Speed limit
Please allow us to remove the digital speedometer, and instead show a much larger speed limit for the road! The current speed limit sign is very small on some displays, and since every car already has a speedometer, I would like the option to remove it from the app and just show a large icon for speed limit only

We changed the status back to "Under Consideration" and hope to have news on this idea in the future. Thanks and have a great day.
Anonymous commented
The size of the speed limit symbol is far too small. Please give us the option to increase the size.
pranjal chugh commented
This still does not seem to be fixed. The speed limit is shown in very small size. Please increase the size
Kris milner commented
Can you increase speed limit icon to same size as actual speed to make it easier to see
David Quattlebaum commented
This!!! Let's get an option added for this
David Quattlebaum commented
Am I missing something? This is NOT working on iPhone. No matter what I set the toggles, etc to, my current speed shows and makes the speed limit too small to see while driving.
If this has been put in the redesign of the iPhone app, what version?
Dominic Munro commented
Please God just implement this. People have been asking for years.
Evgany commented
The developers of Waze probably use Apple Maps. Because the size of the Speed Limit font and circle is just ridiculous. It's like they just don't use what they develope at all.
Evgany commented
This 100%
Evgany commented
Yes, this is killing me Please increase the font inside the circle, or even better increase the font and move the speed limit circle to the left side of the screen. So it's clearly visible.
Румата Эсторский commented
Increase, please size for ciphers 110 and 130 speed limit . They aren't visible, especially on Android auto devices.
crisrich58 commented
I just checked the Waze app on my iPhone and it's still the same as for many years.
Nothing changed. -
Mats Lennartsson commented
We need an incresed size on Android and Android Auto too! The speed limit is definitely to small!!!
Alex commented
Increase size of speed Limit number /
Increase font size of speed Limit for Android AutoCurrently its too small.
Jamie Yoo commented
Speed limit is too small.
Can you make it to chose the size? -
Fernando commented
It would be important, for a faster, simpler and clearer reading while driving, that the traffic speed and speed limit indicators had a slightly larger size than the current ones. Perhaps the option of being able to select between 2 or 3 different sizes to suit the wazer.
In the same sense, an audible signal more relevant to the current one at the time of reaching the permitted speed limit, and even the option of adding an audible warning, less relevant than the previous one, prior to reaching the permitted speed limit. The yellow traffic speed indicator could be added for the latter case.
Thank you for considering these suggestions.Sería importante, para una lectura más rápida, sencilla y clara durante la conducción, que los indicadores de velocidad del tráfico y de límite de velocidad tuvieran un tamaño ligeramente superior a los actuales. Quizás la opción de poder seleccionar entre 2 o 3 tamaños diferentes para adaptarse al wazer.
En el mismo sentido, una señal sonora más relevante que la actual en el momento de alcanzar el límite de velocidad permitido, e incluso la opción de añadir un aviso sonoro, menos relevante que el anterior, antes de alcanzar el límite de velocidad permitido. El indicador amarillo de velocidad del tráfico podría agregarse para este último caso.
Gracias por considerar estas sugerencias. -
David commented
As we know right now we have only alerts about speed limit only when we exceeding it. My suggestion for that is to receive alert all the time. Independently of the speed limit.
Anonymous commented
so many users complain about the size of it, but the software-designers do not solve the problem. does any of them read the suggestion box at all?
Eduardo Bedran commented
increase allowed speed size
Egidijus Žideckas commented
Daniel Julià commented
It's even hard to believe how they made it so SMALL in the first place and how they keep it like this all these years!
Prove that none of the designers never use Waze to navigate. :-D