Waze Suggestion Box
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786 results found
Overtaking lanes in Australia is a must. We have single lane highways and 3 trailer trucks to overtake, this will save so many accidents. It doesn’t need to be built into the map just as a button for the crowd to add so we know there is an overtaking lane coming up, we will wait before passing on dodgy roads filled with Kangaroos!
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Coloured Area Places Based on Type
Much like natural features and parks are green, Waze should build on different coloured area places. Red for Hospitals, Brown/Purple for schools/universities. This would best help with medical and school campuses with different parking lots so it isn’t a sea of grey and also adds a distinguishing view for the driver so to serve as a better landmark on the map.
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Less sensitivity
Im trying to look around the map to see where I need to go or at icons along the route and my map countinues to fly around all over the place.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Minions Theme Breaks Landscape Mode on Android.
When I switched to the minion theme, the map would no longer switch to landscape mode on my Android phone. I deleted all data and restarted waze, and landscape worked again. I loaded the minion theme again and Landscape broke again.
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Time in traffic
The time in traffic is obscured by the zoom buttons +/-. Can you please move them to the right side of the map?
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Road sign display- font and sign size customised
Make the road sign ( road name like B123) size customized. It is very small when displayed at the moment. There is lots of spare space in the box anyway so making it bigger won't require additional use of the map space. Please make this displayed signs bigger or allow us to customise the displayed size. Thanks for voting!!!
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Princess carriage can’t be use.
Is that a bug?
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Affichage carte : ne pas repasser automatiquement en mode "Recentré "
En déplacement, lorsqu'on choisit de voir plus largement l'itinéraire et pas seulement les 100 m qui viennent, ce choix est automatiquement désactivé pour revenir en mode limité à 100m (= "Recentrer" ?)
Il faudrait que l'appli reste sur l'affichage qu'on a choisi1 vote -
Add Wind Direction & Speed Arrow to Map
Arrow showing live wind direction and speed that changes with the weather and location.
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The motorway sign next to the junction information on my 11" car screen is tiny.. The blue box with the mway number is really hard to read
Everything easy to read except the name of the road when displayed on a turn off direction. Eg m25 when you see the turn junction cue... I can send a picture if you tell me where to share it
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Traffic Delays and Saved Names
I’m hoping someone will assist me with an issue I experienced earlier this week with the time frame given for a traffic delay on Waze.
I was traveling along the R21 Highway between Pretoria and Johannesburg to get my boss to the airport when we hit traffic that indicated a 9 minute delay…After 20 minutes we checked on Google maps to see that the delay was more than 2 hours, I had to go offroad through some dodgy areas to actually get my boss to the airport on time.
This is not the first time the delay time frame…1 vote -
Larger exit graphic on top right corner. The exit numbers on the map are too small. They need to be made larger
On a previous version of Waze, the exit number icon/graphic was larger and easier to see on a mobile phone. It would be great for the exit number icon/graphic to be made larger.
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I'm sure a large percentage of users are elderly and other's with poor eyesight. If possible to make a larger size of the speed and Hwy numb
I'm sure a large percentage of users are elderly and other's with poor eyesight. If possible to make a larger size of the speed and Hwy numb
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Give us an option to put the estimated % slope of the highway on the map, like the current speed . you can calculate this based on the GPS data if the vertical accuracy is good enough.
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Keep periodical ride customizations after they’re gone
I’d like to keep ride customizations (car icons, e.g. Pride Ride, etc.) after they are gone from the customization list/rotation instead of automatically reverting back to the default car icon without my approval. A good solution to this would be to change periodical icons to only be selectable during the period in which they are on the list.
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Make footpaths more distinguishable in the app
A footpath in the app is the same colour and barely a fraction of a millimeter thinner than a road, so it’s easy to miss where a driveable road ends and continues as a footpath. Changing footpaths to dashed lines just like in the browser Map Editor would 100% solve the problem.
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Fuel price
If I have determined that I use 95 gasoline, then on the map (after clicking to go to the gas station) I would like to see gas stations with the price of this fuel. Now I often see LPG prices on the map, which are completely irrelevant to me. It would also be a good option to determine how far to show gas stations from the current location.
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Auto timeout on suggestions and recentre
So 2 issues found this week when using Waze on a motorbike
1. I got a route change suggestion 10 minutes into my journey, which needed a yes or no button pressing to action. This is really difficult on a bike as you often have a weather cover on the phone so to action I'd have to stop, remove gloves and phone, press it and then carry on. Why doesn't this have a timeout or a tick box in setting to automatically accept route updates?
2. The map was inadvertantly moved when I put the phone in its case and…1 vote -
When using Waze on an Ipad Air 4th gen in splitscreen with another app like Spotify the map doesn’t center itself with the new screen size
When using Waze on an Ipad Air 4th gen (or other devices) in splitscreen with another app like Spotify the map doesn’t center itself with the new screen size. It stays oriented to the right and you can barely see the car, would be great if it could adapt to the new screen size while multitasking!
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Always show map with North pointing up for 2D display mode ONLY.
Currently, the map display option to display the map with north pointing up affects both the 2D and 3D modes. 3D mode becomes useless with north always pointing up, so an option for the setting to only affect the 2D map would be welcome.
1 vote
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