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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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537 results found

  1. Different route choices...

    I live in Phoenix and try to avoid I-17 it is a terrible highway narrow and heavy traffic and lots of accidents. It seems like waze always sends me to I-17 whenever going north and south. I started using google maps it gives me choices. Is there a way to get choices on Waze?

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  2. Editing permissions - change request

    I suggest to chane some editing pernissions as follows (the current required level is given in parenthisis):

    1. Giving a "narrow street" road type to a segment: 3 (1)
    2. Entering a TBR / TBTR (this includes difficult turn and toll road designation): 3 (1)
    3. Enter a turn instruction override: 3 (1)
    4. Delete a segment that someone else created: 3 (2)
    5. Create a new MTE: 4 (1)
    6. View RTC details (view only): 1 (4)
    7. View of house numbers: 1 (2)
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  3. Stop automatic editing over all recordings

    About two months ago a change was made so that every recorded segment is automatically edited by a bot (admin). It is suggested to cancel this change. This will make it easier to recognize a recoding, especially when scripts are used which make it difficult to notice the segment's color. A recording was previously recognized by having just a "created" line and without an "edited" line. We now cannot be sure whether the segment was edited between its creation and the admin edit, and we have to open the segment history or stop the scripts which color the segments.

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  4. Make Waze IPv6 Friendly

    Please make Editor and in general domain IPv6 compatible.

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  5. custom alerts

    I would like to be able to place custom warnings in WME that come through to the app.

    - certain tunnels see a lot of truckers or camper vans getting jammed because they are too large to enter.
    - school area's getting dangerous when people who do not know the area are routed through due to a traffic jam somewhere else.

    I imagine this like placing a speedcam in WME but then beeing able to fill in a message (with a set maximum of characters).
    We could use those to put warnings in problematic areas, and these can…

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  6. Facilitate the addition/editing of rivers, lakes and water cover

    Drawing large rivers on the map, for example, is torture. Although there are scripts that "help" the task, Waze should add its own feature to add water covers, instead of the place editors as it is today.

    My suggestion is that each type of water cover has its own type of editor. For example, to draw a river, the editor draws a line that follows the direction of the river and chooses the width, Waze then fills in smoothly, that is, with several "dots".

    Another suggestion is the possibility of connecting aquatic elements, such as connecting the river to a…

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  7. WME Chat Time Stamps

    WME Chat should have a time stamp so we know when someone commented.

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  8. WME notification shouldn't reset counter of PMs in forum

    If I get a new private message while I'm in WME, the notification shows a tiny 1, and the counter of unread PMs in the forum is reset to 0. The counter should be reset only after the PM has been read in the forum.

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  9. Allow searching for Comments

    It would be helpful to search for specific comments. For example, comments with "TODO" in the title.

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  10. Description field for road closures

    You want to pass on information about a road closure to other editors so that they can see why a closure was entered. A description field for internal information would be great, as with restrictions. At the moment you have to share the information, for example, through an extra map comment.

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  11. Add gates to the map that can be opened, or closed, for each individual wazer

    Every private installation currently has two, or more, roles (employee/visitor/secret/resident/etc) that are often poorly understood by the map editors. Currently, editors are forced to choose one role then use various segment types to direct wazers to the gate(s) used by that role. For example, in a gated neighborhood we might set the public entrance to local street while all of the resident-only entrances are private road.

    This idea is to have WME support a gate icon that could be dropped onto a segment. These gates would then be visible on the app's map as buttons which a wazer could select…

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  12. Create or Save and edit drive route and daily commute


    It would be great if we can create and alter our own drive route. While it is great that Waze does suggest the best route at the time, there might be more alternate routes that do not appear on the list. If we could be able to create and edit out own route, we avoid a certain toll road, but go on another. or choose a certain toll entry point over another that could save us a couple of dollars every trip.

    Or if Waze could use and save our already travelled daily commutes? that would make it easier…

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  13. Allow importing of map problems by Country Coordinators/Global Champs

    There are various tools and open data sources available in several countries that allow us to pinpoint locations on the map where someone should take a look to make sure everything is up to date. I think it would be great if coordinators could upload a file to Waze that would result in map problems appearing in the WME at those locations. There are some userscripts out there for specific cases that can already show such an overview, but that would require all editors to have that script installed.

    Minimum viable product:
    Certain editors get access to a form where…

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  14. Remove restriction types in WME for vehicle types and restrictions that are not currently in-app to choose

    Remove all vehicle types in WME, that you cannot currently choose within the Waze App.

    This won't apply to vehicle types that are currently planned to be released to the app, but the "Truck" and "Bus" types haven't been selectable in the App for some time now. This is very confusing for newer editors who are trying to make edits, using vehicle types that will have no effect on anything.

    Similarly please remove the "lane" restrictions like specific restrictions only for the left lane, etc. These do not work and in some edge cases, actually apply to the whole segment…

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  15. Allow assigning house numbers from the map while there.

    I go a lot of places and the house numbers in some areas are either nonexistent or just plain wrong. It would be nice to edit the map while on the street with the house numbers.

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  16. Submit corrections

    Is there a way to submit corrections? Waze has my address wrong. It sends people to a nearby street. This is a big problem now as I am having groceries delivered during the pandemic. Thanks for any assistance.

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  17. Consolidate the two WME suggestion boxes

    Please consolidate the two Uservoice-based WME suggestion boxes. There has been a "Waze Map Editor" subcategory of the "Waze Suggestion Box" for at least a few years, and due to default links and navigation that is still an easier suggestion box to find than this one. Or, is there a reason to have two different suggestion boxes for WME?

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  18. Route by best value rather than fastest route

    Waze has, on multiple occasions, suggested long detours that are expected to only be a few minutes faster. When you consider the fuel-costs, cost to operate, etc. this is equivalent to paying a toll to save a few minutes.

    If a wazer could specify the value of their time and the cost of operating their vehicle then the route planning could find the route with the lowest cost (cost being value of one minute X duration of drive plus operating cost X length of drive).

    Since many wazers might not understand how to determine the correct value for their time…

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  19. Please, add 'morgue' to the list of POI type in map editor.

    Please, add 'morgue' to the list of POI type in map editor because I'm not sure what exactly category I have to select for it. Thanks!

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  20. A Superintendência da Barra mudou de nome, para Subprefeitura da Barra, Recreio e Vargens. Endereço: Avenida Ayrton Senna, 2001 Barra da T

    A Superintendência da Barra mudou de nome, para Subprefeitura da Barra, Recreio e Vargens.

    Endereço: Avenida Ayrton Senna, 2001
    Barra da Tijuca
    Rio de Janeiro

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