Ability to increase font size.
Those of us who see distance fine but need reading glasses could use the abolity to increase street name and POI size. It's one if the reasons why I don't use Waze as often as I'd like to.
Many thanks

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
Please increase the size of the text for kilometers so it is as big as the size of text for the time of arrival. The time of the duration of the trip is not as important to me and it could be eliminated if there is no space. The size of the text of the kilometers and the time of duration are too small to see without reading glasses (which anyone over 50 years old cannot use when they are driving)!! Thank you.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to have it zoomed in
Anonymous commented
Rarebit commented
If Waze would implement MirrorLink standards they would also fix this ... more info at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kzeE7MmHns ... it's a video on mirrorlink.
Anonymous commented
Since you updated the looks of the app recently the font size has become to small. Also the contrast - it is grey on grey at lot of the text. It is dangerous when driving to have that low readability. I have 20/20 vision, so that is not the issue and using an iPhone 6 Plus. The device is usually used at twice the distance compared to holding it in your hand when navigating in a car.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes it would be handy to be make the map bigger so I can see the street names which are also hidden
Anonymous commented
I can't read the phone from more than a foot away. Please give us option to increase font size.
Anonymous commented
I would recommend making the whole popup window into two buttons - Left side for "not there" and right side for "there". Each side could be highlighted separately to indicate the two halves. I find that I spend a lot of time trying to hit one of the tiny existing buttons while driving.
Anonymous commented
I fully agree. I am 78 and need larger fonts to read.
DMK commented
+1 Please increase font size for directions and street names.
Also, the speed information is behind another icon on the screen and impossible to read. 7 inch tablet Lenovo. Thank you. -
Anonymous commented
Agreed, not only the ability to enlarge fonts but change from grey on white background or blue on black background. These are very difficult if not impossible to read for those of us over forty years old! Waze versions should be road tested in various light conditions by folks of different ages. Keep in mind that not everyone uses the newest biggest phone. I use an iPhone 4S and in landscape mode, the upper and lower text bars are essentially unreadable except for the ETA.
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to change the font size or not?
Anonymous commented
The better the screen resolution everything get smaller - fonts, icons etc. Difficult to use with my new tablet.
Need the option to make everything bigger. -
Doug commented
Can we get an update to be able to adjust the size? Seriously!!
WuVT commented
I agree. New update made icons and font way too small.
Anonymous commented
I figured there has to be a way to change the icon size but found there isn't. How stupid was that? I have the same problem I don't need glasses to drive but if I want to see the icons on the new Waze I have to put on my reading glasses. Can you say "lawsuit". I want the old Waze back
Oscar commented
I have been trying this app for a few weeks, and is is great feature wise, but can't say anything good about its ergonomy. Microscopic fonts and icons that I just cannot see while driving and annoying popups then starting the app and all you want to do is enter a destination or see the traffic jam ahead... unfortunately all that makes it useless for me. :(
So please, think that people is driving while using this app, and they may not have good close vision, simplify written texts and let us enlarge fonts and icons!
Thomas commented
In my order to use this safely the text size should be adjustable.
Anonymous commented
New version has the reports are way too small. A yellow or blue dot is just too small.
Anonymous commented
The last update was said had "better visibility" but I believe that was a failure. Bigger icons? You made the icon itself smaller and wrapped it in a bubble. All the important text has been made "normal". We don't need the bubble, we needed larger icons! Bring back the old text!
For both of these, it is literally not possible to do anything with the device once you've started driving. Since all text is now so small and the icons all look the same (a bubble), there is no way to glance at the device and know what it is telling you. There is no way to post a hazard or accident or anything unless you've stopped so you can really look at the screen.