Please offer an ad-free version of Waze.
I'm pretty sick of seeing Taco Bells, Ramada Inns, and Smart Water pop up on my map. I'd pay up to $5 for a version of Waze without advertisements.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Michael Rogers commented
Everyone seems willing to pay for a version without ads. If everything moves this direction no one will have any money for anything because every app will nickel and dime you to death. Please just place the ads at the appropriate time only before you leave or after you reached your Destiination people use navigation apps to get to a place in the set amount of time that they have nobody leaves 10 20 30 minutes or 1 hour extra to get to the Destination.
Michael Rogers commented
The ads should only be placed before you are on route. Most people have a set amount of time to get to their Destiination and do not have the ability to stop at unplanned stops. Maybe if you had a leisure setting where people are just cruising around trying to find new things to do and don’t have a life or a job then this feature would be useful.
Anonymous commented
Paid Version Ad-Free
Please RECONSIDER a Paid Ad-Free Version of Waze.
Many users would gladly pay you to get rid of the obnoxious ad pop ups. They cover important data PLUS they make the map harder to read.
Is adding more distraction to those who are driving really something you want?
Markuz commented
Please add a payed version and remove the fucking adds.
I just use apple maps now. Good enough
John Lang commented
I use Waze every day, I'd gladly pay for a ad free version, so I'm not distracted.
Ara Bozadjian commented
I'd pay for waze but dont have a problem with ads, surely this is where it's heading.
smokingtree commented
Why cannot Waze developers realize Taco Bell is not a good option for human, even my amigo friends don’t eat it at all!
Please offer option to ad free, I would like to pay for it!
Chris Hartwell commented
Waze is invaluable to me, I'd totally pay for an ad-free version simply for the fact that I feel like I owe Waze money.
It has saved me hours of drive time, given me warnings I actually need, and is just the best app I have. -
Anonymous commented
Need free clasified adds for waze
Frank commented
I find ads not to be an issue. When ever the car is moving (even a little) the ads go away. They also don't appear on Apple Car Play.
Anonymous commented
I will never buy anything advertised on Waze and never buy at a business that advertize on Waze
Anonymous commented
I deleted Waze from my Android head unit and reverted to Maps because of ads - very reluctantly I must add.
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Waze is open source. Hire someone to make these changes
Anonymous commented
I find the ADS Dangerous and a driving distraction. I must take focus from road or have passenger clear ad. This is a hazard requiring action when Waze must be passive for driver and passenger. Please offer a safer Waze without Ad distractions. Also let me tell you once no carpool ads don't keep repeating this when I'm in a rural area without possible carpool partners. Google you get your ad revenue other ways DO NOT distract drivers, against your motto.
A. Nony Mous commented
The advertrash is totally annoying and obstructive of safe map viewing.
Anonymous commented
I've just uninstalled waze as the ads pop up when I need to look at the screen for the map. I would be happy to pay for an ad free service.
Kevin Dooms commented
Corey commented
Offer a premium paid service - I would gladly pay a few $ a month for a non advert version of Waze!
Anonymous commented
I would be happy to pay a reasonable ammount for Waze to be ad free. As much as I like the app, the ads are why I stopped using it.
Claude T commented
agree, I am ready to pay for the ads free version of the application