Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!
Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Charles Su commented
I would like to have an option to a non-voice option for all alerts -- different sounds for different events.
Himukala commented
Please add 'below speed limit' options or +/- speed option. This will help also to compensate for inaccuracy in calculating the speed.
Anonymous commented
Also very useful where variable speed limit is in place.
Rick commented
I have lost the red light voice announcement. How do i get it back.
MadMaxDF commented
Por que até hoje não há apresentação ou visualização da velocidade do radar ao alertar???
Ao alertar por velocidade acima do radar, o alerta poderia cobrir a tela, ou metade dela, com a velocidade limite piscando em vermelho, e não discretamente no canto da tela...
MadMaxDF commented
Por que até hoje não há apresentação ou visualização da velocidade do radar ao alertar???
Ao alertar por velocidade acima do radar, o alerta poderia cobrir a tela, ou metade dela, com a velocidade limite piscando em vermelho, e não discretamente no canto da tela...
MadMaxDF commented
Por que até hoje não há apresentação ou visualização da velocidade do radar ao alertar???
Ao alertar por velocidade acima do radar, o alerta poderia cobrir a tela, ou metade dela, com a velocidade limite piscando em vermelho, e não discretamente no canto da tela...
QuakerOrts commented
I want warnings for all speed limit changes, increases and decreases. Speed limits are usually poorly marked, on purpose so they can write more speeding tickets.
Anonymous commented
After speed limit alarm if a optional beep sounds over max speed, it will be better.
JS commented
It would be nice to be able to toggle individual alerts on and off. We get constant "vehicle on shoulder" alerts that interrupt what is playing on the radio. Either make the alert shorter, or please allow me to disable that alert.
Anonymous commented
There are close to 100 votes for this but they are spread over a number of similar requests (below)
It would be great if it had an option to always notify (with sound) when approaching a radar and not only when at excessive speed.
votesAdd warning of approaching to a speed camera in the 300 meters and in 100 meters from the camera as in intersection
votesAlways warn for speed traps, even when not speeding
Currently, Waze only warns for police speed traps when I am driving above the current speed limit.The problem with this is that the speed limit Waze think applies can be wrong. For example, in the Netherlands, the hard shoulder is opened during rush hours to allow for more traffic ("spitsstroken"). However, the maximum speed is then reduced.
Also, a number of roads have variable speed limits, where you have different limits applying depending on whether it is day or night.If a speed trap is active, Waze will not warn me because it thinks I am driving under the… more
votesI think that saying you are approaching speed cameras should be done automatically instead of only being said if approaching at a high speed. Waze says always when approaching red light cameras. The same should be done on speed cameras. I often notice also that when approaching at higher speeds that im not informed of cameras till I am already at the speed camera.
votesaudio warning of proximity to a hazard or item like a fixed camera location
when hazards are close, or you approach an intersection with a camera, there are no Audio warnings. even stock audio messages grouped by hazard or warning type would suffice1
vote -
Jay Kaplan commented
In the sound settings, add an "Alert tones" option so we don't miss the most important alerts while our eyes are on the road and still hear our podcasts with minimum interruption.
Anonymous commented
Los avisos de policía sólo sirve para ayudar a los delincuentes. Si no quieres que te multen, cumple las normas de circulación.
¿Te gustaría que un conductor borracho, que lleva en el maletero a tu hija, se estrellase contra tí después de haber evitado un control policial?
Los que dan estos avisos son cómplices de los delincuentes y deberían ser acusados y juzgados como tal. -
Anonymous commented
I am sure it used to notify us all the time... but I would like to see an option.
Since if your doing 70 at the time the speed camera comes into range it doesn’t let you know, even if you then speed up it over the limit before you pass it.
Anonymous commented
Voice alerts for speed cameras. Tiny black symbol for camera is useless. I would pay for the app if this was added
Anonymous commented
certe volte(non sempre) il navigatore non emette nessun avviso sonoro per segnalarmi la presenza dell'autovelox.
Premetto che ho impostato l'audio su "SOLO AVVISI" e che sul display avviene la segnalazione, il problema è solo audio.Grazie e buon lavoro
Anonymous commented
I also agree that speed cameras should all be alerted regardless of speed. On the UK we have variable speed limit motorways. So for example if the speed limit is reduced to 40 or 50mph and you are travelling at 60 (too fast), Waze doesn’t warm you about the speed camera because you are not exceeding 70. That’s not good. Even if I am in a traffic jam, I’ll still only get 1 alert. Where’s the harm in that?
Francisco Pereira commented
O motorista tem que ficar olhando constantemente para a tela e ver piscando o local do radar, isso tira muito a atenção.
Francisco Pereira commented
Avisar radares e sua velocidade através de aviso sonoro para não tirar a atenção do motorista pelo menos 400 metros antes e não apenas quando estiver no limite da velocidade.
Stefano commented
I fully support the proposal of Mike!