Mute navigation during phone call.
When making or taking phone calls using bluetooth, waze navigation prompts often interrupt me. The person on the other end of the line can't hear the prompt, but it means either I miss what they're saying, or my train of thought is interrupted mid-sentence.
It would be useful for the client to auto-mute during a phone call.

Thank you for this suggestion. As you may already know, Waze supports the option to mute during calls. To set that, go to Settings > Voice & sound and toggle Mute during calls.
- commented
Maybe it works already on other phones, but it would be nice to hear the voice guide on the bluetooth headset while driving. It gets annoying for the passengers to hear the voice guide. This was possible already on old Nokia's phones based on Symbian! I also agree with the other comments about stopping the voice guide while calling.
Seth commented
I cannot understand why this is not in the works, especially given the number of votes. It is a real pain to turn off the audio prompts right before making a call or after answering a call, especially while driving.
Please Waze, enable this feature!
Hendricks commented
Hallo, eine Stummschaltfunktion auf dem Display wäre hilfreich. Ich benutze Waze auf meinem Telefon als Navi, jedoch wenn ich telefonieren muss, über Bluetooth Freisprecheinrichtung, werden die Navigation Hinweise auch angesagt.
Somit ist der Teilnehmer nicht mehr zu hören.
Audioausgabe ist über die Handylautsprecher eingestellt.
Mfg Hendricks -
Stu commented
Waze did a great job navigation me around congestion in Austin rush hour. Was on I35 trying to talk on phone so turned it off. A few miles later, the interstate stopped and crawled due to overturned gravel truck. Had it given me a beep or some other warning other than talking over my conversation, I would have been able to take advantage of the purpose of the App. Please add mute feature
Rockin' Kat commented
This would be ok as long as it was a feature which could be turned on or off in preferences.
Mr. B commented
PLEASE, some solution is necessary when phone is active (iOS in my case)!!! Example:
When I'm calling-in to work sick and at the same time WAZE says "Watch out for construction ahead!"
I don't call-in sick though because I work for myself. But you get the idea. There are many ways to deal with this issue. One solution could be a translucent phone icon on the screen during an active call that when pressed, mutes little Ms./Mr. instruction voice. When the call is terminated, the icon disappears and the voice returns to the previous setting.
Oh, just noticed. Did I see people write that this has been on the suggestion list for 3 years? Hmmm... What about my posted suggestions? Is a user-voice like a tree falling in the woods with no one to hear it? Are we being disrespected? The people who make WAZE popular?
Almost 1,800 votes as of this writing... What does it take for action? Maybe an announcement about a blog that addresses status/decisions/related is in order? I'd even be glad to lead it as well. Everything listed should have an ID number, I assume. Analytics, reporting and status should be semi built-in and hopefully connected at this stage of maturity... Slicing and dicing.... Again something in my expertise as a Business Intelligence guy. Give me a shout. I'd be happy to help out
hackingwazeshoulder commented
I prefer instructions to interrupt calls. I would like an option to play a soft LOW tone to the other party so I could train some people to stop talking briefly.
Anonymous commented
In addition to automatic mute during phone call option, a manual button in the phone's drawer can be used. For now, when the instructions interrupt me, I pull the Android drawer down and click "exit navigation" and completely shutdown waze. Another "silence" button, next to the Exit button will be useful in case the auto-silence option is not activated.
Anonymous commented
yes, it is very necessary, but i see that this item is very old, do you have some problem to do it?.
I used to use other navigation, and my phone have 2 different bluetooth channels, one for phone calls and the other for media, and I could hear the phone call in my car stereo and, in the same moment the navigation instruction in my phone.
It is a good idea. -
Paul McGinnis commented
Am I missing something?
Paul McGinnis commented
No offense intended to any of the good ideas posted here but this has been on my Android and IOS Waze apps for over a year in the Settings. I can't tell you when this became the case but I can give you the current versions I'm on if that will help anyone.
For what it's worth
Dan commented
A 3 years old idea an Waze didn't react? Strange approach ...
Adrian Gresores commented
When Waze gives directions during a phone call, I can neither file the directions nor the conversation. Please add an option to mute directions during a phone call.
ilan commented
Same intersechen go in side the tanel let waze nave me throw the tanel by the speed i went in cose wan i out it is to late to chang lane
ilan commented
I drive a small trsk and same street are to small for me let me difine my car so waze can faind the rait rot for my car
Randy S commented
I would add that since it has been monetized, or maybe overly so, that change is likely to be in directions that support income streams. I have seen little change, if any, in the areas I have commented upon. . Am now using Google maps
PWHenne commented
I agree with JPC. However this topic has been out here for years and there is no sign that Waze has any plans to do this. :(
JPC commented
When driving, I use Waze. But I also listen to music via my car's Bluetooth, listen to YouTube playback, and I also make phone calls. Most of the time I use it because I need traffic updates. As far as directions are concerned, most of the time this is not my primary concern.
Great app, and I hope developers continue to fund further enhancements. Below are my two cents....
Additional audio settings would be really helpful, such as:
1. Disable voice prompts all the time.
2. Disable voice prompts during phone call.
3. Disable voice prompts during media session (e.g. Music, video, Pandora, MP3, YouTube, etc., etc.)
4. Disable voice prompts during both '2' and '3' above.ALSO, make an option to turn on/off vibration for things like:
A. Voice prompt.
B. Change in driving directions
C. Police reported ahead
D. Heavy traffic ahead
E. Etc., etc.If I had these choices, I would definitely mute all audio sounds and use a brief vibration to call my attention to the screen. For marketing, the vibration would probably make look more at the ads... as long as it's not like the boy crying wolf!
Anybody agree, disagree, comments?
Jim F commented
Yes. With the ability to adjust settings for auto mute of map directions during a call.
Anonymous commented
Definitely needed. Lyft recommends drivers to use Waze and drivers often call riders or have to receive calls from riders and turn by turn navigation never shuts up, making calls impossible to understand and dangerous. To those who are voting NO, why don't you want it as a non-default option? You do realize that Waze will recalculate your path if you miss a turn...