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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

Looking forward to reviewing your ideas,
The Waze Communities Team.

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90 results found

  1. Editing permissions - change request

    I suggest to chane some editing pernissions as follows (the current required level is given in parenthisis):

    1. Giving a "narrow street" road type to a segment: 3 (1)
    2. Entering a TBR / TBTR (this includes difficult turn and toll road designation): 3 (1)
    3. Enter a turn instruction override: 3 (1)
    4. Delete a segment that someone else created: 3 (2)
    5. Create a new MTE: 4 (1)
    6. View RTC details (view only): 1 (4)
    7. View of house numbers: 1 (2)
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  2. Link points POI to an Area POI

    Hi guys,

    The idea is to link points POI to a Area POI.
    For example, linking stores in a Mall or linking a company office in a building.
    It's also to avoid this kind of editions : ... 157&zoom=6.
    I think this will help editors to determinate which stores or companies are present in a Mall/building and help user to use the right entry to go to shopping or working.
    It will be a plus if you can also link, a point POI entry on an Area POI entry.

    by Ardillon42
    Link to original suggestion:

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  3. Tag URs with "Not Following"

    I tried finding a post that described this problem but I could not find it, in case there is one, it can be merged to that thread.

    tl;dr Add a tag to URs when the user is not registered or not following a UR.

    Not long ago ronsek57 told me that users, who just opened the app and never registered, are able to send URs but they never receive any of our messages asking for more information. I tested that on three URs (IDs 11946180, 11946458, 11946459), I am not adding permalinks because they already disappeared from WME.

    I sent…

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    Thank you very much for taking the time for thinking of it. As it was mentioned in the forum before, as for now, this suggestion will not be implemented.

    We are currently working on some other changes to our conversations.


  4. Enable Undo after Save

    It happened to me a couple of times. I deleted and element, clicked Save, and then understood it wasn't the element I meant to delete.

    It would be great to enable undo changes that have been just saved.

    by lg1992
    Link to original suggestion:

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  5. Parking Lots: Show Payment Types only when needed

    Please consider showing the 11 payment types checkboxes only when the "Cost" dropdown has "Low", "Moderate" or "Expensive" selected.

    This will help you to have consistent information too: For example, what does it mean that a free parking log accepts Credit Cards as a payment type?

    by bedo2991
    Link to original suggestion:

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  6. Clean restrictions type


    Now that restrictions are limited to actual supported vehicules, can data be cleaned in those actives?

    Truck, coach... are visible but can't be deleted.

    Hope I'm clear enough :D


    by JohnDoe75
    Link to the original suggestion:

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    Thank you for this suggestion, but we won’t move forward. with it.

    We left these in order to avoid deleting data that the editors worked on. This way, if we will support these in the future, the data will still be there.
    The data, as said, is not interfering with the app.


  7. Moderation to merge Places

    It is not allowed to merge places with lock larger that your level.
    Could stay pending for moderation?

    by ErsonSergio
    Link to original suggestion:

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  8. Vehicle restricted closures

    Now: the closures are for all vehicles.

    SUG: possibility of applying a closure for a certain type of vehicle and not for others, for example: closures only for taxis.

    Idea by brooha40
    Link to the original suggestion in beta forum:

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  9. Automatic flag on unused places

    Many places in the WME are not used for various reasons: The place was closed or moved, the place was created for an event that has passed, the place was wrongly created, the place exists but nobody uses it for routing. During the years, the number of such "garbage" places is growing, and will continue to grow forever.
    There must be some way of cleaning these places from the map.
    It is suggested that every place (excluding RPP and natural features) that nobody set it as a destination for 15 months, will be automatically flagged, with a reason that the…

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  10. Unlimited Sign for Germany


    in Germany, we have no speed limit on many roads. At the moment we do not enter a limit on roads without a speed limit. However, this often leads to confusion, because users do not know if a speed limit was not entered for a segment or if there is no speed limit on this segment.

