Speed limit
Please allow us to remove the digital speedometer, and instead show a much larger speed limit for the road! The current speed limit sign is very small on some displays, and since every car already has a speedometer, I would like the option to remove it from the app and just show a large icon for speed limit only

We changed the status back to "Under Consideration" and hope to have news on this idea in the future. Thanks and have a great day.
Dave Frailey commented
Why does the Speedometer have to be on in order to see the speed limit!?
When the Speedometer is on the size of the speed limit is reduced enough to make it very hard to read (Android Auto).
Why not allow the speed limit to show without the Speedometer so it can stay legible for older eyes that can't read 6pt fonts at a distance of 3+ feet?
William lackey commented
Would like to see speed limit signs at all times not just when go over the speed
peds commented
The current speed circle warning sign and the maximum speed warning sign are very useful but I feel they have the wrong ratio size.
That is, I believe the maximum speed warning sign should be larger and in red and the current speed should be smaller in proportion to the maximum speed. It will make visualisation clear, safer driving and anyway we all have a speedometer installed in the dashboard (although is not so accurate). -
Anonymous commented
The icon is too small. We don't need the screen to be cluttered with our own speed, we have speedometers. ENLARGE the speed limit icon.
James Graham commented
I have to look several seconds to focus and read the small sign. This has caused me to not pay enough attention to traffic.
Allyson Barnes commented
The speed limit only appears on the app when you go OVER the speed limit. It's also ILLEGAL to go UNDER the speed limit, yet the speed limit never appears and alerts you that you aren't going the speed limit. Going too fast or too slow are both dangerous and illegal, so the app should turn your speed red when you're going too slow, just like it does when you're going too fast AND the speed limit should always be up for us to see.
Leif commented
Already done
Anton commented
Increase the size of the speed limit, it's great that it can be permanently left on, it's too small to read.
P commented
Make speed and speed limit larger so that we can easily read them even if the phone is right by us.
Edgar Cacique commented
This way you know when to limit yourself while driving!
Stuart Engelke commented
Currently the spped display is the same for Under the limit, Limit not known, Over the limit and limit not known.
Show the limit all the time if known.
Please make the font a bit bigger for the limit. -
Kevin Shields commented
Waze: To rephrase this please unconfused your speed limit UI. Why is it confusing? Because I don't know whether the app is unaware of the current speed limit or is instead just not showing it because I am not over the known limit.
As a result I am driving around very confused. Am I currently over the posted limit? I have no idea because I don't know for certain whether Waze knows the limit on the street I am driving.
I appreciate what your designers were trying to achieve by only showing the limit when it is exceeded - it conserves precious screen real-estate. This is a noble and righteous notion. However in this case it hasn't worked - it is simply causing me confusion and in the end is slowing down my progress from one location to the next.
Thanks for great work!
Anonymous commented
J'aimerais avoir la vitesse limite de chaque route d'afficher sur Waze.
J'aimerais que waze sonne lorsqu'il y a un radar fixe -
Anonymous commented
עם התראה אם נוסעים מעל המיהרות המותרת
david commented
afficher les limitations de vitesse!!!!!!!!!! urgent. merci
John commented
Important for driving well and safe. Please.
Paulo commented
Increase the size of the speedometer. Some cities in Brazil the speed limit is too low. It is easier to visualize the speed on the map of Waze.
Ciprian commented
Please introduce speed limits for the roads, the possibility to import saved places from Google maps and also to download and use offline some areas. Thank you.
ViVimew commented
Il faudrait voir quelle est la vitesse à ne pas dépassé sur la route que nous empruntons
Anonymous commented
can you add the spied limet on the Waze ?