Slow down & move over warning for Emergeny Responders
Warn motorists of Emergency Responders (police cars, tow trucks, ambulances) with a Slow Down Move Over warning. Lives are being lost at alarming rates and any support of the move over laws are greatly appreciated.

montesL commented
It’s a great idea! I believe everyone needs to slow down no matter who is in the emergency lane... if you pulled over in it, your in need of help...Slow Down!
Darlene Justus commented
Totally agree about the blue lights 100 0/0/ My Husband, Son, Brother In Law and, lots of good friends. My family is my life, I love my family please help them come home safe and all my good friends. !!!!!!
Robert Smith commented
Massachusetts needs to enforce this law. They dont do squat about it
April commented
This would be great but I think all Emergency vehicles should be able to run blue lights on the back of their trucks. (Tow trucks, courtesy patrol, fire department, etc. Every time people see blue they hit there brakes and move over.
Angela Stone commented
Keep our operators safe
Josh commented
I'm a tow truck driver so this is definitely needed please please please add this I want to go home safe
Michael Hartshorn commented
Sergey commented
100% it need
Anonymous commented
We need this so much any thing that can save a life of a tower.
We all have families and kids waiting for us at home -
Anonymous commented
This is a much needed feature to keep two drivers safe! Pls add ASAP
Anonymous commented
Everyone deserves to get home safe. -
DUSSEAUX Jean Baptiste commented
Plus qu’une simple idée, une nécessité. Des vies sont en jeu!
Richard Martinez commented
I think this is a wonderful idea and can potentially save lives
Nick Johnson commented
Love that wale is doing this, now maybe law enforcement can enforce it
Anonymous commented
I am open to ideas for moving traffic away from responders and more ~ people drive too distracted, drive too fast, and often drive impaired. Driving is a privilege.
Anonymous commented
Holy smokes guys this is fantastic. Am hoping even if waze doesnt hear us that maybe we can make enough noise to get that one person who can make this warning system happen. Please keep voting and working to get every emergency responder home safe.
Brian carnaghi commented
Would definitely help ,people pay more attention to their phone rather than what's going on around them!!!!
Anonymous commented
Please slow down a love one is hoping they make it home 😩
Kelly Gernhart commented
Those is important and is really a no brainer to add to Waze!
Bill commented
I used to work on the side of the road, my brother still works on the side of the roads. And we are both volunteer firefighters that respond to calls on highways. I hope it goes through.