    It would be great if there was a possibility to enter a "unlimited sign" for Segments without a speed limit!

    For example, you could simply insert a symbol like this "/" into the speed field in WME and in the Waze-App users get…

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  11. A true support for bilingual countries

    I noticed that Waze doesn't approach bilingual countries just like GMM does.
    For example, in GMM, we can write multiple names for the same road in 2 different languages and based on the user's current phone language chosen, the map changes accordingly.
    Unfortunately that doesn't happen in Waze, we are stuck in 1 language only, even if we add "Alternative" name.

    Here in Kuwait, we use both Arabic and English (Even street signs are written in both Arabic and English) , in Google Maps we are having no problems since most of the roads in the map are written in…

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  12. Temporary Speed Limits for construction

    Allow editors to set Temporary Speed limits, similar to a closing, that will time out to the default, road set limit, after the time period has lapsed. It would be able to be set for the same time period as the closure, if desired, or during events, if necessary.

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  13. Add sub-places tab

    Please add a tab for places (in addition to General, More info, Photos). This tab will include a (sorted) list of sub-places that exist in the building. Each such sub-place will be searchable in the application and will appear as: sub-place name, place name, address.
    A mall may have 100 stores, all these store will be gathered in the tab of the mall and not as distinct point places, and will appear in the search as: Mall name – store name, address of the mall.
    An office building that contains 40 private offices (lawyers, accountants, etc.) will be a…

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  14. New Feature Request - When a photo must be rejected

    It would be nice to have a comment window or a multi-choice button list in WME to send to the Wazer who submitted a rejectable photo so that we can tell them why the photo is being rejected:

    • This photo shows a person's face
    • This photo is too blurry
    • This photo shows a license plate
    • This photo is not helpful in identifying the place

    ...and so forth. It would be something more than just "this does not meet our community standards."

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  15. Put a Seed on the Production map (from the Editor) to "ask for specific questions" to actual wazers

    Could be used for many things.
    My idea would be:
    a) Wazer, do you see a traffic light in "this" corner?
    1. Yes
    2. No

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  16. Edit favorites on the map editor

    Enable favorite editing in map editor. This would be an easier way to make include of several favorites or POIs help in planning a trip.

    Ideally it would allow planning with historic traffic data (similar to Google Maps) allowing to establish the travel time between them and estimate the arrival time .

    Alternatively the Waze can import the saved locations from Google Maps, so it should be possible to link the Waze has Google Maps account.

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  17. Require Place Update Request approvers to confirm deletions & other major changes

    Please add an extra layer of confirmation before saving in WME, if approving a PUR would remove a Place, change it from an Area to a Point, or change it from Public to Residential (all actions that delete a lot of data).

    A change of the place's primary name should also require an extra layer of confirmation before saving, this is even more common than deletion although less immediately destructive.

    Why do I bring this up? A Rank 6 editor, or possibly Waze staff, recently deleted the Area Place for San Francisco International Airport. It had been locked at Rank…

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  18. Change timing of color change for URs in Feed in WME

    Presently, the bubbles in the WME Feed for URs change to Orange around 6 or 7 days, and Red at 10 days, to indicate attention is needed for a stale UR. Most AMs think this timing is too long. Either set the color change to a standard enterprise-wide timing (4-7 seems to be the most popular), or allow editors to set the color changes to personal preference.

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  19. Let me create custom routes on the map editor, that can be pushed to my device(s).

    I know all the best routes from work to home and vice versa. Let me create those routes in the map editor then "push" or I can "fetch" them to my device(s). Then when I get in my car and open waze and asks if I'm going home or to work the first routes it pulls from are my custom ones, and creates a heat map list or something that I can choose from.

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  20. Add function to upload Point of Interest (POI) and Speed Camera databases

    An easier editor should be available to upload bulk CSV data of POI and Speed Camera databases, instead of updating and marking one by one. This would help smaller communities get up to speed with Waze updates.

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