Felix (Stray Kids) as a voice option
Felix (member of the K-pop group Stray Kids) has a calming yet engaging voice that could fit well for navigation. English language navigation would have his Australian accent, and he (or another member) could potentially record Korean language navigation as well.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anni Anni commented
Felix voice is so attractive.
Joo Yoo commented
Felix would be the most suitable since his voice is excellent.
Anan Aknamcanon commented
Felix is the perfect choice for any vocal related job. Please choose Felix his vocal range is insane and still so beautiful and calming.
don devil commented
Felix is pretty fluent in English and he's got a nice Aussie accent, I would definitely choose him over anyone else.
Anan Mawla commented
Felix got the best voice to be featured in literally anything! Due to his huge vocal range, he can use his voice in acting or to feature anything and any he can get any needed job done perfectly and effortlessly! Please choose Felix because he is definitely the best option you will ever have!
Amelia Vega commented
His voice is so calm and smooth. I love to listen to him♥
Esmeralda Panameño commented
I love his deep voice 💙
Hanieh Bardestani commented
I love Felix's voice 💙
Saba AZD commented
PLS felix 😭💙💛💛
Saba AZD commented
i love to have felix voice in this 😭😭💙💙💙
Babs commented
Blue Pilixie commented
Felix, yes i need this
leichi shih commented
Felix !!!!!
何淑嫻 commented
Yes I need FELIX 'voice on Waze
Anna Clara commented
Felix's voice would be perfect for Waze!
Bellinda Park commented
have a beautiful and unique voice that touches us deeply.
Keely Gage commented
His voice is absolutely perfect for this and would beat out my anonymous British lady in a heartbeat. I also promise to only use Waze!! He would make driving so much better
katherine almonacid commented
Estaría increíble tener la voz de felix!💙🐥
Shirley Vargas commented
La voz de Felix estaría realmente increíble 😻
Ana F commented
yes please! his voice is perfect for this 💗