A way to delete my own report.
My idea is... A way to delete my own "report". I placed a report by mistake and wanted to take it off but couldn't!
Louis commented
I asked Waze audio about an accident near me and it interpreted this as a report of a major accident at my location with no ability to confirm this as correct or delete! There should be a confirmation query before filing the report!!!! There should be an ability for a Wazer who is the reporting party to delete a report!
Anonymous commented
Agreed, add me to this list....just trying to learn how to use the app and I didn't know I was telling the voice command rather than asking.....I should be able to remove this mistake.
pl commented
It is weird to make such an app without delete button. Sorry fellows but the traffic jam is not there where I hit by mistake.
Electro commented
Add me to the list of the irritated. Why cant i delete my own reports? I should be anle to place reports at different locations since i am not grabbing my phone when passing a cop using his radar. Seems like the developer would think of this.
Cam commented
Update - I was able to use the Edit Map option on the main website, select the speed camera and in the top right I hit the trash can image and it removed it. Hopefully that will update the mobile map in due course.
Cam commented
Add me to this petition! I added a speed camera not realizing the app was going to make it a fixed speed camera. It's a mobile camera and won't be there in a few hours, but i can't see a way to remove it. Does anybody read these? Seems like basic functionality.
Emily commented
So apparently there's a "hidden cop" at my house. Wtf, waze. Now they're going to know who reported it!! Hate, hate, HATE that you can't choose a location or delete your OWN reports. Absolutely hate that.
M L Jackson commented
Same issues here. Massive oversight! Tisk tisk tisk
Anonymous commented
Lol, twice I tried to report an accident and even though I tapped on the spot where it was at, once I hit the button to send the report it changed it to my location. There is no way that I can find to delete it and no way I can figure out on how to actually report it unless I'm right there at that spot... Which is dumb cuz I'm not gonna whip out my phone while trying to drive through an accident area, maybe causing another accident. Waze needs to address these major issues with their app! Duh!
Raina Achimon Hood commented
Ugh! Brand new to Waze as of yesterday. I am a Professional Driver. I spend well over 5-6 hours a day driving. I cannot use my phone in any way while working unless I am legally parked. So when I got home this morning, I went to make a hazard report of road construction along my route, and it marked my home as the location instead. I couldn't find a way to delete it, so I tried again by tapping where I was, and it basically repeated the alert at my home. So frustrating! Sorry to anybody who this affects, as well as no warning where the construction actually is. Waze definitely needs to make a way to put the alerts where you were instead of where you are. I cannot safely make reports unless they fix this.
Anonymous commented
This is a fantastic application, one of my all time favorites. I've used it daily since I was introduced a month ago. I mistakely tried to report heavy track off of a street 1 mile from my house, it reported it at my house instead.
This is a common issue and you will lose customers without adding a feature the allows one to delete mistakes and pinpoint cautions they know of near where you just were
PLEASE listen to your customers and fix this immediately. I love this application but this is a serious issue. I sincerely ask you, please fix this with the next update as soon as possible, or at lease let us know if it is coming and a projected date.
Sincerely from a Waze Fanatic,
Austen -
Anonymous commented
Obviously needed. If I'm driving solo, I'm not going to pull out my phone to report something. A major oversight
Anonymous commented
so much this... now there is a DUI checkpoint on my quiet cul de sac rather than the major road two miles from my house.
taylor commented
I also just reported construction in my house. Maybe I should put on a little hard hat and take a picture so at least it's not a lie!;)
Anonymous commented
Added a report for the highway and it showed up at work. Gah
Anon commented
Just talked to the police, they asked why the DUI Station was in my drive-way...
Anonymous commented
At least I'm not alone. apparently there is a dui checkpoint in my driveway. Ugh.
Anonymous commented
Not being able to delete a mistaken report and not being able to make a report in a location that is not your current location means I am over this program. There has got to be a better one out there. Waze=Deleted
Eden commented
Ohhh God. Please add a delete button for reports!!! There was a police officer hidden at a 4-way stop about 5 miles from my home and silly me I reported it when I got home and now apparently there's a hidden police officer in my house....
Joanna Bass commented
I googled how to delete a report and got here! I too wanted to report a speed trap but waited till I got to work so I could park. But now it says there is a hidden speed trap at my work. whoops! I'm a new user. Sorry fellow Wazers