also be easy to delete the file later.