Add to road hazard list: 1) flooding, and 2) ice
Add to road hazard list: 1) flooding, and 2) ice

Great news! option to report flooded road is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
You can also check this link to learn more about reporting bad weather.
Marcio Ciolfi commented
Add to map places where there is flooding possibility. These places should appear on the map as warning if app receive any alert near of 10 km about climate risk or flooding, and if confirmed by user on app, change the routing as already made.
Support: The flodding areas were reported by some regions like Sao Paulo city( and related on reliable sources like GeoSampa.
This update was also reported by other users but with other ideas ( ao mapa locais onde há possibilidade de alagamento. Esses locais devem aparecer no mapa como aviso em caso de alertas próximos 10 km sobre risco climático ou demais alagamentos, e em caso de confirmação pelo app, alterar o roteamento.
Material suporte: As áreas sujeitas a alagamento foram divulgadas por algumas prefeituras a exemplo de São Paulo ( e constam em fontes confiáveis como o GeoSampa.
Essa inclusão é relatada também por outros usuários em conjunto com outras idéias ( -
Dustin Andrews commented
Due to local flooding one of the roads I frequently take is closed. However, even though I mark the closure Waze doesn't "remember" 8 hours later and makes it impossible to plan a route back. The flooded road is near my destination. Waze should be smarter about "opening" flooded roads until there is a regular amount of traffic one them or at least allow me to mark a road along my route as "don't route me here".
Ideally Waze would respect state department of highway road closures, but this would be hard as there is no standard and the sites are often hours out of date. -
S commented
Agree with need for warnings for ice or flooding on road!
Zee commented
It'd be great to know where there is a flooding problem to avoid.
Nathaniel commented
If users on the road can provide info on deep floods on the road it would be great as Philippines has frequent disaster
Anonymous commented
Im from Manila and we often have impassable roads due to floods.include floods in your road hazard list.
Anonymous commented
Hi Im from Manila in the philippines. Please include floods as an option in your Hazard report since we often experience flooded streets!
Lambrassie commented
Anderson commented
Add New Report Options
Hazard -> Wheather -> Flooded street
(Perigo -> Clima -> Rua alagada)Hazard -> On road -> Broken light
(Perigo -> Em rota -> Semãforo quebrado) -
Lilly commented
With the arrival if Spring some areas like mine are prone to street flooding or in some cases landslides. We already have the ability to report when a street is closed but I would like to add to it the ability to report street flooding, landslide or sinkhole, or emergency shut down due to authorized vehicles blocking off street for emergency response such as fire and police activity. In light of suck events in Boston with the 9 alarm fire and the bombings to the landslides in California and the street flooding from the Spring thunderstorm. Reporting road conditions in these situations would be very helpful.
papi commented
Many road by me are flooded due to heavy rain causing traffic and hazardous driving conditions. Even though there is a weather report option, it doesn't specify flooding which would be very helpful
John Black commented
Please consider voting for
It contains this as one of its suggestions, and is in the Top 12. -
Tarynlb commented
I agree. We need an option to report a flooded road and ice just like the hazard options :)
Jonathan commented
So much rain, so many roads flooded. A Flood warning is a much needed hazard warning addition, as to is Ice on the road.
Brandon Barth commented
Ice would have been great today and the past few weeks.
Sam commented
Being able to avoid roads that are frozen and would slow down your route would be very helpful in navigating around town, as well as safer!
Michelle Brumley commented
Add flooding or standing water as a hazard option without typing.
Judy Aiello commented
More Hazard options...Tree down, traffic light out, flooding, Ice
Jonathan Jandrell commented
And gravel / dirt
Jope and Cathy commented
This will alert Wazers of impassable roads due to floods. An alert notice will help them find alternate routes for their safety and benefit. This qualifier can be added to either On Road hazard or Weather hazard. Can be both too.