Store reports created offline for short period. I.E. Police reports and accidents, see comments
I travel a lot in weak cell service areas on major interstates. I will see an accident or Police situation when I have GPS but not network it says sorry you can't report do it later. However it might be 5 or 10 miles down the road before I can then the event isn't in the right location. Suggest storing the location information along with the time so that when network returns it can be posted.

iklimchuk commented
Just imagine, you're driving and see something you want to inform other Wazers about (police trap, danger pothole or anything else). You're trying to report, type some text, send it, waiting, waiting, waiting fails because of weak internet signal for example! What a frustration. "Uh-oh, try later!" Waze says...But it has no sense to try later as you've already drove away. So this important information is missed.
I see two possible solutions here:
1. Waze automatically tries to send the report later, every few minutes for example. After, let's say, 30 minutes it gives up as probably report is not valid anymore. We can establish different time outs for different events (pothole most probably wouldn't disappear in 30 mins :))
2. Just delay the report (the same as we tap "Later" button instead of Submit). So we can try to resend it manually in few minutes when network coverage will be sufficient.i like both ways, second one should be pretty simple to implement.
DriveMoz1 commented
Hazards are according to Murphy, where there is no internet.
Like Telegram, the location and comment can be saved and uploaded the moment you have internet again.
If you did not report a hazard in time, you should be able to go back on the route and pin-point the hazard manually -
Anonymous commented
The app should store the report and send it to the server once cell coverage is regained.
Guilherme Pedrosa commented
Agree! Please, also remember to include map error. It's really annoying when you try to report an UR, pick every category, type a long text, and then get a no signal error.
kewwwa commented
A really missing feature in dead zones like mountains !!
Gustavo G M Silva commented
Hello. I would like to make a suggestion. it would be nice to send offline alerts, and when it enters the network it sends later .. because many times the connection drops just in time to send the alerts ..
Anonymous commented
To run waze full time cost $30US for 5gb data per month in my backward country. Many persons cant afford this but they can make reports especially of police speed traps.This can be done by simply pushing the offline icon which would upload gps position and hazard to waze. This would use minimal data and greately improve report accuracy. It would also encourage more users to use waze
Danny commented
Waze should be more functional while the user is offline.
I was in Tahoe the other day and saw lots of traffic hazards but couldn't mark them due to poor cellular reception. Instead of complaining about network issues, the app should save the marker locally and send them to the server once an Internet connection is restored. Just a thought!
Anonymous commented
Same is happening with me since i started long distance travels.
I can't insert an alert or visible police. -
Fídias Martins commented
This is really annoying. The 3G and 4G signal sometimes just disapears and you can't update alerts. The Waze System should just accept and memorize the GPS location and type of alert. Once the connection be available again, the app just would update and send all the alerts noted offline. What's the difficult in updated the app with this new function?
Ugo commented
You shoul allow the user report a problem like a broken car or police in areas without 3g signal. Here in Brazil the lack of internet signal on the roads is usual
Douglas Ramos Corrêa commented
Sugiro que o Waze disponibilize opção de marcar as posições de radares sem a necessidade de estar conectado na internet. Todas as opções poderiam funcionar em modo off-line e quando conectado na internet as informações atualizem automaticamente.
I suggest that the Waze makes available option to schedule the radar positions without the need to be connected to the Internet. All options could work in offline mode and when connected to the Internet to update the information automatically.
Anonymous commented
depending on the level of the editor and his reliability in the system should be able to rather give a warning and fix the road the best place to display the alert
Jason Lunn commented
It would also be nice if you could drop a pin where there's a hazard once you've passed. Sometimes it's unsafe to report or if your traveling on a highway, you're well past the hazard when you report.
Another solution would be "Where on Route?" With a roller that said listed current location, 1000 feet, 1/4 mile, 1 mile, etc
Clyde Tambling (SCAN15) commented
When driving in the North West US often you are in and out of internet service and currently when you select a hazard and try to send when you do not have internet service you get a message "problem with network try again later". Wazes should have a button “would you like to save hazard report and send when you have a network connection”.
Gwen commented
In case of loss of the network, an alert appears, saying that it can not be published without being able to retrieve again. There should be a pop-up, set aside, that we re-proposes to send, when the network is restored again.
Anonymous commented
Brasil have many areas without net, permit the app receive the alerts post by us offline and automatic autualized when on line will should waze be the number one for us and other contries, to prevent delays you could incresase an time limit like 2 ours i gueds
Anonymous commented
I want to be able to drop a pin instantly and have arrow left and right to show which side of road it's on and after choosing which side pick if it's a cop or car stopped or construction. Most times when driving by the time you see it your past it before your able to go thru all the steps to tell what it is and if it's visible or hidden or on shoulder of road. Dropping the pin first shows its location and all other information can be done after. Also more options would be nice as well.
Victor Nunes commented
Happened to me a lot of times, I want to report some accident, but there's no signal when there's, just the internet is slow at the time. It would be much more sensible if it would let me choose the type of alert and try to send it only when I hit SEND. Then it could queue it for upload, or timeout it if you don't get signal for x minutes.
Alex commented
Sometimes I try to inform traffic and accidents, but my phone is out of service. This usually happens for example when we are on the road towards the beaches in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. And as this happens for everybody, we always think that the road is empty - because nobody can send the alert. My suggestion is that even with no cell phone, we can send the alert, that stays "offline", stored somewhere at Wave platform. And when we stay back online, the alert is published instantly - at the previous location where the alert was sent offline. By this way the places where there is no mobile signal can be informed of the traffic jams, accidents and other events.