Mute navigation during phone call.
When making or taking phone calls using bluetooth, waze navigation prompts often interrupt me. The person on the other end of the line can't hear the prompt, but it means either I miss what they're saying, or my train of thought is interrupted mid-sentence.
It would be useful for the client to auto-mute during a phone call.

Thank you for this suggestion. As you may already know, Waze supports the option to mute during calls. To set that, go to Settings > Voice & sound and toggle Mute during calls.
George commented
Don't talk on the phone while driving. Hands free or not it's still distracting
Gwen C commented
I have it set to mute but it is not working on mine. Perhaps programming needs to look at this.
Anonymous commented
כמשתמש אני זקוק לגישה ישירה לויסות עוצמת הקול במכשיר. אני נוהג להשתמש ברמקול של המכשיר ומשאיר את השימוש בחיבור הבלוטות' לקבלת שיחות טלפון בזמן נסיעה. כאשר אני מקבל שיחה בבלוטות' אני מעוניין להחליש את עוצמת הקול של וויז שממשיכה להשמע ברמקול המכשיר.
הגישה היום לשינו עוצמות הקול מאוד לא נוחה, וביחוד בזמן נסיעה. האם אפשר להוסיף על תצוגת הרמקול על המפה - שני לחצנים נוספים (+/-) שיאפשרו העלאת והורדת עוצמת השמע? זה יקל מאוד על השימוש.
Jorge A Najera Miranda commented
Google Maps has this functionality
Darrell commented
MGODLEW commented
To turn this feature on/off, Tap the Wazer icon in the lower left of the screen > Tap Settings > Tap Sound > Toggle Mute Waze during calls
PWHenne commented
It is HERE! This feature was released in the US today!! And, it is user-selectable as to whether it is on or off. Perfect!
Thank you, Waze, for finally responding to this request, even though it was many years coming!!
scubadave commented
Great idea. I prefer waze to the $2500 navigation system in my car, but even a dumb nissan knows to stop talking when I'm on the phone.
Of course, I can take my hand off the wheel, my attention off the road, and turn off voice prompts when a phone call comes in, but that doesn't seem a great alternative for users.
Sherlock McGyver commented
Additionally, direction read-out's need to be shortened during a phone call so as to cause even less of a disturbance, but still ensure that the turn is not missed.
Sherlock McGyver commented
The volume should attenuate to a reasonable volume rather than mute.
Jim commented
An alternative chime to distinguish an upcoming hazard, police, left or right turn would also help.
Anonymous commented
I have an iPhone and when i drive i have music going, Waze helpfully talks over the music to give me directions, and my phone can pause my music automatically when i make a call. But Waze can't be quiet when I am on a call?
eddy commented
this is so hard to do , google it did in its maps like other gps, because waze can not or just do not care , this suggestion box is so useless , that served if just ignore it
Kellie Paton commented
If I'm on the phone then I need waze to remind me to turn as I'll be focused on call
Rarebit commented
Preferably also as optional... by default mute on during phone call, but with option to not mute. Just to satisfy all people.
Taco909 commented
Please please make this happen.
It is extremely disruptive. -
eddre commented
really necessary , please do add this
Anthony Rauch commented
I turn my bluetooth feature in Waze off, and have it go through speaker. That way when I'm in conversation on my bluetooth, the navigation prompts are not in my ear, they are in the distance and aren't quite so distracting.
moweez commented
I rather have the voice guidance softer on the telephone speaker while being in conversation on Bluetooth. This option is available in Android but doesn't work
Varum Ribeiro de Farias commented
You reeally reeally shouldn't talk on the phone and drive at the same time, I believe it unlikely to exist a country where this is allowed, even with any kind of hands-off, it's literally a killer habit and anything encouraging or helping it should not be done.