Mute navigation during phone call.
When making or taking phone calls using bluetooth, waze navigation prompts often interrupt me. The person on the other end of the line can't hear the prompt, but it means either I miss what they're saying, or my train of thought is interrupted mid-sentence.
It would be useful for the client to auto-mute during a phone call.

Thank you for this suggestion. As you may already know, Waze supports the option to mute during calls. To set that, go to Settings > Voice & sound and toggle Mute during calls.
Craig commented
It's really distracting when Waze continues to 'talk' when a voice call comes in. The option to auto mute is badly needed.
Anonymous commented
It would be very useful to be able to pre set a volume for in-call directions. Alternatively, Waze could mute or lower the volume when a call comes in.
alphadolphin commented
Anonymous commented
Please give us the option to mute during calls.
Bang Gavel commented
Please also
MUTE PHone during navigation instructions
Safely Driven Quickly commented
Driving instructions and alerts
OUGHT interrupt music and
OUGHT interrupt callsDon't end calls, but pipe waze audio into calls
I prefer to be not-lost
more allayed commented
> similarly the Jingle Audio Blurb feature
wow, that is a great idea. "Social" integration without privacy whoring!
more allayed commented
I prefer being interrupted with directions during a conversation. Given the dispute BOTH options should be offered (defaulting to interruption)
more allayed commented
> Please allow advanced [android] users to select the audio path.
Yes, please. For the phones with not-feckless audio subsystems that is.
Anonymous commented
I agree, would be nice to be able to have the option to mute it during phone calls. Even during handset calls on iOS it does it
Anonymous commented
I think muting would be good but also an option to automatically reduce the volume when on the phone so you can still hear the navigation
MikeTheWazer commented
In general the user should be able to use navigation and switch off voice prompts similar to Google Maps Navigation.
Phil commented
This is a huge problem. I would suggest though that there be an option for 'In-call Volume' which you could set to mute or a particular volume level.
Alexgiamby commented
I have a Galaxy Tab GP1000 Gingerbread and I use it with a bluetooth headset. In settings/sound I've checked "always use speakers" in the option but the system doesn't work good: voce comes out both italian or english and often interrupted. Maybe is a problem due to my Tab and I'll verify using my wife's new S-II Advance. I'll post here the result. Thanks.
Abner Perry commented
Also has to Mute when voice input is prompted.
David commented
ps: please add it as an option in settings and not default
David commented
This would definitely be helpful! Mute during call is badly needed!
bedo commented
It has to be optional indeed. A check in the user option: "Mute during phone call"
Anonymous commented
I would rather hear directions. I can always ask the person to repeat buy I can't make that turn if I miss it. Option would be nice but not mute on auto. Tks
João Rodrigues commented
For sure it should be optional for those who prioritize navigation, but we must at least have the option!!! One can get really confused when getting an important phone call that needs to be answered promptly!