Add Electric to the Preferred fuel type, which will then display electric charging points on the map.
There is no current option in Preferred fuel type for pure Electric. I would like to have this option, which, when selected, displays electric charging points as POIs for my journeys.

Great news! The EV charging stations are now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
brx80_Gianni commented
I have also added a similar request of improvement
brx80_Gianni commented
during I am driving it is not good to stop and search for a vehicle recarge poing.
During my trip, when I am driving, I see in Waze the icon of McDonald, icon of Opel car shop, icon of ENI petrol station: can you please add an icon with "green plug" that is for electric recharge point?
I can search the petrol stations along my trip, is it possible to add a similar function to visualize the EV charging points?mentre sto guidando è scomodo fermarmi e mettersi a fare la ricerca. Ma mentre guido vedo l'icona del McDonald, vedo l'icona del concessionario Opel, vedo l'icona del distributore Eni. Inoltre c'è la funzione di ricerca dei distributori di carburante lungo il tragitto: non potete mettere un'icona della "spina" che indica la colonnina di ricarica? e la funzione "mostra colonnine lungo il tragitto" ?
Justin Combs commented
WAZE should have a selection to take you a route to your destination that has EV car charging stations on the route. In that mode it should also tell you the distance to the next two charging stations so you can make an educated decision and you will also never have to worry about running out of juice even on long trips.
Terry Galloway commented
Please add all supercharger locations to Waze maps
Anonymous commented
Electric Vehicles and charging options
Electric Vehicles are growing in popularity. So here are my suggestions
Vehicle details - Fuel type - add option for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and Hybrid vehicle
Other settings for BEV - size of battery, types of charging options available to the vehicle - like CCS / Chademo / Tesla / Type 2 etc typical range with battery at 100% and an option to enter battery level at start of journey
Addition of Charging stations - Fast charger and slow chargers options selectable. Show number of chargers available and how many in use / free which users can update when visiting chargers. Also rate of charge at the charger as well.
If journey length longer than the range with battery level at start of journey then look at chargers available along the route, journey planner can give options like expected battery level at start and what level of battery remaining needed at destination to work out number and lengths of charging stops needed for the journey and include in the ETA during calculations. Option to avoid specific chargers which are known to be usually out of order.
Other optional settings like planned charger arrival battery level, maximum charger state of battery level to achieve and battery degradation to allow for more granular planning of charging stops during journey.
Display amount of CO2 saved compared to non electric vehicles and treats based on average speed while driving achieving maximum economy while driving .
When charging on any charger, ability to display expected duration of charging, so other users who turn up know how long to expect for wait and also allows Waze to update plans for other users expecting to reach those chargers soon.
Ability for users to add photos of the chargers and exact location on Waze to make navigating to them easier and other details like any parking charges, need to register for charging if any ANPR covering the area.
Make Waze webapp work similar to mobile app as most new cars include browser integrated into the car.Hope that will take Waze to the next level of navigation and car apps.
Ajay Sharma compartió esta sugerencia · 29 de septiembre de 2020 · -
Anonymous commented
Electric Vehicles and charging options
Electric Vehicles are growing in popularity. So here are my suggestions
Vehicle details - Fuel type - add option for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and Hybrid vehicle
Other settings for BEV - size of battery, types of charging options available to the vehicle - like CCS / Chademo / Tesla / Type 2 etc typical range with battery at 100% and an option to enter battery level at start of journey
Addition of Charging stations - Fast charger and slow chargers options selectable. Show number of chargers available and how many in use / free which users can update when visiting chargers. Also rate of charge at the charger as well.
If journey length longer than the range with battery level at start of journey then look at chargers available along the route, journey planner can give options like expected battery level at start and what level of battery remaining needed at destination to work out number and lengths of charging stops needed for the journey and include in the ETA during calculations. Option to avoid specific chargers which are known to be usually out of order.
Other optional settings like planned charger arrival battery level, maximum charger state of battery level to achieve and battery degradation to allow for more granular planning of charging stops during journey.
Display amount of CO2 saved compared to non electric vehicles and treats based on average speed while driving achieving maximum economy while driving .
When charging on any charger, ability to display expected duration of charging, so other users who turn up know how long to expect for wait and also allows Waze to update plans for other users expecting to reach those chargers soon.
Ability for users to add photos of the chargers and exact location on Waze to make navigating to them easier and other details like any parking charges, need to register for charging if any ANPR covering the area.
Make Waze webapp work similar to mobile app as most new cars include browser integrated into the car.Hope that will take Waze to the next level of navigation and car apps.
Ajay Sharma compartió esta sugerencia · 29 de septiembre de 2020 · -
stef DELIL commented
Pourriez-vous ajouter les bornes de recharges rapides pour les voitures électriques ?Les utilisateurs de ve sont obligés d utiliser abrp ou chargemap
Gajdos Richard commented
Elektromos töltési lehetöségek
massimiliano commented
add directly on the fuel the elettric and too the recharge point on the map
[Deleted User] commented
Having electric charging points would be very helpful.
It's strange that in Vehicle Type, you can select 'Electric' but in Petrol Stations (I know, it's not petrol), you can't select Preferred Fuel Type of Electric -
Anonymous commented
Add electric vehicle and charging points
Philippe LEVÔTRE commented
E85, Gazole, etc mais toujours pas l'option véhicule électrique. C'est dommage non ? Pouvoir évaluer le coût de la recharge.
Ivan i Laura commented
Me gustaría que en las características de los vehículos se incluyese la motorización eléctrica. A día de hoy solamente se contempla la gasolina y el diésel.
SQ commented
This thread needs more traction. There are some Petrol Stations that have EV chargers. I hope to see them appear on Waze. That would help a lot.
Frans Bosma commented
Add functionality for electric cars ie electricity as fuel type, charging stations on map and route planner that includes charging
Albert Sagarra commented
I hope that it will not take long to have a solution for users of electric vehicles
Albert Sagarra commented
Location of Recharging points, See prices, route planner with stops to recharge the vehicle, A must for any electric vehicle driver
Albert Sagarra commented
I have been a Waze user for many years (I had it on my old BlackBerry). I have seen how the application has evolved during all this time, but I have been an Electric Vehicle user for 5 years now, and I miss the services that users need... Location of Recharging points, See prices, route planner with stops to recharge the vehicle,...
When will we have services for electric vehicles?
I have to use other apps to have this information and Waze is losing prominence in my Android Auto.
I am willing to participate and collaborate in making these services possible in Waze, so you can count on me for Betatester.
I hope that it will not take long to have a solution for users of electric vehicles.Thank you very much,
duby cohen commented
פתיחה של אפשרות לסימון רכב חשמלי
לא יהיה ניווט לתחנות דלק אלה
ניווט לעמדות טעינה וציון מספר העמדות וסוג העמדה -
Sjoerd Oonk commented
Very strange this is not a feature yet...