As a person with type 1 diabetes, it is important to monitor your blood glucose levels, even for parents who have a child with type 1 diabetes in the back seat.
Most common blood sugar monitors are freestyle libre from abott and the g6 from dexcom. They have interfaces that allow to "follow" the current meassure values.
I would like to see these messages displayed on the navigation screen, so a Type 1 driver (or parent) can monitor his condition without looking at an app on his phone.
Task: Please allow access to these interfaces and disply the data on the main screen from within waze.
As a person with type 1 diabetes, it is important to monitor your blood glucose levels, even for parents who have a child with type 1 diabetes in the back seat.
Most common blood sugar monitors are freestyle libre from abott and the g6 from dexcom. They have interfaces that allow to "follow" the current meassure values.
I would like to see these messages displayed on the navigation screen, so a Type 1 driver (or parent) can monitor his condition without looking at an app on his phone.
Task: Please allow access to these interfaces and disply the data on the main screen from within waze.