Navigate shortest route
With the new update you all took away the option to search by shortest route available or Fastest route available. Please bring this function back.

Anonymous commented
I'm afraid Waze is 'dead'. No one is listening to the wishes of the users anymore. I switched to TomTom navigation-app and use the eco-route: it has a good balance between duration and length of the route.
DM commented
My car gps offers 3 choices, fastest, economic and shortest. At least I can choose which option I prefer. I hope it will return…
Nate commented
There used to be a setting you could change that allowed your app to give you shortest distance rides, rather than fastest. They took it away for some unknown reason. Bring it back - Waze is currently AWFUL for taxi drivers because the app gives us routes that go way out of the way to save a few minutes of time. That's something we can't do.
Игорь commented
Предлагать самый короткий маршрут, не всем нужно ездить объезжая все пробки.
Limite de velocidad commented
Sería muy bueno que el programa tuviese la opción del camino más corto sólo considerando la distancia. Sin considerar velocidad de las calles ni la cantidad de automóviles de las mismas, sólo considerando la distancia.
Cosa que otros programas tiene -
Craig commented
Bring it back!! Shortest is preferred by some!!
John Silie commented
Give user the ability (setting) to specify best route (default), or always choose the shortest route, regardless of obstructions.
Vlad commented
Option: If the difference in the route is less than 5 to 10 minutes (for example) build the shortest route.
Anonymous commented
Boa noite! Aqui vcs poderiam atualizar waze para que procurasse uma rota mais acessível e curtas. Do que o de agora faz vc da uma imensa volta para sair no mesmo lugar. E mais para que ele falasse sobre quebra molas.
Anonymous commented
Option for shortest route
Anonymous commented
Short route option BACK.!!!!!
Shahar שחר commented
תחזירו בבקשה את המסלול הקצר ביותר
Liran Yatom commented
Eliminating the option of choosing a short route is the biggest mistake that waze can make. Who gave you this advice? Return this feature as soon as possible and without delay. Already in the next update.
Anonymous commented
it could be a slider that gives a percentage increase over the fastest route to kill the route distance. For example 10% would mean allow a route upto 10%slower than the fastest route to maximise the distance removed from the route. So many time I've pressed the routes option to find a 3 minute slower route that removes 10 to 30 miles from a journey.
Anonymous commented
add " shortest route option back" please
Anonymous commented
Need shortest route back, as fastest route can be very expensive.
Anonymous commented
You navigate me to a street that requires that I cross two heavily used lanes of traffic that does not stop - instead of routing me one block away which lets me cross the same street with a stop light. You need to consider these things in your navigation
Anonymous commented
Since Waze will not give shortest route, what other apps are an option? I do not see shortest route in google or Apple Maps.
Anonymous commented
Please bring back the shortest route option.
I prefer saving 10 km of gasoline, rather than get earlier by 2 minutes!
Anonymous commented
I would like waze to stop sending me on expressways that are jammed with traffic or stopped early GPS navigation used to give you the option to go quickest time or shortest route