Please provide an option to turn off the "car stopped on shoulder" warning.
This is the most common warning yet doing nothing more than distracting. People stop on shoulders for few minutes all the time so why do I need to care unless I am planning to drive on the shoulder?? Turning off road hazards does not help.

Great news! The option to filter the kinds of alert you would like to get is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Miles commented
Hopefully Waze doesn not find out a way to kill my new found bliss of not having vehicle stopped on shoulder and recalculating alerts blasting over my bluetooth.
The quick fix is to copy 0 length files over the problem child .tts and .mp3 files as root. It looks like waze recently moved their app files to /data/data/com.waze/waze which is why changing things in /sdcard/waze did nothing.
So for the English Jane voice I opened the tts.db file with a sql editor and found the filenames for all these terrible alerts. I then create zero length .tts files for all these and copy into /sdcard/waze/ for safe keeping and then periodically overwrite the files in the Jane folder as root but you may only have to do it once.
cp -f /sdcard/waze/*.tts /data/data/com.waze/waze/tts/database/Jane/
1466453358-437795-70.ttsCreate zero length files into /sdcard/waze/sound and copy to eng and heb folders as root
cp -f /sdcard/waze/sound/*.* /data/data/com.waze/waze/sound/eng/
cp -f /sdcard/waze/sound/*.* /data/data/com.waze/waze/sound/heb/
TickerPoints.mp3 <---- I think this is really the recalculating sound
ToggleProvider.mp3And wallah, Waze doesn't suck anymore with it connected to Bluetooth at least in Los Angeles.
Enjoy the free air again people that hated this CRA* as much as I did.
Anonymous commented
This is not the only complaint about this issue. I have personally opened one several years ago and have seen dozens of others over the years. If you added up all the votes for all the versions of this complaint, I am certain it would be the second most popular complaint about Waze.
I just did a quick search for "on shoulder" and there are more than 3273 issues. Not all are asking for suppressing this alert, but about a third of the first four pages are, totaling over 2000 votes. I'm sure there are more than 10,000 votes for this request if you add them all up.
Each way, to and from work, I get at least a dozen of these useless alerts every single day. Some days I have gotten nearly one per mile along my 51-mile commute. Maybe in some countries this is useful, so please make it an option, but here on Chicago area highways, it is completely worthless. If I never hear this alert ever again, it will be too soon.
It talks over the podcasts that I listen to, so it's more than just an irritation... I miss some of the dialog and have to rewind, which is a hazard! There will be accidents due to this problem.
Anonymous commented
Please address this issue. Alert fatigue indeed.
Anonymous commented
Gad Waze, over 1300 users have complained about this and still nothing has been done.
Anonymous commented
Has Waze ever responded to this request. there are seven pages of request. What's the point of having a forum if Waze continues to ignore valid complains.
Anonymous commented
Please do this Now! So annoying. Having the option to turn this off is an easy fix and would be a huge benefit.
Anonymous commented
Please allow us to disable this notification and ideally allow us to individually disable alerts. There are tons of requests for this feature with different subject lines.
IT MAKES ME FREAKING CRAZY in alerts only mode hearing this alert once a minute while driving. ARGGGG!!!!
Anonymous commented
Yes allow us to select which alerts we want to hear etc.
Anonymous commented
Please god
Rarebit commented
It's a matter of rising to the top of ideas. If you look at the top list most of them or planned or in progress. This idea is almost in the right place.
Doug Welling commented 3 this like, a running joke at Waze, or something?
It's called alarm/alert fatigue. When you are constantly bombarded with alerts, you no longer pay attention to them.
When's the last time you heard a car alarm go off? When's the last time you actually thought it was a car being broken into?
Ramy commented
What is equally annoying is the arrogance of waze for totally ignoring this request for more than 3 years and the stupidity of the people who keep reporting every damned car which stopped on shoulder.
KJC commented
Please, for the love of all that is holy, ALLOW USERS TO TURN OFF THIS ALERT!
Driving on LA freeways with alerts turned on is beyond annoying because of this useless alert. Every damn mile there's a car on the shoulder -- LET ME TURN IT OFF, please.
Neal Parish commented
Please give the option to turn off this alert. On freeways especially, it's useless.
MKminK commented
Please give us the possibility to choose or stop alerts :)
Anonymous commented
PLEASE make the car stopped on shoulder annoying warnings to stop! I may have to stop using WAZE if I can't disable.
Anonymous commented
I usually click "not here" just to help others. Hate this warning.
Anonymous commented
I quit using Waze after a couple years as my sole navigational tool and it was all because if this annoying alert. I now use Google Maps. I won't use Waze until the ability to turn off this alert is implemented
JR commented
I have been using waze only for a few weeks and find the speed camera alert the most annoying, not the on shoulder alert, but I can turn off the camera alert. The shoulder alert can be useful, especially when coming around a bend on a link road between two motorways, for example. But if you want to turn it off, then it's up to you and therefore I agree it should be an option.
Casey William commented
I agree that the "vehicle on shoulder ahead" hazard warning is sometimes aggravating, but that's not the only alert that I would like to be able to toggle either on or off.
I would much prefer the ability to select which notifications I receive.
It seems that this suggestion is been discussed and voted on across the user forum on Waze since 2013…
How difficult could could it be to add this feature!?