Could you please add a very simple compass to the view? I know that I can set the map to have north up, but I would like to have a little compass in the other view (that is like more) just to know the bearing. thank you. Waze is now my default navigation app.

Great news! A Compass is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
I have no use for seeing how many of my friends are driving. The little field on the right of the screen should be able to be toggled to display a little compass needle instead. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to know which direction is North while using the app.
Steven Rogers commented
Yes - a small compass would be helpful. Showing the map controls is not a solution, because showing the zoom controls all the time is not helpful.
SunJ commented
Drag view
notice left icon above zoom buttons?
Daniel Torres commented
A compass would be very helpful
Anonymous commented
An prion for a compass on the display, just like the odometer option
Justin Reinhart commented
For a quick fix you can go to Settings > Advanced > (turn off) Display map controls on tap.
This will put an arrow icon on the screen that always points to North on the map.
Lianne commented
Sadly, I am not very good at knowing exactly which direction I am facing when I am driving and I would like to have the option of putting a compass on my map.
Phil commented
Use built in compass to work out which way car is facing when calculating best route answer -preferably during the route too.
So for example, if I'm facing west when I enter my route, waze should not suggest driving east down the road to begin with. It should either recommend west or a u-turn followed by east.
Jay commented
Show a compass on the map so the driver can check bearing at a glance. If you are afraid of putting too many widgets on the screen use the compass to reposition or recenter your arrow or avitar instead of the crosshairs.
Anonymous commented
Display north compass point when in navigation mode
Bradley commented
The compass / direction -
I really wish there was an option to show direction as text instead of the arrow.
i.e. - N, NE, E, etc.
Looking at the arrow still requires me to figure out where I am facing relative to North (up). I just want to know which way I am going _at_a_glance_ .
Bryan commented
Display a small compass in the corner of the screen similar to the one in google earth.
Daniel commented
IlPapu commented
Show the compass at all times on Android. This is helpful for me to keep my bearings. Also useful for learning a new area and at night.
Muchski commented
this would be great for android phones that have compass too!
moaningmyrtle commented
I don't think the "display map controls" setting really does the trick. I would like what Philip suggests, an onscreen compass in the corner at all times.
Andrew Conkling commented
In your Settings, under Map, turn "Display map controls on tap" off; problem solved!
Philip commented
Very handy to see the compass direction on the screen to get a sense of direction when the map is oriented to the direction you're heading in. Currently you can only see this by touching the screen to bring up the compass button. If it was a small permanent icon over the top right corner of the map it would be a huge help.