In, in english, when you wanna report police you can do it :visible, hidden or other side, but in romanian you can report: Filtru (filter), Radar fix/mobil (fix/mobile Radar) or other side. The problems are: The fix radar is ilegal, and a police filter is hard to see in our streets. Insteed we have a lot of policemen in the intersections making good job and directing the traffic. SO, would be better that we could report: 1.radar or filter, 2.guided intersection(or something like this) and 3.other side ( or something else). Thank you.
In, in english, when you wanna report police you can do it :visible, hidden or other side, but in romanian you can report: Filtru (filter), Radar fix/mobil (fix/mobile Radar) or other side. The problems are: The fix radar is ilegal, and a police filter is hard to see in our streets. Insteed we have a lot of policemen in the intersections making good job and directing the traffic. SO, would be better that we could report: 1.radar or filter, 2.guided intersection(or something like this) and 3.other side ( or something else). Thank you.