Police Heat Map
What about a feature that shows popular police trap locations. There are locations in my town that are popular with police to setup speed traps. If those areas could glow blue like traffic areas glow red, I think that could be a great feature. If you could use the information that wazers report, then that info could be processed through an algorithm that show the high probability areas.
Gamma commented
hk commented
speeding is RARELY reckless commented
Hot, page 1, Heat Map
speeding is RARELY reckless commented
I see you've already noticed the EARLIER wildly popular Heat Map suggestion
Furfeather commented
Waze users can mark areas on the map where police are known to sit and trap frequently.
Ed commented
Just adding some votes and a comment, to hopefully move this up the development priority list. After all, how difficult to develop a simple algorithm to report "police frequently reported in this area"
Anonymous commented
Set up zones on maps/route where police are most often reported.
Leonardo Lombardi commented
I don't get why there is a police report feature in the first place.
What's the reason for reporting? To alert someone that is committing a crime, so he doesn't get caught. This is wrong. -
DiamantSK commented
When a police was marked on a road segment for example 2-3x a month, next month can be there a grayscale icon of cops as warning. By us we have places, where police likes to be often. Or let wazers to choose, for how long period they want to show places, where police was standing in past.
Mark commented
A nice idea but forgive my ignorance when wondering if cops will catch on and use the app to declare consistent "not there"'s.
Also when considering color-coding these zones please keep the color-blind in mind. Sounds ridiculous but it makes reading these maps torturous. -
Bob Buranich commented
Yeah , and im sure waze could could use the past report to get a idea of what times the cops are there at a day by day bases for on the likely hood of a cop being at that spot.
MGODLEW commented
I think Waze should take the user data and generate their own "known speed trap" locations for automatically generated warnings. This should require repeated posting of police in an area within a period of time, including those being Thanked to show that they are valid postings. Waze has the data to do this already and making it automatic will prevent abuse.
Anonymous commented
awesome idea! a open hotspot "heat map" would be cool too!
SpecialK commented
I like this...wish I had another vote to give!!
death Bye post commented
implemented completely waze could create a plugin system or offer adding mobile applications
death Bye post commented
I love everything in the first and second comments!
Anonymous commented
Heat maps would be great.
RhodesaSsassinScholar commented
Consider also heat mapping actual-radar souces and originating direction. There are a few ideas to tie in HIGH end detectors.
MUST be a way to identify-, indicate-, then ignore stationary radar signs with speed display. Either the tow and drop trailer versions or the INSIDIOUS fixed to pole signs many cities inflict on citizenry. OverKILL radiation dosing is bad for "the environment" and MURDER on the health of those whose daily commute places them in irradiated corridors!!
Heat mapping should have deference for
+ waze user weight
+ confirmed sightings
+ extra weight for reports made to speed trap waze groups
* A way to penalize speed nazis who FALSELY report 'not there'. Or officers of the peace with ill temperments.
Driving faster than posted limits is not synonymous with reckless. Speed limits are not a safety issue other than school zones, high pedestrian zones even jaywalkers, or housing tracts. Often 80+ mph is the 'sweet spot' for maximum gas use efficiency. With the needlessly high cost of fuel and abuse of power trying to bleed citizens for money with outrageous fines rather than employing fiscal discipline such a feature will encourage better behavior of all parties.
Those who espouse love for the environment should respect wise fuel use.
Those who live paycheck to paycheck need minimize expenditurs by safely driving faster than indicated [fascist] limits
Users should be able to adjust their own respective history range for the heat map. Also there should be a few defaults :
+ this week
+ this month
+ ever
+ this time of day
++ 1 hour
++ 2 hours
++ 6 hours
+ peak traffic congestionWith special indication for monthly outliers like catching up with monthly quotas, holidays, weekends
I would *exclude* dui checkpoints as that is obviously reckless and not driving within limits of car-, conditions-, and driver
Suga Ride commented
Combine with
To reveal predation patterns also