Waze Suggestion Box
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778 results found
Mejora servicio Waze. Evitar enviar los clientes de Waze por caminos in practicables para el coche., come pasa para ir a la finca Aal Cachuc
No enviar los usuarios de Waze que van en coche por caminos no existentes como pasa para ir a la finca Aal Cachucho en San Agustín del Guadalix Madrid Spain. Se nesecita grúa para sacar los coches del camino indicado por Waze. Google Maps da la buena indicación.
Espero que me hacen caso y lo cambian ya que nos perjudica muchísimo. Att. Anita Lefebvre1 vote -
Map edit
I work at 310 Miwate Pvt. When clients use your map/GPS system, it takes them to the wrong address. Can you please update your map. You are missing the correct Miwate Pvt entirely and have the wrong street named as Miwate Pvt. I am unable to attach pictures to this, but if you use Google Maps to compare, you will see the errors.Thanks!!
1 voteThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
better display and choics
I have a 2022 Mazda C5. The fonts on the screen are in bold and not very sharp and clear.. Also, when I switch to Spotify as the main display Waze disappears.. Does not trade places like Google Maps. My display has a split screen, 60/40. Initially, Google maps is 60% and Spotify is 40% on start up. I can swap places, 660% Spotify and 40% Maps. Can't do that with Waze
1 vote -
Location of Cameras in Kerala
These are the location of cameras https://goo.gl/maps/X2nExYamhTr29DvPA
1 voteThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
An interesting idea has come to my mind
Sometimes we are in traffic, but we want to know the way ahead, we usually check the map with our fingers.
This is my ideaWhen we are in traffic, Fly to fly like a helishot
Waze looks like a heli shotCheck the route
Go above the traffic
Show us where there is traffic
1 vote -
Agregar ventana de salida en autopistas
En chile, Debiese crearse una ventana emergente al kilometro de llegada de una salida por autopista. ya que muchas veces se indica "gire a la derecha o bien, tome salida X. " esto a razon de que he visto en otros navegadores esta ventana emergente que indica la salida correcta, creando una imagen de por ejemplo 3 cruces e indicando cual hay que tomar.
para mas dudas contactarme si no se comprende la idea
1 vote -
White screen
במצב רכב המסך למעלה הופך ללבן ולא רואים את השעה
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Indentificar zonas norte, sul, leste oste por cor com um fundo tranparente tipo zona leste amarelo... Como as linhas do metro
Olá, meu nome é Moisés, sou motorista Uber e em São Paulo, as vezes não sei se estou na zona leste sul, norte,oeste seria legal se fosse como nas linhas de ônibus só a leste fundo amarelo, zona oeste laranja... Ficaria mais fácil saber quando está saindo da zona sul e entrando na zona leste por exemplo.
1 vote -
Minimizar mapa
Uso o waze para navegar trabalhando como motorista de app. Só que no app da 99 ele fica com um DEFEITO. Quando o app toca, chamando para uma corrida, ele se desconfigura a rota toda. Já mexi nas configurações, mas nada conserta isso. Aí qndo para de tocar a corrida tem que voltar a iniciar o trajeto no app da 99 para que ele receba novamente a rota. Isso atrapalha bastante.Outro detalhe é que facilitará bastante se ele passar a ter a mesma função que o Google maps tem de minimizar o mapa, ficando em miniatura no cantinho.…
1 vote -
Customizeable auto-zoom thresholds
Sometimes when I'm driving at a specific speed limit, Waze will adjust my speed +/- 1mph, which is enough to be constantly changing the auto zoom amount.
If we could customize the speeds at which each zoom level occurs, we can select speeds we don't normally cruise at to prevent this.
1 vote -
Notifications from other sites
Blocking other notifications while in route. Or blocking banner alerts while in route. I hate getting alerts from other apps while im using waze and driving. Im also liking the custom voice alerts. Havnt used it yet. But just recorded my versions. Can’t wait to try it out with the family.
1 vote -
sliding scale for notification allowed
I was using waze on my journey yesterday and after a lot of use, confirming hazards, when I went to add a missing one, I received a notification that I was blocked from adding any due to mis use or something like that.
As a Royalty wazer! With over 10 years experience and a Map editor, it was a surprise that I couldn't add information to a community driven map!
Please help me understand why I was blocked?
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
The arrows for forks on the map
The arrows for forks on the map shows the end of the forks while it should show the start of the forks like google map
1 vote -
Spain and French flags
Hi! I noticed that in some countries when arriving to the border, the flag of the country appears and when you go to Spain or to France from Spain the flag doesn't appear.
Please, could you add the flags?Thanks!
Best regards.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
No phone lock
No screen lock when resume viewing the map.
1 vote -
Make Bluetooth connection the same as a Google Maps (not a phone call) and no ads covering of the route in progress
Thanks for writing back.
It’s just hard To use Waze when (ads) they cover the route it makes it difficult to visually see.
And then the way Waze’s Bluetooth connection works Diles my phone number instead of just connecting to the car itself.
I understand you’re a separate thing than Google maps but being google product I thought maybe you would share that technology.
Hope you’re having a good week
1 vote -
Quick reporting buttons on the screen.
The on screen button\icon would allow you to report road hazards with one touch on hte screen. Currently you have to make at least 4 inputs to report the most common hazards. Would make reporting hazards a lot safer.
0 votes -
Helishot in traffic
hello admin
Sometimes we are in traffic and we check the map with our fingers
The idea is this
In the form of a heli cam flight, check the route and show us the next traffic0 votes
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