Map Editor Suggestions
Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!
This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.
1197 results found
Indiquer le prix des parkings
Sur un parking payant connaitre les tarifs comme un péage.
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Sync Discuss Notifications
Discuss notifications should be visible through the notification button built into the editor. This would boost engagement and help people get reminders of beta releases, updates to unlock requests, etc.
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Crosswalk Hazard
Adding the feature to mark crosswalks that require you to yield to pedestrians. In many of our towns there are random crosswalks that are not part of an intersection that state law requires drivers to yield to any pedestrians that walk out into it. It would be nice to have a hazard similar to the speed bump hazard to mark these locations.
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WME personal and Group Layer notices.
First if all the WME
To be able to add areas finished or areas of Interest or unfinished areas. To be shown only to yourself or to a group.Also to be able to see that area in the Waze APP.
So you can see areas that needs to be explored.I have notification layers for different addresses and streets confirmed, also areas that is boudneries to the ones i work in.
This is a mess to other users. But really good for me to keep track of things.
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Waze debería indicar la distancia a la localidad más próxima que esté sobre la ruta.
Waze debería indicar la distancia a la localidad más próxima que esté sobre la ruta, incluyendo su nombre. Actualmente, sólo indica la distancia a la próxima rotonda o bifurcación.
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Enhancing Waze with User-Contributed Neighborhood Names
As an avid user of Waze, I've experienced firsthand the convenience and efficiency this remarkable app offers. From navigating traffic congestion to discovering new routes, Waze has revolutionized the way we travel. However, there's always room for improvement, and I believe one feature that could significantly enhance the app is the ability for members to add neighborhood names to city maps.
Why This Feature Matters:
Local Insights: Who better to accurately name and define neighborhoods than the residents themselves? By allowing users to contribute neighborhood names, Waze can tap into local knowledge, ensuring that the app reflects the true identity…
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An option to turn off camera alerts on daily routes
It would be useful for the app to have an option provided to users to turn off speed camera/ average speed zone alerts on daily routes where the user would already know the locations of.
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New icon
Hello, I think you should enable a new option in the weather section for dust and low visibility, in high humidity this happens when the air becomes full of dust and dust reduces the visibility. And the option for the police, the police who put the speed camera in the police car and every time it is placed somewhere, there should be a special icon for the moving speed camera. Currently there is only a police icon for the speed camera, it would be much better if it had its own icon
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Additional Data from Past Trips
It would be helpful to access average speed and top speed data for past trips, with timestamps.
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по-големи улици
Предложението ми е, да се направи по-зуумната картата, така, че иконата на автомобила да се показва точно в платното за движение. А не както в момента да се носи над пътя! Това б било доста поориентиращо какато и по-красиво изглеждащо/
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לחצן "רכב נעצר בשולי הדרך
היי,ממליצה לקצר את התהליך ללחיצה על רכב נעצר בשולי הדרך. זו ההתרעה הכי נפוצה וכרגע נדרשים 3 שלבים כדי להתריע. . תודה
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Animais na rua
As cidades brasileiras estão cheias de animais abandonados ou em condição de rua. Milhares são atropelados todos os anos. Avisar os motoristas sobre estes animais, pode salvar muitas vidas.
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Add km and miles distance to the navigation screen
Please, update the app to show the distance with both km and miles at the same time.
On the bottom of the navigation screen (after setting the destination) there is plenty of space, I grew up on a country that uses km, now I live in the US that uses miles, but it will take a long time to get used to it, therefore showing both simultaneously (e.g 10 mi / 16 km) would be perfect!1 vote -
A tool to leave flooding points saved as if they were the user's favorites so that they can be activated and deactivated when necessary.
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Signposts and crossings
The possibility of adding signage points and pedestrian and cycle crossings, as on open street map.
Signage is often unclear, especially horizontal signs during road resurfacing work. It would be helpful if the navigator warned of pedestrian crossings and signals such as giving way and stop signs.1 vote -
Controlli di Polizia
Oltre che segnalare gli autovelox fissi o temporanei, avere la possibilità di segnalare i posti di blocco di controlli delle pattuglie di Polizia/Carabinieri.
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Public construction site road network editors
Creating an account for construction site managers to be able to add site road networks and speed limits within private construction sites. This would enable clear directions within private construction sites with detailed information including specific delivery locations, specific work zones or site offices, etc.
The feature could be made available per construction site to a selected manager and a secondary person under an approved waze editor who would validate additions / changes before they are published to ensure they are valid.
This could potentially also be a revenue stream as you could have a small subscription fee to enable…1 vote -
Edit in easy Residential/Commercial Construction Area on Level 1
I was looking to add an easy designated construction area with an entrance that would have its own designation instead of placing it under "Other" on my Level 1. The residential/commercial project also dose not have a name so I placed the Company, and project affiliates in the description.
The edit submitted seemed to be dry and non-descriptive because of the lack of options. I am not looking to apply for a larger numerical level, but would prefer that the Level 1 be updated on the computer dashboard.
There are major construction obstructions on the street that have no designation…1 vote -
A vehicle driving against traffic on a highway
I suggest reporting a threat - a vehicle driving against traffic
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I would like the Level 1 Gold cloud to be a Normal NoN damaged Gold Cloud
I understand that new users are given beginning editing tools that culminate in results that would resemble the current status of the picture. Having had premium hands on knowledge with Photo/Video editing software I came to the conclusion that many mistakes were made because of the Waze editing software.
I have my name to this account and would like to request the picture represents Gold is a better light.1 vote
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