Make Tunnels navigable

Great news! This functionality is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Bright in here commented
Now there is an IC package to accomplish this, lazy google hoard:
U-blox ZED-F9K
Continuous lane accurate positioning under the most challenging conditions. Decimeter level accuracy for automotive mass markets
. Turnkey multi‑band RTK solution with built‑in inertial sensors
. Low latency position update rate of up to 30 Hz
" -
Anonymous commented
...continue traveling with the last speed before loosing GPS signal.
Anonymous commented
When we enter a tunnel, we usually lose the GPS signal and, as you go through the tunnel, sometimes and for a brief moment we can get a GPS signal again (for example, near an emergency exit), thus being able to obtain the current position of our vehicle inside the tunnel.
But when this happens in an urban tunnel, the normal thing is that on the surface there are streets, pedestrian zones, etc. and then, Waze goes 'crazy' and thinks that we are on that street instead of the tunnel, which causes a recalculation of the wrong route.
My proposal is that, since Waze knows that we enter a tunnel and what the outputs are, just recalculate the route when it detects that we are leaving the tunnel through one of them.
Peter commented
Implement continuous navigation, even when a navigation device can’t receive GPS satellite signals (e.g. in tunnels) using movement and gravity sensors. TomTom has Enhanced Positioning Technology which allows continuous navigation in tunnels.
Anonymous commented
If possible i would like to chat to someone in regards to improving connectivity for GPS when in tunnels. we have a patent helical antenna that is used at mines (tunnels) and ca be used also in tunnels
Timothy Elmer commented
Please. Every time I drive through a tunnel, Waze looses its mind.
Simmic commented
The speed would be the average 10 seconds before the tunnel. Just a suggestion.
Stevek commented
Google maps has it but it is not not available on Waze
Andrew Jennings commented
I got stuck in Paris and lost and hour, due to Waze losing connection in tunnel. Would have been really handy to have this along with lane guidance.
Anonymous commented
Yes why can't they just have the position move through the tunnel at the same speed as was detected before the car entered the "tunnel" segment. Will be close enough and will result in getting the correct exit instructions. If you get held up in the tunnel then the position would stop when the position reaches a non-tunnel segment and GPS is not available. Seems easy to implement to me, no beacons, no attempting to simulate an inertial navigation system....
Caart commented
In English : As you'll never put beacons in every tunnel in the world, it would be cool that when signal is lost, Waze continue guiding assuming that we follow instructions and that we drive the speed necessary to make the mean time of crossing the tunnel of previous wazers. Waze could continue displaying a dot instead of an arrow during this loss of signal to warn the Wazer.
En français : comme vous ne pourrez jamais mettre de beacons dans tous les tunnels du monde, ce serait cool que Waze continue à guider quand le signal est perdu en estimant qu'on suit les instructions et qu'on roule à la vitesse moyenne qu'on mit les précédents Wazers pour traverser le tunnel. Pour voir quand même que le signal est perdu, Waze peut continuer à afficher le point au lieu de la flèche.
Christer Humble commented
There is a strange solution Waze has locked on, Beacons, which is only available in a few tunnels in the world.
Give Waze support for countdown navigation, for example, using last known speed alternatives if Waze is connected to an Android Auto car, use information from the car for navigation in a tunnel. Beacons will never be installed World Wide. -
Adrià commented
TomTom app does this and it is incredibly accurate. Would help a lot.
Doug Chandler commented
When GPS reception is poor, Waze could be more intelligent:
Have I really just hopped to a side road doing 70mph?
Have I just turned off the road doing significantly more speed than a car can corner?
When going through a long tunnel have I just stopped in the middle of the road?Surely the app could work out given the accuracy of error and my previous road that I am still travelling on that road at the same speed?
It should be able to work out what the possible scenarios are and score them for probability?
And when I lose signal, e.g. going through a long tunnel why doesn't it just assume my previous speed, i.e. continue on my planned route at my current speed? Surely that is better than just stopping? Even TomTom used to do that on my iPAQ! -
Thomas commented
Actually, i am not shure if this also applies to Waze, but some routes google maps, i dont know where to exit, as the map shows two lanes going to one. Inside the tunell it does not update the position. At least when entering a tunell you should be shown the exit you need to take. It is actually quite dangerous, as you try to get the text route while driving inside the tunell.
azr66 commented
External sensors are crap. Pls. use the gyro. The technology is old as instrument flying. In former times the gyro costs millions, now we have then for "free" and we are talking about 25 sensors per km... Bad business! Nobody will be so stupid to install THAT (I hope so at least...)
Anonymous commented
Kalmann filters are already the core of navigation and positiong apps and systems :)
Realistically the way to do this is inertial guidance when gps is lost but as time since gps loss increases it will obviously become less accurate.
Clamping to planned route at last known speed is realistically all that might be possible without other external data sources.
Luca Olivetti commented
Would it be possible to use the car speedometer to do dead recknoning when using waze with android auto?
Bart Venneker commented
Under review since 2011?
Alexis Hernandez commented
There are places (like tunnels) where the phone usually lost signal (hence internet connection), It might be useful to use existing data in order to avoid confusion, we could make Waze to use existing data like speed and the current path to draw an approximation of the current location (assuming the driver is following the path).
It doesn't seem to hard to implement but very valuable in my opinion, I would be willing to write a proof of concept if there is a way to write pluggins on top of Waze.