Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!

Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
Mahdi madandar commented
Please faster
Daniel commented
Los radares no los avisa y no dice la velocidad que deberías pasar, eso deberían mejorarlo ,que te diga por voz que llegas a un radar y la velocidad a la que debes pasar ya que son zonas de peligro y es muy importante .
Anonymous commented
Durante as viagem, some a voz que indica os radares. deveria ter um aviso sonoro ( bip ) que tocasse durante as passagens pelos radares mantendo assim o alerta dos motoristas.
Patricia commented
Acho que deveria haver um alerta sonoro para quando o condutor for entrar em área de faixa exclusiva, assim como tem o alerta de faróis quando entramos em rodovia.
Edson O. commented
I suggest that waze REALLY care about the users suggestions and demands. It is frustrating when we put our suggestions here and waze don´t give a sh*t...
Rodolfo commented
a veces no se escucha el sonido y la velocidad cuando es de tres dígitos no es facil de ver
Rodolfo commented
Que la velocidad maxima sea mas visible y el alerta de superación se modifique a un sonido mas audible o un mensaje de voz diciendo supero velocidad máxima
Anonymous commented
New York has speed cameras everywhere. It is not helpful to only give voice alerts when over the speed limit as your driving speed is always changing in a city. Also while the waze screen alart is good people are not watching the screen as you watch the road first, that's way GPS is always voice commands. Wake should give voice alarts always with visual alerts, it would be very helpful. Also the voice alart is always about 2 blocks away but a second voice Alert should be given when your about 100ft from the camera. We use the app to help us lower our speed and avoid tkts.
Carlos commented
Hola quisiera que se le pusiera voz o sonido a la aproximación del vehículo a cualquier tipo de radar, gracias
Rodrigo Baumgratz commented
Deveria haver sempre aviso sonoro de aproximação de radar, todos os radares, sem exceção. Dirigindo motocicleta não dá para ficar olhando a todo instante o aplicativo Waze.
Rodrigo Baumgratz commented
Deveria haver sempre aviso sonoro de aproximação de radar, todos os radares, sem exceção. Dirigindo motocicleta não dá para ficar olhando a todo instante o aplicativo Waze.
Anonymous commented
Would you please add a switch with an option to make speed radar always announced no matter current speed you are running?
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have an option for this
L D commented
UK as well please
I agree!
L D commented
Yes please, maybe have the setting to have it enabled or disabled for every type of user to enjoy their experience.
L D commented
Yes please!!!
Jonatas Evaristo commented
Recurso extremamente útil, uma vez que que dispensará olhar para o alarme visual, proporcionando uma maior atenção no transito.
Intermittent audible warning that increases in intensity with the proximity of the radar
Extremely useful feature, since it does not need to look at the visual alarm, providing greater attention in traffic. -
GShawG commented
The option to have constant audible speed camera alerts.