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508 results found

  1. Grupos de amigos

    Estaria bueno que se pueda hacer un grupo de amigos. - En donde cada grupo se unan por invitacion -
    Y los participantes puedan ver a todos los integrantes de ese grupo por donde estan en el mapa y al hacer clik en el icono ver a donde se dirigen.
    Esto puede ser muy util entre los conductores de apps como uber, didi, beat y cabify.
    Ya que de esa forma al armar un grupo cerrado se puede ver si un compañero esta en riesgo o si nesecita ayuda se puede trazar una ruta mas rapida

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  2. Display alphabet and voice guiding

    Hello Waze developres!

    I just drove through countries that use other alphabets than latin (cyrillic, greek). Waze gave me two nasty surprizes.

    First: place names are displayed using the local alphabet, ignoring my interface language choice. Reading names / finding a place was impossible while driving, although i partially know those alphabets. Imagine having to stop on a highway just to find a place. I had to blindly follow the path to intended final destination, without being able to recognize anything on route. I strongly suggest displaying place names in an alphabet matching the user selection for interface language. Or…

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  3. Estimated Time not shown before clicking Go Now

    When you enter the Where To, it gives the distance but NOT the estimated driving time. You only see the time when you click Go Now which starts the actual navigation when all I want to know is how long it would take to get there so I can know to plan ahead eg for making appointments.

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  4. Inclusao de pasta ou Grupos para organizar a funcão de " Meus Locais Favoritos"

    seria interessante permitir criar Categorias, coleçao ou pasta em locais salvos para otimizar a procura dos Favoritos. Sinto falta dessa opçao que os rivais Maps e Here ja tem a muito tempo.
    Não e interessante para quem tem muitos locais salvos uma lista única grande pois perde-se muito tempo pra se localizar o local salvo desejado ainda mais se estiver dirigindo podendo desviar um bom tempo da atenção no transito.

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  5. Improve safety:

    Make it easier to report issues on the road so that we don't really have to take our eyes off the road to make the report..

    Now if I want to report an object or car, I need to press way too many buttons while driving. It's a huge distraction and we don't need so many details.

    You can change it to a simple "Warning" instead of specifying exactly what it is (object? car? police? ...)...I would have a warning button that's always in the corner of the screen, and then a big interface pops up where you choose if…

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  6. Customizable arrow

    The arrow that determines ourselves on the map is currently blue with a white outline. I think it could be a nice implementation in the app itself if we had the choice to change that. For example, a grey arrow with an orange outline.

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  7. In iran waze is blocked wich goverment but iranian user very like waze please add proxy similar telegram to waze to we use easily from waze

    In iran waze is blocked wich goverment but iranian user very like waze please add proxy similar telegram to waze to we use easily from waze

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  8. Battery Saver always on

    Option to have battery saver always-on by default. It's a poor user experience to have to set this manually for EVERY journey for those that want to have the battery as high as practitable before exiting the car and/or save their OLED screens from burning. Not everyone uses a charger in the car. And most phones use OLED screens.

    'Automatically turn on' is there as an option, but it waits for battery to become low before kicking in, which rather defeats the object of saving battery (it's too late if it's already become low!) and meanwile you risk burning the…

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  9. return to arrow icon not working properly

    the return to arrow icon does not stay selected once having a different icon for your car on the map, and then wanting to go back to the arrow icon.

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  10. Having a list for splitting the save place. For example I have children activities, different customers, parents houses...

    Having a list for splitting the save place. For example I have children activities, different customers, parents houses...

    I have a problem with this because, for example i have 4 address for kids activities, 3 parents place to go, 3 working addresses, 7 favourite places.

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  11. Too hard to report object on road

    There are too ma y steps to report an object on the road. Report > hazard > scroll down > object on road.

    Maybe have voice activated reporting?

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  12. lane guidance hov

    add yellow arrows for HOV lane guidance

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  13. Change from silence to indications with less clicks

    When I change from silence to indications I must click ok that i consider unnecessary.

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  14. Don't automatically start giving directions

    I say where to go, then look at rout and options. But before I can decide the app automatically starts yelling directions loudly (in restaurant it's embarrassing). Google Maps waits untill I press the Start button. Maybe that can be an option setting, I HATE your presumption and being forced!

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  15. Search bar Rework + Favorites Customization

    The search feature feels a little bit messy. Instead of having your recent searches listed under your favorites, let’s add a button for recent searches, just like the buttons for gas, food, etc. Next, Instead of having only your work and home favorites listed, let’s list all of your favorite places under the search bar. You can also add the ability to customize your other favorites with icons similar to work and home. A school icon would be very popular, and adding a boy or a girl icon for a friend’s house could be useful. You could also add other…

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  16. Drop a pin, select the wrong report category, but you cannot go back to correct like before

    Release 4.101 is a step backwards. When I drop a pin and mistakenly select the wrong kind of report (for example tapping Police when I really wanted to tap Hazard) you can no longer go back to make the correct choice, you have to cancel the pin drop and start from scratch. The problem is now the new pin will be a few hundred yards further down the road than the hazard, which is not useful, especially for potholes, debris and the like. Please restore the ability to keep the pin drop but go back to the initial "What do…

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  17. Drop a pin, select the wrong report category, but you cannot go back to correct like before

    Release 4.101 is a step backwards. When I drop a pin and mistakenly select the wrong kind of report (for example tapping Police when I really wanted to tap Hazard) you can no longer go back to make the correct choice, you have to cancel the pin drop and start from scratch. The problem is now the new pin will be a few hundred yards further down the road than the hazard, which is not useful, especially for potholes, debris and the like. Please restore the ability to keep the pin drop but go back to the initial "What do…

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  18. Option to sort, and save, Favourites order

    Please, give us an option to sort our Favourites alphabetically and from the most recent to the older (and vice versa), and that change to be saved!

    It's 2024, someone already requested it (or something identical) in 2016 and Waze doesn't seem to care.

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  19. Notification prioritisation

    Sometimes when there is a vehicle stopped near a speed camera, the app will prioritise showing the stopped vehicle over the speed camera. Can we have a setting to allow us to set notification priorities to dictate which notifications are shown ahead of others.

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  20. Waze zoom

    While using Waze on Android Auto, request that the map zoom to remain active when the user uses the + or - zoom function. The + or - zoom button function currently resets to a preset full out view within a few seconds after increasing map zoom and is not maintaining the zoom view the user selects.

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