Please build a Waze version for Raspbian! Please, please, please. Here are a few reasons:
1. Rasbperry makes one of the cheapest, most versatile, modular and easy to hack hardware platforms for a Car Navi-Media System
2. Raspbian already allows for customisations supporting best software combos for car navi-media (Kodi, pi-cam, py-obd2, etc)
3. Android on Raspberry does not support well video outputs so it's not an alternative yet, as an operating system for the purpose of building a car navi-media.
4. Expand the user base of waze BEYOND the actual limitations (smartphone users, modern car owners) and reach for people with older cars, tinkerers, etc), by such increasing the community size, interaction and the revenues for Waze.
Please build a Waze version for Raspbian! Please, please, please. Here are a few reasons:
1. Rasbperry makes one of the cheapest, most versatile, modular and easy to hack hardware platforms for a Car Navi-Media System
2. Raspbian already allows for customisations supporting best software combos for car navi-media (Kodi, pi-cam, py-obd2, etc)
3. Android on Raspberry does not support well video outputs so it's not an alternative yet, as an operating system for the purpose of building a car navi-media.
4. Expand the user base of waze BEYOND the actual limitations (smartphone users, modern car owners) and reach for people with older cars, tinkerers, etc), by such increasing the community size, interaction and the revenues for Waze.