Avoid parkway feature
Driving a commercial vehicle we are not allowed to go on parkways. A conventional GPS allows you to "avoid part of route" I want to be able to go on all other highways just not parkways. When it gives you a route, you should be able to avoid parkways where all truckers cannot use either

Anonymous commented
We need an amendment to the reroute options. My idea is this, when looking ag the list of directions, the steps taken to get to your destination, allow us to click on any of these steps and AVOID that particular step/turn/direction.For example, a commercial trucker is on a 40 mile trip but it takes him on a parkway. He would simply go to "DIRECTIONS" and proceed to find the step indicating you should turn on the parkway and avoid that step and have the app reroute another way that doesnt involve the parkway.
Anonymous commented
Please add this
Anonymous commented
I work for a small company that has 9 commercial vehicles that can't be used on Parkways without getting traffic tickets. Please help.
Anonymous commented
Commercial truck support, I'd pay for it
Anonymous commented
need to avoid parkways A.S.A.P
Anonymous commented
Waze is awesome but we need for commercial vehicles!!
Tom commented
In the northeast pickups over 7200 lbs gvw are not allowed on parkways
Anonymous commented
How can I avoid parkways
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I need to avoid parkway
Anonymous commented
Directions to pace University in Pleasantville New York
Anonymous commented
It would be great not to have trucks anymore stuck on the on the passes it will save lots of traffic please make it happen
Tuli commented
Please make this happen
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please add ‘no parkways option , just got booted from a parkway in Conn.
Anonymous commented
Use http://www.truckrouter.com to plan your trip, then make sure and plug or keep track on paper of where you have to deviate from the waze route you're on. A good ole paper map is still irreplaceable when you're lost or have to get off a road like the parkway and find your way to a road you're allowed to travel.
Katie C. commented
Yes please!! We just got a camper trailer and we were completely unaware of this!
Anonymous commented
Yes please
Anonymous commented
yes please is the waze have it
Ron commented
Please add ‘no parkways option ‘. Temporarily when pulling RV.