Add Electric to the Preferred fuel type, which will then display electric charging points on the map.
There is no current option in Preferred fuel type for pure Electric. I would like to have this option, which, when selected, displays electric charging points as POIs for my journeys.

Great news! The EV charging stations are now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Evandro Sousa commented
- add fuel - electric
- show electrical stations on the live map -
Johanne commented
When electric car runs low, drivers want the quickest itinerary to the closest charging station, not multiple sites in no specific order. Maybe there should be a Waze app just for electric cars as needs may be different.
Johanne commented
Kona electric 2023
Krazywatch commented
Today only fossil fuels are available to be selected as preference.
Please add electricity to the choices to be able:
- to select electricity as preferred energy
- to filter gas stations where they propose charging slotsMy 2 cents
Ian commented
This would really help as battery level details are a big advantage of Google Maps.
Escot commented
Il manque le « carburant » électrique. Ce serai parfait pour prévoir un itinéraire avec recharge.
Karl-Axel Cedergren commented
I should be a way to only view electric charging stations on the map. No petrol.
Sagiv commented
שלום רב,
אני משתמש באפליקציית וויז עוד מראשית דרכה.
בשנה האחרונה אני נוהג ברכב חשמלי, ולדעתי אפליקציית ווייז יכולה להיות יותר מותאמת למהפכה החשמלית, ולתת מענה מדוייק יותר לבעלי הרכב החשמלי.אבקש באמצעות מייל זה, להציע הצעת ייעול.
ההצעה שלי היא בעצם להפוך את אפליקציית ווייז ליותר מונגשת ויותר מותאמת לרכבים חשמלים, וזה יכול לעבוד באופן הבא:
כל בעל רכב ימלא בהגדרות את סוג הרכב שלו, ואת הכמות ק"מ הריאלית של הרכב, וזה יהווה בסיס לחישובים בהמשך.
1. בתחילת כל נסיעה, יתבקש הנהג להזין את אחוז הסוללה העדכני שלו.
2. הנסיעה תהיה מחושבת לפי כמות ק"מ שיש לבצע במסלול, תוך התחשבות בנתון של אחוז הסוללה.
3. המסלול יותאם בהתחשבות במטענים DC, מטענים אולטרה מהירים.
4. חלק מהחישוב של הנסיעה יתבצע ויותאם בכל שלב, תוך התחשבות במהירות הנסיעה, היות וככל שהמהירות תעלה, אחוז הסוללה והיחס של כמות הק"מ שניתן לבצע עם אותה כמות סוללה תקטן. לדוגמה:
אם למשל סוללה בקיבולת של 50% יכולה לעבור מרחק של 200 ק"מ והמסלול הוא 170 ק"מ, על פניו אין צורך בהטענה, אבל כל זה נכון כל עוד הרכב נוסע בין 100 ל 110 קמ"ש, לכן אם נהג הרכב לצורך הדוגמה, נוסע על 130 קמ"ש, הכמות ק"מ שלו תקטן משמעותית, ותרד ל 150 ק"מ, מה שמתריע על כך שיש חוסר בכמות הק"מ ביחס למסלול, ויש להיכנס לתחנת הטענה כדי להוסיף עוד טווח נסיעה ליעד הרצוי.
5. כל נהג יקבע לעצמו סף אחוז סוללה שהוא לא מעוניין לעבור, נניח שאקבע שאני לא מוכן לרדת מתחת ל-20% ואז בכל נסיעה אני מראש אקבל במסלול במידת הצורך תחנת טעינה כאשר לכל אורך המסלול אני לא ארד מ-20% סוללה.Greetings,
I have been using the Wiz app since its inception.
For the past year I have been driving an electric vehicle, and in my opinion the Wise app can be more adapted to the electric revolution, and provide a more accurate response to electric vehicle owners.I will ask through this email to offer an optimization proposal.
My proposal is actually to make the Wise app more accessible and more adapted to electric vehicles, and it could work as follows:
Each car owner will fill in the settings with the type of his car, and the actual number of kilometers of the car, and this will form the basis for calculations later on.
At the start of each trip, the driver will be asked to enter his current battery percentage.
The trip will be calculated according to the number of kilometers to be covered on the route, taking into account the percentage of the battery.
The route will be adjusted taking into account DC chargers, ultra-fast chargers.
Part of the calculation of the trip will be carried out and adjusted at each stage, taking into account the speed of the trip, because as the speed increases, the percentage of the battery and the ratio of the number of km that can be traveled with the same amount of battery will decrease. For example: if, for example, a battery with a capacity of 50% can travel a distance of 200 km "m and the route is 170 km, on the face of it there is no need to charge, but all this is true as long as the vehicle travels between 100 and 110 km/h, therefore if a driver .For the purpose of the example, the vehicle travels at 130 km/h, its mileage will decrease significantly, and will drop to 150 km, which alerts you that there is a lack of mileage in relation to the route, and you must enter the charging station to add more driving range to the desired destination .
Each driver will set for himself a battery percentage threshold that he does not wish to cross, let's say that I will decide that I am not ready to drop below 20% and then on each trip I will get a charging station on the route in advance if necessary when for the entire length of the route I will not drop below 20% battery -
António Carvalho commented
Deveria dar para selecionar eletricidade num carro elétrico. Só aparecem as opções de combustíveis fósseis
Jiong Sheng Hoo commented
Hi Candy,
Volunteer map editor from Malaysia here. You can reach out to us to map these places. Currently we are also mapping as we go, it's a long process as each of us have varying commitments and can edit different areas. You can reach out to us to map missing EVCS on our FB or Telegram by visiting this link:
Jiong Sheng Hoo commented
Gary, you can also contact your local editors' community as they are able to create places in the Waze app. You can reach out to them on the forums at
Gary David commented
Please Add more of the Jolt charging stations location
Recently - many Jolt units have begun operation in the south parts of the greater Sydney area not far from the Sydney Domestic Airport
Miguel Pedro commented
Nos combustivel a opção eletrico. Alem disso alguns carros eletricos como AMI, Picolino e etc só podem utilizar estradas locais, Hoje utilizamos evitar autoestrada e evitar portagens mas ainda acontecem casos de isso não ser suficiente
Brian Stevenson commented
It is now over a month since your statement here and I have reinstalled the app numerous times from the Apple Store and no sign of EV coming up as an option on vehicle details or Electric coming up as an option in fuel types. Because of this EV charging does not show on routes as an other fuel type has to be chosen and another vehicle details has to be chosen. Can we please get this sorted out.
Carl commented
In settings; need the ability to either turn fuel stations off or add EV charging to preferred fuel type.
Sharpy63 commented
I have changed my car from petrol to electric but I can’t change the fuel type (still showing as unleaded). It would help to be able to untick this, also it would help in showing charging points.
Michael Englund commented
Not visable when chosen CCS2 as electric vehicle
Vladis commented
Very strange that You have to choose Gasoline type for Electrocars! Where is a choise CHARGER? Please change.
Bridgette commented
You post gas stations. Please post ev stations I have an electric car
Steve Searle commented
Sorry but there is no eV info running in Waze 4.95
Need preferred fuel type too as Electric