Option to keep "battery saver" always on
Waze has this new "battery saver" feature that dims the screen when there is a long way until the next turn/action. As I understand, currently this feature only kicks in when the battery level is low (<25%). Or you can manually turn it on for a current trip, but it revert to the default behaviour next time you start Waze.
I suggest to add an option to keep it ALWAYS on. Because I would like to use it all the time... Even if the battery level is not low, I'd like to save it for the rest of the day. One way to implement this would be, for example, to make the threshold battery level adjustable - so it would be 25% by default, and I would set it to 100% (=always on).

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
martunis79 commented
This is a must have! Specially for people that often do long trips.
Catch All commented
This should indeed to done. It's a very poor user experience to have to go into settings and set this for EVERY journey.
'Automatically turn on' is there as an option, but it waits for battery to become low before kicking in. It's too late if it's already become low!
Anian commented
Hello, I also want to stress, that this would be a great and desperately needed feature, that I think a lot of Daily Active Users like myself would really appreciate.
Billy commented
If you look at the option on waze it says, "automatically turn on". One would think that when you enable waze then the feature automatically comes on. 🤷🙄🤔
Jan commented
I want this
piem14b commented
I also want this feature! It would not be rocket science to include and it's not very hard fro anyone decide what it is for.
If you drive outside the city and there aren't many navigation commands this helps a lot save save battery power for the rest of the day. -
Eran commented
I too, want this very much, its annoying to have to do this every time!
Didier Loiseau commented
Come on Waze! Please make this happen! And don't close ideas if you are not actually planning or rejecting them...
Ryan Smart commented
When will this be. Sound easy to implement
Alistair commented
Now that Waze blocks entering the settings menu once a route has been activated. Please add this feature, burn-in is a real problem for OLED screens...
Gerard Dang commented
This was suggested way back in 2017, and yet there still isn't an option to keep it ALWAYS on. C'mon Waze!
Sam Liveson commented
I just searched for this feature and an excited to see it here. I love battery saver and would certainly select for it to always be on. Thank you!
Jan Hudec commented
please add this, I wish to have it in Waze since long time ago
Jibi Thomas commented
Please add option to keep battery saver enabled at all times!
Wayne commented
Please add this feature. The option to have battery saver on while charging doesn't work -- please fix it.
Anonymous commented
Protecting OLED screens from burn in would really help with this.
Yanki Erwin commented
Add the battery saver buttom on the front menu pleasee
Anonymous commented
Please add the option to turn on Battery Saver for every drive or just leave it permanently enabled. I really like how it saves my battery & helps avoid image burn on my display, but it is annoying to have to manually enable it each time I use Waze.
There are also too many steps to manually enable battery saver.
Using Battery Saver on long trips is amazing since you could be just driving along the same road for hours.
Having the ability to always use battery saver is essentially equivalent to introducing a "new" Screen Saver feature - ie even people only interested in protecting their displays will love using this option.
Snaps commented
I am using Waze day in day out on a wireless charger in the car. This means having the screen on always reduces the charging efficiency.
Additionally, when using the screen for 3-4 hours a day, waze burns in into the screen quite quickly.
Would it be possible to turn on the energy saving mode by default with more customization features (like timeout/distanceout, part dimming, etc.)?
Eugene commented
Can You please add Battery Saver switch to main screen or make it more accessible? I mean to switch it on by one or two taps, for example.Regards.