A way to delete my own report.
My idea is... A way to delete my own "report". I placed a report by mistake and wanted to take it off but couldn't!
Anonymous commented
New to this app and mistakenly added heavy traffic:(. No way to delete it!
Tak commented
I accidentally reported traffic while testing voice... A test mode or ability to remove my own report
Brandon commented
What am I supposed to do to report a speed trap go park behind the cop and report it?
Berkeley commented
Please set a click so we can delete an accident that was reported by accident!!
Anonymous commented
Yes, please add a delete button. There was road construction on a major town road for about 1 mile. I don't use my phone while I drive, so I did the report when I got in my driveway, about 4 miles away. Now it seems like there's road work and backed up traffic for 5 miles, all the way to my house! And it didn't even show the road the actual road work was being done on. Please, please add a delete/modify button.
Anonymous commented
I was testing out the voice commands and made a heavy traffic report by mistake. Tried to remove it and couldn't? This should be a basic function . Allow the user to delete or edit their reports! keeping Waze 100% error free. 8-)
Anonymous commented
Yep! This is stupid. Never reporting again. Feel embarrassed because userability sucks and can't mod/delete report.
Anonymous commented
I never imagined there would be no way to delete my own report. The quality of the information WAZE provides must really be hurt by this.
Anonymous commented
Needs a way to delete reports (only your own) and a way to add a report away from your own location. This is basic stuff. Ahould have been long implemented.
Fed up commented
I got waze to alert people to an under cover police speed trap while I was leaving wal greens. Checked the report, oh hey it's at my house! Oh and I can't delete this report? Even if I delete my account? Even if I go invisible? Ok, I won't ever be using this app again, this lack of a security feature isn't just dumb, it's dangerous
royalpiano commented
I accidentally made a report while experimenting with the voice commands. Now I can't remove it!
Anonymous commented
Does seem silly that "reports" are strictly based on your currently location when you report. ie., You can't report a speed trap after you've safely driven past it. *shakin' my head*
Scott Oldfield (scuttlefield) commented
I'm new to Waze and accidentally put a report on a wrong street. I feel back that I can't move it to the right place or at least delete it.
Sergio commented
Please developers!!! Allow to delete wrong or esausted reports ! SOONEERRRR!!!
Tom commented
Found this while trying to figure out how to remove bad report. :-(
James commented
Cut believe this is not an option. How can you not delete your own report?
Anonymous commented
I Just posted one by mistake...put a damn delete option in the menu. the only reason it has not been done is because the developers are lazy or not listening to these posts
Seth commented
i just went to add a hazard from earlier and it moved from the intersection i mapped to my street. big mistake and now cannot delete? there should be a warning that entries only work off GPS.
Anonymous commented
YES!!! Need this ability to correct mistakes and post to previous location
Anonymous commented
Of course!! We need a delete/edit/replace button for our own report. I usually report police after passing them and can't put the right location...