Voice preview
Play a preview of how the voice will sound when selected so that we will know what it will sound like before setting the voice.

adrian aguero commented
Capacity to listen to a voice previa in the voices list.
Greg commented
Definitely need a voice test button.
Zarak commented
This is an essential and basic feature!
W TF commented
I could swear my previous version let you preview the voices. WTF happened???
R.A. Haley commented
It's not impossible, just mildly difficult.
Go to the voice settings (MyWaze/settings/Voice & sound/Waze voice).
Pick a voice.
X out of both open pages.
Tap My Waze.
Tap any previous destination.
When the voice starts, tap Stop. The voice will keep going for a second or two, and there, you've heard your sample.
Keep going until you find one you like.
My fav is Ben, for the street names and because the male voice cuts through the wind noise.
I use Terminator when Ben becomes a nag. -
Cassandra Lollie commented
I don't understand the reluctance to add a preview sample of the voices offered for selection. I just downloaded this app. This is a deal-breaker for me. Uninstalling.
Rofay Mishaguyas commented
I agree with the other commenters that it's a safety issue and makes ME (and others too) want to change voices once we're moving. I like changing voices, but often find that I can't hear or understand or the voice is just annoying and I HAVE to find another ASAP. Even just being able to hear (as a preview) the line they say as I'm starting the drive when I hit the name would be soooo very helpful and shouldn't take that much programing. Being able to hear a preview and not having to change after starting would prevent a lot of #mishaguyas
Destiny Ciarrocchi commented
Dude! C’mon! Stop adding voices and fix this feature.
Abby Geslison commented
For real! It's so annoying to have to 'start a drive' just to see how one will sound :(
Mark Black commented
Why on earth has this feature not been added yet? You for some wild reason thought a batmobile was more important than voice samples. Who's the captain of that ship over there?😲😲😲
Jeff commented
The fact that users cannot hear a sample of the voice options when selecting them *before* a trip creates a dangerous incentive to adjust that setting while driving.
Please add the ability to listen to a sample of each voice option in the settings.
Jeff commented
This is a basic safety issue. If we can’t hear a sample of the voice beforehand, it just encourages users to adjust their settings *while driving* around. Nobody needs that kind of distraction.
Alojz Brada commented
How has this STILL not been implemented? Come on!
Ariel Cacciamano commented
I have some hearing issues and I need to test voices to know if I will be able to hear them.
Lauren Surber commented
This should have been a feature on the very first version of waze. Even TomTom's let you preview the voice before selecting it.
Walter Hartman commented
this seems like a hugely overlooked but simple to implement feature, some of the voices are either too monotone or too high pitched and actually driving around to test is just weird, put in a way to sample/hear the voices during the selection, please!
Steffi Kaizun commented
I'm sure folks would like to know what a Waze "voice" sounds like as soon as they select one, without having to "save" it, then take a "trip," to hear it! Whenever the user selects a "voice," it would say something like, "Turn left at the next light" or similar, making it much easier to decide which voice is best.
Jennifer Stull commented
I am new to waze...setting up info and looking at navigation..i thought absolutely there should be a test button for hearing navigational voice as choosing it .
Chuck Buttell commented
It would be AWESOME to be able to preview the voice choices and to preview what each vehicle looks like prior to making the selections.
WazerFan commented
Not all voices are clear to everyone. Being able to preview each sound during the select process is essential. I choose different options for different trips (sometimes street names are necessary; higher pitched voice on noisy roads, etc). And I like to choose quickly without having to wait for a voice instruction. This is a critical feature since we don’t want to make these changes while driving.